Cole had never seen anything like it.

Two weeks since his search for Alex's gift, the Throne Room was transformed into the most lavish setting he had ever seen. There were red flowers and green vines everywhere, wrapping around the edges of the tables set up for the banquet. Food of different cooking and flavor were set up on the tables, and he could see his friends eating and chatting away, enjoying the holiday. The middle of the room was clear, however, and he could see Alex and Cullen dancing, with Alona in their arms, the year old girl giggling as they circled around, her parents laughing with her as Alex's long red hair flared as they twirled about the floor.

He looked down at his arms, at the various things his friends had given as presents for Andraste's Day. Varric had given him a thick book about Ferelden, Blackwall had given him a new dagger, Dorian gave him an assortment of preserved sweets which he had bought all the way from Tevinter, Bull and the Chargers gave a new pair of armored boots, and Sera gave him a lump of coal. Maxwell and Daylen were kind enough to send a 'gift package', giving a new leather cloak for him, along with various gifts for the others. The bard, Maryden, had given him a lute, slightly smaller than the one she used, and a book on music. Even Warden Commander Solona and Alistair had sent him a gift, giving him a pair of gloves made of fine Antivan leather. Alex and Cullen's gift was a brand new hat, as wide as the one he always used to wear, but its rim was straighter and it was not as dog-eared.

He looked up now at Alex again, seeing her out of breath from dancing, and she sat with Cullen and Alona now at the head of the table. He swallowed, before laying down all the gifts he received on one side of his place on the table before heading to her.

Alex's eyes shined bright with happiness as she looked up at Cole, and Cullen took Alona in his arms. "Hello, Cole. Enjoying the festivities?" She greeted him, and at the look of pure joy in her face, his stomach twisted a little.

"I... I am, Inquisitor. Thank you." He said, and he wrung his hands, "I… I have a present for you."

She blinked, her green eyes widening, before she looked at Cullen, who looked back at her and shrugged. She looked up at the boy and smiled gently, "Cole… you didn't have to get me anything."

He shook his head, "Blackwall said that Andraste's Day is about being with family, and that you didn't have to give anything expensive to show people you appreciate them. I like you. I… 'appreciate' you. And you were hurting… hoping… aching to see your family for Andraste's Day." At this, Alex's eyes became a little sad, "So I… so I got… these."

He reached into his jacket, taking out a small bundle of what seemed to be envelopes and the large rose, still fresh and fragrant despite of being plucked two weeks ago. Alex's eyes widened at the sight of the rose, but she reached for the bundle first. It was tied with a string, but when she removed it, she gasped at what was written in front.

"These are… letters…" She said, her breath hitched, "From Maxwell… and Daylen… Cassandra… Vivienne… Leliana… Solona and Alistair… Hawke and Fenris… Empress Celene and Briala… even… even my step-father…"

Cullen, who was just as surprised as his wife, took the letters and blinked, "Even from Mia and Rose and Brandon. Cole, how did you…"

"There was pain in the page, but happiness too." Cole said, wringing his eyes shyly, and he ducked his head at the sight of Alex's tears, "You were hurting. You hoped that your family would come to Skyhold but they couldn't. So I… so I wrote to them. Well..." He pointed over at Varric, who was drinking ale and playing Wicked Grace with the Chargers, "Varric wrote for me... but I told him what to write. I told them to write to you for Andraste's Day, that they could tell you how much they appreciated you and love you." He pointed at the rose, "Even… even Solas gave you a gift. This was from him. He told me to give it to you two weeks ago."

Alex's eyes widened in shock, as she took the rose, "Two weeks? But it hasn't wilted." She looked up at Cole again, and to his shock, Alex's eyes watered and tears fell from her eyes, flowing down her cheeks as she let go of the rose and put both of her hands on her face, covering her mouth. The sight of her crying scared him, "Did I hurt you? I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"

She shook her head, waving her hands over her face, and Cole saw that even though she was crying, she was smiling, so widely. She put her hands over his face, smoothing her thumbs over his cheeks as she sniffed, "No, I'm not mad. I'm just… oh, Cole! You brought my family here in your own way… even Solas! I thought they didn't… I'm just… so unbelievable happy." She laughed a little despite her tears, "Actually, now that you gave me these… there is one more thing I wanted to give you."

Cole froze, as Alex drew forward, her face inching towards his. His eyes widened as he felt something warm against his cheek. It was her lips, kissing his cheek in gratitude, making him grow warm and his skin turn pink. But the sensation was comforting, and he liked it, so he closed his eyes and savored it.

Alex drew back a few seconds later, smiling brightly at him as he opened his eyes, "Your first kiss, freely given, by someone who loves you back." She said, laughing a little, "I may not love you like I do with Cullen, but I do love you, Cole. Like a brother… like a dearest friend. Thank you. This is the greatest gift I've received for Andraste's Day."

He felt like his face was splitting, but he knew it was just the smile he was giving her. He was overjoyed by Alex's words, and as she wrapped her arms around his waist, he couldn't help but feel like wrapping his own arms around her, and he did, burying his face on her neck.


He blinked and looked up, just as Alex moved as well, looking behind her in shock, at the small child nestled in Cullen's grip. Even the Commander looked surprised, looking down at his daughter in astonishment, as the little girl bounced in his grip, her blonde curls bobbing about her shoulders, her tiny hands reaching for the boy in her mother's embrace.

"KOL!" Little Alona cried out again in a high voice, reaching for Cole, whose blue eyes were wide as saucers, "MAMA! KOL!"

Alex laughed out loud at the expression on Cullen's face, "Well, it looks like Alona has a gift for you, too, Cole." She said as she headed to her daughter, taking her in her arms before heading to Cole again.

"KOL!" Alona said again, giggling excitedly, and Cole reached out his arms to her. Alona laughed in pleasure as his thin arms wrapped around the little girl, her hands touching his face. "KOL!"

Cullen sighed before running a hand on his hair, "I suppose I should be envious that my daughter learned Cole's name faster than calling her 'Dada'…" He said, and he laughed a little, "But as it's Andraste's Day… I'll make an exception." He held out his hand to Cole and smiled gently, "Happy Andraste's Day, Cole."

Cole looked up, seeing Alex and Cullen standing together, their arm around each other, the other extended to him and Alona. His mind was blank, but he could feel his body move, walking forward with the baby in his arms, and when he reached them, their arms folded over him, wrapping him in warmth and comfort that he had never felt before. It was better than anything he had ever felt in his entire existence, both as a human and as a spirit. They continued to embrace him, the seconds ticking by in their arms seeming like an eternity. "Happy Andraste's Day." He answered back to them in a soft voice, and he closed his eyes as their arms tightened.

The single tear filled with love and joy that rolled down from his eye was the greatest Andraste's Day gift he ever had.