I really wanted to write a Christmas story, I actually forced myself to come up with 24 different ideas so I could post one a day until Christmas. But, then I realized I wanted to concentrate on my other stories and not feel forced. Some of the ideas meant multiple chapters (like this one) and it would have been too rushed. So in the end, I narrowed it down to two! This one, and a Tomoine that awaits the completion of this.

Chapters will be posted as I write them, sometimes more than once a day, and at other times with days in between.

I don't own any of the characters in this story, I only borrowed them for some Christmas Fluff. And I don't own the song either.

On the First day of Christmas my True Love gave to me


1. December 2000

Her fireplace made that distinct tingling noise that indicated someone was about to come through. She looked up from her book just in time to watch Fred step out of the fireplace.

"Hi, Fred." She couldn't help but smile a warmly at her longtime friend.

"Hi, Hermione!" His eyes found hers, sparkling in their usual mischief, but his tone was much lighter than usual.

She looked at him with suspicion. He was way too cheery for the occasion.

As usual, she was distracted from her own suspicion regarding the twin by looking at him. The smile he wore was distracting enough, she could only see his perfect teeth — teeth her parents would want to use on inspirational posters on the wall of their practice — his white perfectly aligned minty fresh teeth.

If that wasn't enough, his lips were always so plump and pink, not at all chapped like hers were from biting her lip. Something she was doing just now as she stared at him. And that cheeky little dimple, the opposite side of George's perfect dimple. It was the easiest way to tell them apart, and when didn't the two pranksters smile slightly?

Wait what was the occasion for him being there again?

"Why are you here?"

He plopped down next to her on the sofa, Hermione had to quickly draw her legs away so he wouldn't sit on them. Her position was uncomfortable and she was about to reposition herself to get more comfortable when Fred casually drew her legs over his. The action was casual on his side, but it made Hermione freeze. Her attraction to the twin had grown ridiculous over the years, and any action like the one he just did reminded her that he was too casual around her. If he was attracted to her he wouldn't be able to act so casually.

She was broken from her thoughts by his answer.

"Hermione, I am surprised by you!"

She looked at him, her face finally betraying her suspicions.

"Don't you know what day it is?"

"December 1st?"


She pointed to the calendar on the wall, just flipped over to the month of December that day. He wasn't looking where she was pointing, instead, he was looking intently into her eyes.

"It's the first day of Christmas."

"Not really, the first day of Christmas is on—" Fred put a finger over mouth, stopping her and distracting her from her lecture.

"Here is your first present."

He snapped his fingers and something came flying over to them.

It was a tiny owl, not much bigger than Fred's hand. It hooted softly and looked up at her. Its eyes were the same color as Fred's; sky blue. She couldn't stop staring at them, her heart melting for the creature. She forgot about Fred for a moment, cooing at the tiny thing in her lap.

"An owl," she said with love in her voice.

When she stroked it she noticed something off.



"Why does the owl have fur instead of feathers?"

He grinned when she looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Because she is a special little girl, unique." His eyes glowed, and for a second Hermione thought that maybe he wasn't talking about the owl.

"But, how can she fly?"

He shrugged. "How does anything fly? Magic!"

She scoffed, "What about muggle aeroplanes?"

He rolled his eyes. "Nobody knows how those can fly."

Going back into her lecture mode — or as Ron called it, her know-it-all mode — she tried correcting him. "Actually muggle aeroplanes work because of the shape of its wings. Which is pretty similar to the shape of birds."

He grinned at her. "There you go!" Before she could interject that feathers played a vital part — and that muggle aeroplanes had moveable sections that were close to how feathers worked — Fred patted her on the knee across his lap. Completely distracted, she was disappointed when he then moved her legs off his lap and onto the couch as he retreated to the fireplace.

"See you in two days!" was yelled over his shoulder as he took the floo back to the twins' apartment.

She was sitting back, trying to analyze all that had happened. The little owl made a strange sort of purring noise and pushed its head into her hand, much like a cat would. It reminded her of her departed Crookshanks, tugging at her heartstrings.

