AN: This is a response to nickorin fusionspark's challenge.
It is my first Fanfiction ever so I hope it isn't too bad written and no flames! Please review and add constructive criticism so I know what to correct and how to improve my writing :)
I apologize in advance for any spelling and grammar mistakes, English is only my third language
Beta-ed by my amazing friend sawa-kaya
Anyway on with the story

Challenge Rules: no chain whip or spears as Beginners Weaponry; not a Soul
Reaper, Quincy or Fullbringer; Self-Insert

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or The Gamer, all I do own is my OC Cassandra. Should you for some reason recognize elements from another Fanfiction that has been written before this I apologize. I try to avoid it but since I read a lot of Fanfiction it is possible to happen. In that case please alert me so I can give credit where it's due or change it. This Disclaimer is valid for the whole story.

"hello" – Talking (English)
"konnichiwa" – Talking (Japanese)
what? – Thinking

1CHF or 1.- = 1$ = 100¥
My OC comes from Switzerland which means the currency she's used to is Swiss Francs with the short from CHF. I'm using the above conversion because it's easier and I'm lazy. You'll also probably see me writing 1.- instead of 1 CHF.

In case anyone's interested, this would be the real conversion rate:
1CHF or 1.- = 0,97$ = 119,35¥


I was drowning. That was the last thing I remembered before I regained consciousness and woke up. With a hammering heart and my eyes still shut, I tried to convinced myself that I didn't actually really drown and that I simply had a nightmare - until I realized I wasn't lying in my soft bed; the bedding was rather hard and rigid. Birds were chirping. With a start I sat up and looked around, trying to figure out where I was. And I certainly wasn't in my room but was sitting on a park bench. Where am I? Panic started to spread through me. What am I doing here? Was I dreaming? Or was this all...real? I looked down at my clothes, which were completely dry; the shorts, the pastel pink blouse and the white cardigan – my black flats weren't soaked with water either. And my hair was tied in its usual ponytail – dry and no sign indicating any contact with a single drop of water.

A loud ping startled me and I changed my focus to the small blue box that suddenly appeared in front of me.

Quest Alert:

Develop a hypothesis on what happened, find out where you are and find a place to stay for the night.

Bonus: ?

Time Limit: sunset
Reward: exp +25; +50 per bonus
Fail: exp +10; you will have to sleep outside

Accept Y/Deny N

This whole situation started to creep me out. Whats with the blue little box? Out of morbid curiosity – and because this eerily reminded me of my favorite webtoon "The Gamer", I pressed Y. Accept.

What exactly was going on? I must had lost consciousness while I had been drowning; the only thing I could think of, that made a tiniest bit of sense was that I was now passing time in a virtual world until I would wake again. It seemed like I was part of "The Gamer" now.

Yes, that had to be the case. I began to feel excited about the prospect of having Jee-Hans Gamer ability - so I looked at my surroundings with a pounding heart, intent on completing my first quest. OK, I was in a park; the next step was to find out the location of the park. In which country was I? My eyes picked up the majestic mountains in the distance. I figured I was probably somewhere in Switzerland? Or...hopefully Korea? It made sense, since that was the country where the entire Gamer story took place; simply the thought of being in Korea was exhilarating.

Thrill and courage began to flow through me; I clenched my fists and couldn't help but grin. Yay! Adventure time! Time to complete some quests! I was all fired up, felt energetic and I couldn't wait to go around and explore. But first I had to check and make sure if I really had this Gamer ability. Was I really part of "The Gamer"? Small doubt suddenly filled my thoughts and slightly dampened my anticipation. I softly called out "Status".

A translucent window popped up in front of me.

Cassandra Marxer
The Gamer

Title: None

Lvl 1
Exp 0/200
HP 100/100
MP 50/50

STR: 5
VIT: 5
DEX: 5
INT: 5
WIS: 5
LUK: 5

Points to spend: 3

My stats seemed alright and I let out a shaky breath of relief. I decided to wait spending my points, since I wasn't sure what I really needed or wanted yet. With a flick of my hand I closed the window and stood up from the park bench, leaving the weirdly empty park behind me. Following the traffic noises I marched towards a road that appeared to look like the main street. I had to find out what city I was in.

All the signs were in Japanese… that meant I definitely was not in Korea. Bummed, I sighed and looked around. With hopes that I would somehow survive with my particularly nonexistent Japanese skills, I approached a friendly-looking business man.

I cleared my throat. "Ano, sumimasen – eigo hanashimasuka?" (1)

The man glimpsed at me a few times astoundingly. "Hai," he then replied and smiled. (2)

"Great, I'm sorry but I got terribly lost…could you perhaps tell me what city I'm in, Sir?"

"Yes sure – this is Karakura Town. Are you here on vacation, Miss?"

I was in Karakura Town? As far as I knew, that place only existed in the Bleach Universe.

I nodded hastily. "Yes, I was on the way back but I took the wrong train." I threw him a smile, hoping it wouldn't look to forced and added, "I decided to explore while I was here anyway. Thank you very much Sir, have a nice day." I bowed and made my way further into the city.

So, there was a high possibility that I shifted into the Bleach Universe, along with my new Gamer ability. As crazy as that sounded, I felt like it would be fun. My thoughts drifted to Aizen and the Wandenreich... and I realized I probably shoudn't get involved with those two things and it would be smart to get as far away from here as possible, since I quite liked being alive.

On the other hand, if this really was a dream it wasn't possible I could die here - the pain I'd feel would only be an illusion to make it seem real, right? I figured it was best not to test that theory out. Although I should not get ahead of myself, I needed to make sure that this place really was part of the Bleach Universe – that I was now part of this universe. I probably should find the High School to check if Ichigo and his friends really existed.

My little visit would also have the advantage of giving me an indication of when I exactly arrived here. It could be possible that the War with Aizen was already over. It would be the best case, if I had some time before I got all familiar with my abilities. I wouldn't want to be caught unaware of something...unforeseen.

With my course of action, I decided I made my way to the Karakura High School. And while asking for directions I made a mental note that I had to learn Japanese as soon as possible.

(1) Ano, sumimasen – eigo hanashimasuka? – Excuse me, do you speak English?

(2) Hai - Yes