Hi :) I'm here again with a new story omg!

So I wanted to take a different approach. My other fic may be a possessive Mika but I think it's a little to cutesy so I came up with this one which is a possessive Mika but...pretty dark.

This is an apocalyptic fic and it's going to be pretty dark. Sexual themes will be in this story so be on the look out for that.

Now please. Read this story and tell me what you think ;)

Mikaela Shindo sat on top of a building, surveying all the people below them.

Animals. Animals is what they are.

"Filthy humans." He muttered as he watched a mother scold her child for throwing a fit for not receiving any ice cream.

Why was this world filled with them? Mika's been alive for nearly 400 years and all they have caused was nothing but war and hatred.

It was time for a change.

He stood up and placed his hands in the pockets of his coat. Snapping his fingers a spiraling, glowing portal appeared. Taking a step forward he disappeared.

"Do you think Shinoa would like this or this?" Yuuichirou Amane asked his boyfriend, holding up a gag ball and a dildo.

"Yuu! What are thinking, put those down now!" Yoichi Saotome whispered loudly as he tried to rake the items from his giggling boyfriend.

"Oh come on!" Yuu was taller than Yoichi so he held the items high up. "You know this is the stuff she's into with Mitsuba. I'd be helping them out."

Yoichi was seriously regretting following Yuu into Spencer's. The other customers were watching the spectacle and he could feel its face warming up. He was so embarrassed!

"Yes I'd like to buy these two." He told the cashier with a cheery smile. The cashier just gave him a look.

"Is this for you and your boyfriend?" She asked.

"Oh god no. He's already big enough-Hey!" Yuu was pulled out of the store by Yoichi and was unable to pay for the sex toys.

When they were out of the store Yoichi covered his face with his hands.

"Oh my gosh Yuu why did you have to tell her that, that's so personal, oh my gosh Yuu!" Yoichi sputtered.

"Chill out, Shinoa got me both of those for my birthday, I'd only thought it'd be right if I got her the same thing. I'll be right back." Yuu left Yoichi to go pay for the toys.

Yoichi just ran his fingers through his hair.

He still wondered how he and Yuu even got together. They had met during highschool and they were opposites in every way, yet they got along perfectly. He had always thought Yuu was extremely good looking and that his eyes were a much more beautiful shade of green that his was, but he didn't think they ever go out. Yuu was just so loud and outgoing and he was...meek.

"You and Yuuichirou are perfect together alright?" Their friend Shinoa Hiiragi reassured Yoichi. He, Shinoa, Shinoa's girlfriend Mitsuba Sangu, and Yuuichirou had all got together to hang out, but it really for Yoichi to ask out Yuu.

Looking over his shoulder, Yoichi saw Yuu buying their movie tickets.

"Well...i guess." Yoichi said quietly. He really did like Yuu. Maybe he would like him back.

"Okay guys." Yuu came back with the tickets. "Since you made me buy the tickets with my money we're going to see that one Disney with the cavemen(1). I've been dying to see it and I'd rather watch that."

"You Idiot! That movie's for kids, do you know how ridiculous we'll look walking in there?!" Mitsuba exclaimed angrily.

"Next time don't make me buy the tickets than hun." He gave her a wink and walked inside.

"God he's so annoying." Mitsuba fumed and followed Yuu inside.

Shinoa wrapped her arms around Yoichi's and gave him a reassuring smile. Yoichi returned the smile back and walked with Shinoa inside the theatre.

Picking their seats was easy. Yuu allowed Mitsuba to pick hers first, with Shinoa following her. He sat beside Shinoa and Yoichi sat down beside Yuu.

Throughout the entire movie Yuu had laughed more than all the kids in the theatre put together. While the rest of the audience that it was distracting Yoichi loved it.

"My pick wasn't bad huh! Huh Mitsuba?" Yuu elbowed Mitsuba's arm.

"It was alright Yuu I agree." She smiled. Agreeing with Yuu was something she didn't normally do so this surprised him.

"Really?" He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. Mitsuba and him were always at each other throat, this was a major victory today.

Shinoa, who had wrapped Mitsuba's around her shoulders turned to look over at Yoichi who had been quiet the whole time.

"What did you think about Yuu's decision Yoichi?" She wanted him to be apart of every conversation. It gives him more of a chance to score with Yuu.

"Um, it was interesting." He told Yuu. He felt a blush come to his cheeks when he saw how happy Yuu looked. He gave off a smile that was just like the one he gave to their other friend Kimizuki Shiho when he had hot wired a car.

"Oh you're so kind Yoichi!" He cried out and threw himself at Yoichi.

"Uh...uh..." Yoichi was at a loss for words. Yuu was hugging him!

"Get a room dorks." Mitsuba said. She raised a brow when Shinoa grabbed her hand. Shinoa was giving her that usual cute grin of hers. It either met she wanted to make out her she was planning something.

Either one worked for her.

She allowed the tiny girl to pull her away, leaving Yuu and Yoichi alone together.

When the two realized they were gone Yoichi began to panic. He was alone with Yuu! Oh no! What if he messed up! What if he weirded him out! What if he-

"What do you want to do now?" Yuu asked, breaking Yoichi out of his thoughts.

"Uh...what do you want to do?" His mind was blank.

"Well there's this book store I'd like to go too." Yuu said.

"I didn't know you were a book person." Yoichi said out loud, but quickly covered his mouth. That sounded so rude!

Yuu however shook it off. "Mitsuba said the same thing. I like to read from time to time. Much more interesting than playing games."

Walking to the nearest book store together Yoichi couldn't help but steal a couple glances at Yuu. Sure he's hung out with the guy enough times to call him his best friend, but learning that he was more into reading than playing video games? There's so much more he has yet to learn!

When they walked into the bookstore, the cashier greeted them with a smile.

"Enjoy your time here!" She said.

Yuu and Yoichi gave her a nod and made their way to the collections or more specifically the comics.

"Um...please don't mention this to Shinoa and Mitsuba." Yuu said, blushing in embarrassment. "If they know that I was into this stuff, they'd never let me get over it!"

Yoichi chuckled at how nervous Yuu looked. "Sure, I understand." He reassured him.

Yuu just sighed in relief and grabbed a comic.

Eyeing the comic Yoichi was surprised to see that it was one of those zombie comics.

When Yuu caught him staring, his blush got redder.

"I'm a huge slut for the apocalypse comic books. Way better than super heroes and manga if you ask me."

"Do you watch the Walking Dead?" Yoichi asked.

Yuu placed the comic down and grabbed Yoichi by the shoulders.

"I fucking love the Walking Dead." He answered in a soft whisper.

Although it wasn't romantic as it sounds, that's how Yuu and Yoichi began dating. Yoichi invited Yuu over to a zombie movie marathon on a Saturday and they spent all say together hanging out. One thing led to another and Yoichi asked him out, which Yuu more than agreed too.

"What are you doing lazy bones?" Yuu found Yoichi sitting at a bench with his eyes closed.

Yoichi opened them to see Yuu standing over him with the bag of sex toys in his hand.

"Thinking about how you and I got together."

Yuu rolled his eyes. "That was three years ago. We're 18 now, think about important things." He raised the bag up. "Like who's wrapping this plastic dick up."

Yoichi just covered his eyes with his hands.

So embarrassing!

Trust me. This chapter is probably the only cute one. Everything else from this point on will be...not cute.

(1)Meet the Croods is the best ^.^

Fav and Rev :D