She petted the creature, to its obvious delight as it started purring even more. Not managing to figure out what Fred was doing with his ploy, or why he would wait for 2 days instead of just coming over again tomorrow, she went back to her book.

Later on, her owl put its furry wing on her hand and looked up at her with those sky blue eyes. Somehow she understood exactly what was bothering her. "I haven't named you yet, have I?" the owl shook its head and snuggled into her belly.

She petted it, thinking hard before landing on a name. "What about Fluffball?" The owl hooted, and Hermione smiled. She had thought about buying an owl recently, but something had held her back. Now she had Fluffball, the cutest owl she had ever seen.


2. December 2000

The next morning, the Floo gave a sound again, surprising Hermione at the breakfast table. She was just about to take a sip of her coffee, her addiction that angered her parents needing to be satisfied.

But, instead of Fred arriving a day earlier than he had said, George came tumbling through. His one dimpled smile distracting her as much as his brothers did.

"George?" She put down the coffee mug.

"Hermione!" He was just as cheerful as his brother had been the day previously.

"Umm, not to be rude, but why are you here?" He didn't answer, he just started singing.

"On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me!"

Instead of paying attention to his exact words, she groaned. "Not you too!"

And, instead of him paying close attention to her words, he just wiggled his eyebrows and said, "Don't you want your present?"

Curious about what he was holding behind his back, Hermione bit her lip trying to hold back. She looked over to Fluffball who was struggling to stay awake in the morning hours. She loved her owl, and if that was any indication of what she could expect, how was she to say no?

"I want it…"

He grinned, wiggled his eyebrows again, and presented her with the prettily wrapped box with a bow on top. Apprehensive about this maybe being a prank, she carefully lifted it out of his arms.

She looked between the box and his carefully shielded face. His smile said that he was worried she would hate it.

When she didn't move to do anything with the present, he said, "Open it." His smile waning a bit because he was worried she would reject the present and him.

She lifted the lid and looked down. It was a tiny grey kitten. Looking up at her, it meowed. It had Georges eyes, exactly the same as her owl, shining in the dark of the box.

"A kitten?" Her awed voice made George smile in that heart-melting way that made her breath catch. And, for a second she was distracted from getting another familiar. She was just lost in his eyes.

The kitten didn't like being ignored, and jumped up, trying to grasp the edge of the box and get out. It missed of course, too tiny to be able to jump so high. Hermione noticed the bump against the box and looked down to see it struggling to get on its paws again after landing on its back.

She reached a hand down and picked up the kitten.



"Why is the kitten covered in feathers?"

"Why is your owl hairy?"

She was on the defensive straight away. "Fluffball is not hairy! She is fluffy…" she mumbled, realising that the two words were synonymous and that George was too smart to miss it.

"Fluffball?" he asked, and Hermione scrunched up her nose, waiting for the ridicule. When she had introduced Crookshanks they had teased her mercilessly.


"Cute." She couldn't help the happy grin that took over her features by his answer. They stared at each other like that for a while, both with ridiculous grins and sparkling eyes.

The moment was broken when her grandfather clock chimed 8 o'clock, both sets of eyes flicking towards it, and then back at each other.

"Oh, I have to go—" both said at the same time, laughing when they realized it. They stepped away from each other, Hermione to get ready while George looked nervous as he moved over to the floo.

"See you in two days." Was the last thing she heard before he was gone.

She looked down at the kitten, gently putting it down on the floor. It stared up at her with its big blue eyes, making an "ooh" sound.

Her owl sounded like a cat, and her kitten sounded like an owl. She wondered what the twins had done to create these two strange pets. Mostly, she was just happy she got them both. She had been lonely following Crookshanks demise, and now she had two pets to fill the hole left in her heart.

The kitten needed a name, something that fit how strange it was. After careful consideration, she had settled on the name of her favorite cartoon character as a kid.

"Tweety." She smiled at the feathery kitten that flicked its tail back and forth, preparing to pounce on her Christmas ornaments.

As she left her apartment for Christmas shopping with the girls, she heard the crash of one her ornaments, marking the success of Tweety. Locking the door she heard the Hoot of Fluffball congratulating the kitten on its victory.