If there was anywhere that Naruto Uzumaki felt safest these days it was being snuggled up next to his mother with her wing covering him, shielding him from the world. There was something reassuring in the darkness that encompassed him every time he was hidden. The heartbeat of the alicorn, the warmth of her body, and the softness of her fur were intoxicating to his love starved heart.

It was like this that he woke up next to his mother on the couch. The older mares were happily chatting about something with the occasional clatter of dishes. Whatever was going on outside his comfort zone was not directed at him so Naruto decided press himself closer into Twilight. His stirring must have alerted Twilight because the wing lifted a bit to let her face poke in,

"Have a nice nap?"

"Yes Mama. Did Princess Luna find what was wrong?"

"Why don't I let you ask her?" Without another word, Twilight withdrew the wing from over Naruto and helped him sit up. The others in the room had plates of cookies and cups of tea floating in air, being held up by magic. Seeing the boy alert, Princess Luna sat her tea down and approached Naruto.

"Hi auntie Luna! Did you find what you were looking for?" He asked happily.

"In a way, yes. I did find what was causing your nightmares." Naruto looked up with big eyes.

"Naruto, it's actually something we can't really talk about." Twilight interjected, "Lord Hokage made me promise that I wouldn't tell you some things about you until you are older."

Naruto looked at his mother, hurt that she was keeping secrets from him,

"Why would he do that? Why would you do that?"

"Your mother doesn't want to hurt you Naruto." Celestia intervened for her student, "Sometimes we withhold information from those we love because it would hurt them."

"The things that the Hokage told me were meant to be told when you are older. That way you would be able to understand what was being told you." Twilight finished giving him a gentle nuzzle, "But I can tell you that you are special in more than one way. You have a marvelous future ahead of you and we are all here to help you reach it."

Then as a personal gesture Twilight leaned in close and whispered,

"And I am the luckiest mare in the world to be your mother." She then planted a kiss on his forehead.

Mollified, Naruto leaned into his mother's affection,

"You promise to tell me when I'm older?"

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Twilight promised.

Just then the doors to the library opened and Twilight's parents stuck their heads in,

"Twilight we're back!" Night Light announced.

"And look who we found while we were out." Twilight Velvet said as she opened the door wider to reveal three faces that Twilight knew very well.

"Twili!" Shining Amor exclaimed.

"Cadence! Shining Amor!" Twilight happily yelled as she hopped off the couch to greet her family. Twilight hugged them both when she felt a tug on her mane. Looking down Twilight gave her niece Flurry Heart a hug as well. Then came the question came,

"Auntie Twili, where is my new cousin?" The little alicorn almost demanded of the older mare.

"He's right over here. Naruto, please come here sweetie." Perfectly obedient, Naruto came and stood in front of Twilight facing the ruling family of the Crystal Empire.

"Naruto, this is my brother Shining Armor and his wife Cadence; and this is Flurry Heart. These are more members of your family."

As soon as she laid eyes on Naruto, Flurry Heart's mind was working overtime,

'Hm, Mommy and Daddy said he was a colt. He doesn't look like a pony. Does that mean he will be less fun? Auntie Twili likes him, and it looks like Mommy and Daddy do too. He is family now, I guess. Can I work with this? He looks like he can be lots of fun to climb when he gets bigger. I guess he can be fun. He is family, family gets hugs.'

No one in the room was prepared for Flurry Heart's action,

"Cousin!" With a burst of speed the little alicorn propelled herself from where she stood by the door and full on tackled Naruto in the chest. The force of impact was enough to topple the boy and both human and filly toppled to the floor with a giggling Flurry Heart on top.

"Flurry!" Cadence reprimanded but her scold was lost on deaf ears as both children were now laughing at what had happened. Any worries the royal couple had about their filly accepting someone of a different species vanished in a breath.

"Hi cousin, I'm Flurry Heart; and we are family now!" The foal greeted overly happy. A large smile appeared on the human and did his best to hug his new cousin.

"I'm Naruto, nice to meet ya!"

The two children were left to their own devices while the adults talked about recent events. Eventually, it reached the time for Celestia to lower the sun and for Luna to bring in the night. Letting out a sad breath Sunset Shimmer headed for the portal,

"I guess I should be going. People might begin to wonder if I'm not at my apartment soon."

