Chapter 9


"I can't believe it, Pyrrha Nikos is dating her partner." I heard someone whisper.

"What? Him? No way!" Another person said in disbelief.

"I saw her kiss him yesterday." I heard a new person.

"Jaune, you ok?" Pyr asked.

"I'm fine." I smiled.

"He'll just drag her down. He's the worst in our class. She should find someone better."

"Isn't Jaune the one that jumped off the roof?"

"She likes leaders, huh? I'm better than him. I can actually attack Grimm."

"Pyrrha is probably dating him so he won't try to commit suicide again." The faceless whispers kept going.

"Is it just me or is anyone feeling like there's a tension in the air?" Yang asked.

"It's there all right." I mumbled.

"Oh, ok." She said in relief.

"I don't know why they let Jaune come back. He clearly can't handle being a Huntsman."

"She's dating the goofball? What does she see?"

"They'll break up. Trust me."

"Guys, I don't think I can do this today." I gluped.

"Wh-" Ren stopped Pyr from asking me and got up. I did too, leaving my food behind.

We got to a quieter part of the hall, "They were talking me and Pyrrha. I couldn't… couldn't-"

"Take it. I heard them, too. People are jealous and vicious. She loves you, no matter what they say, Jaune." Ren reassured.

"It's just so hard." I said.

"Do you want to talk to Professor Ozpin about it?" He reached for his scroll.

"Maybe later. I don't want to go near people right now." That drained me more than it should have.

"Of course." He opened the door to our dorm. I walked in and lied in my bed for a bit until I accidently took a nap.

I woke up with Pyrrha holding me from behind. She noticed my stirring and let me up, "It's lunchtime. Ren went to eat. He told me why you left. I should have known people would gossip about my relationship. It's the life of a celebrity. I'm sorry, Jaune."

"No, it's not your fault. It's just they kept saying you could do better and that I'm not able to handle being a Huntsmen. That you're dating me out of pity. Someone said "They'll break up. Trust me." so confidently. Like they wanted it to end soon." I hung my head.

"Jaune, the only ones who decide to end our relationship is us. I'm dating you because you have shown you care for me, not my status. Go talk to Ozpin, ok? Before dinner." She asked of me.

"Sure." I got out my scroll and called him.

"Jaune?" The cane user asked.

"Um, when can I come see you? People are gossiping and I don't know how to handle it." I waited nervously. Pyr rubbed my back.

"You can come in now." He told me.

"Ok, thanks." I hung up, "He said I could go in now."

"I'll walk you there." She slid out of bed.

We went to the tower and I rode the elevator to Ozpin's office. He had my chair out and I sat down. I told him everything I had heard other students say and he taught me how to cope with the negative comments. After I got the basics down, he told me to come in immediately after I thought I needed to talk to him. I said I would, but it wouldn't be easy. I went to the last class of the day and then had dinner with everyone. I focused on my friends instead the whispers. Dinner was much better than breakfast.

We were hanging out in our dorm. Pyr was holding me and playing with my hair. Ren was distracting Nora as best he could. Nora was playing on her scroll, but I had a feeling she had an ear on us.

"Pyr, we're going to face a lot of bumps and turmoil. I have my issues and stuff. It's going to hard." I said softly.

"I know, Sweetie. I'm not perfect either. We'll go day-by-day." She kissed the back of my head.

"I'm glad I didn't die though. I don't think I would be happy in the afterlife." I chuckled.

"And don't ever scare me like that again, got it, mister?" She said mostly stern.

"Just help me be a better person and you won't have to worry… As much." I kissed her arm.

"Of course. We're Huntsmen so I'll always worry a little." Pyrrha added.

"I love you." I turned around and kissed her on the lips.

"Love you, too." She said before we kissed again.