"Hold a moment Sunset." Celestia said as she rose from her sea, "I am serious when I say that I want you to help in matters relating to the human world. Could I count on you to help us?"

"Sure, I can help." Sunset offered.

Before former student and teacher parted they shared a hug once again, with Sunset promising to be back again soon.

"Well, it is time for us to go as well." Celestia said with Luna joining her by her side, "As much as we would like to stay we need to attend to our other duties."

"But we promise to see you again soon." Luna promised to the two young ones.

"Good bye Auntie Luna! Good bye Auntie Celestia!" The youngsters both said, giving the Princesses hugs in turn.

The Princesses departed the family and started their return to Canterlot. Sometime thereafter, the young ones were laid down for bed, leaving the adults to talk.

"We were all very worried about you Twili." Shining Armor said as he, Cadence, and Twilight walked down one of the many halls of the Castle of Friendship.

"But we are glad that you are back safe and sound. Though your accompaniment took us by surprise." Cadence commented.

"You don't approve?" Twilight asked a little worried at her sister-in-law's statement. Seeing the worry in the younger alicorn's eyes Cadence quickly placated,

"Of course, we approve Twilight. I think you will be an excellent mother."

"It was just how quickly you decided on adopting the kid. I mean, you were gone just a week and you made a decision that impacts the rest of your life." Shining Armor pointed out.

"Maybe it was quick, but he needed some pony to watch after him. He grew on me so fast," Twilight admitted remembering the dream of what might be, "It was like the universe was wanting us to be a family."

The royal couple looked at each other, they were still concerned over the convenience of how things had worked out, but at the same time didn't want to hurt Twilight and drive a wedge between them.

"Perhaps it did." Cadence agreed.

"I'm just glad Flurry Heart reacted so positively to her new cousin." Shining Armor commented, effectively changing the subject.

"I was worried her impact may have injured him." Cadence stated with a degree of worry.

"Don't worry about that." Twilight reassured, "Naruto's family line has a history of healing fast and being extremely durable. It will take a lot more to hurt him."

"If he's going to be a warrior of his home village that is a good quality to have." Shining Armor said.

"Are you sure that's the life you want for him Twilight?" Cadence asked of her sister-in-law, "I would have thought you would push any foal of yours to be a scholar or something."

"It isn't my place to deny him his dreams." Twilight countered, "I may not be happy that Naruto is wanting to be a ninja, but I can do what a mother can to make sure he becomes the best he can be."

These words made Cadence smile and nuzzle her old charge with familial love,

"Oh Twilight, you have grown up so much."

"We're all proud of you." Shining Armor said mirroring his wife's gesture.

The siblings bid each other a fond good night and went to their respective rooms. With no effort, whatsoever, Twilight lifted a snoozing Naruto from her bed long enough to slip in herself and put him close to her once again. A great weight of anxiety lifted from her mind, her entire family approved of her decision. For Twilight, this was better than a new book, or even a brand-new library.

She turned her gaze to the window and the star-studded sky above,

"Thank you, whatever forces brought me and my foal together. I never knew how empty life was before until I found Naruto. You gave me so much. Thank you."

With this prayer of gratitude Twilight laid her head down and joined her little human in sleep. She didn't know what was going on outside her window however. A glass orb the size of a billiard floated just out of sight. A light grew inside as Twilight offered her thanks to forces she didn't know. The moment the mare was fast asleep and the orb was filled with bright light, the sphere disappeared into thin air.

-Unknown Beach-

The orb reappeared close to the shoreline, where the Masked Man sat looking out on the sea of colors, both in the water and the sky above. He took notice of the ball and beckoned to it. It came right up to his face and within the confines of its crystal-like surface replayed the events at Twilight's castle.

"You owe me nothing, noble mare. I actually owe you more than you realize."

The orb rocketed up into the sky above and disappeared into the mass of colors. The orb now gone the man stood up and looked behind him,

"Soon it will be your time little one, soon."

There, sitting on the ground behind him was a cocoon made of sickly green material, roughly the size of a house cat. The protective shell was translucent enough to make out a sleeping black form inside. And this figure? Well, it definitely resembled a pony, but it was decidedly more insect than equine.

A/N Hey everyone! So yes this story is not dead, this chapter was just kicking my butt. Hopefully now we will be able to get past this point and get a move on. Well, that is it for now. Until next time! Read, Review, Redistribute.
