A/N: On Tumblr unforth-ninawaters is doing a #WritingPromptWednesday. It's fun and you should join! This week's prompt was texting and I decided to write the whole thing as a texting conversation to try something new. Here's the prompt I worked with:

I keep getting texts from you, and you keep refusing to believe that I have no idea who you are, because apparently I'm entered in your phone as your brother/sister/parents/friend/whoever and you are utterly convinced I'm just that person trying to prank you

Disclaimer: Kripke's

A Text of Mistaken Identity

Gabe: Did you buy pie? Work was shit.

Cas: No, you were supposed to go shopping.

Gabe: Dammit.

Gabe: I thought we sorted this out last week. You'd go shopping so you wouldn't bitch about the lack of veggies.

Cas: There's nothing wrong with them. I have yet to figure out how you've never had a cavity with all of the candy you consume.

Cas: I swear you're going to caramelize.

Gabe: What candy?

Cas: I'm referring to the monstrous stash from Halloween you think I don't know you've hidden around the apartment. I found Laffy Taffy in the tea box yesterday. Now it smells like strawberries.

Gabe: Dude, I don't have candy hidden around the apartment. And when did we get a tea box?

Cas: We've always had the tea box. And if you didn't put the candy in the apartment where is it from?

Gabe: How am I supposed to know? Did you pull another all-nighter? Get some sleep.

Cas: No. Are you okay? Did you party with Balthazar again?

Gabe: Who the fuck is Balthazar? How do you even pronounce it?

Cas: Balthazar, one of your frat brothers.

Gabe: I'm not even in a frat.

Cas: Yes you are. Pi Kappa Alpha.

Gabe: No, I'm not. What the hell? Did you meet up with Ruby? I told you not to trust her.

Cas: Who is Ruby?

Gabe: The blonde that was all over you at Benny's party.

Cas: No, and who's Benny.

Gabe: One of my buddies. Stop messing with me, bitch. Is this because of the whole Jess thing? I swear I wouldn't have hit on her if I knew she was the girl you were dating.

Cas: I'm gay and you know it.

Gabe: Sam?

Cas: No.

Gabe: Fuck, who is this then?

Cas: Gabe, you know it's me.

Gabe: No, I don't and I'm not Gabe. My name is Dean.

Cas: Okay… "Dean", then I'm Castiel, your "not brother"

Gabe: I am Dean

Gabe: And did you just do air quotes in a text?

Cas: Gabe, can you please drop this? We also need to discuss the matter of your dog. He seems to be terrorizing the neighbors.

Gabe: I don't have a dog and I'm not your brother. My brother just got a new number and I think I confused it with yours. Can't you just accept that?

Cas: GABE! I'm tired of your pranks. You need to act like an adult.

Cas: Gabe?

Cas: Gabe, why aren't you responding.

913-555-4653: uh…my brother, Dean, says he's been texting you thinking it was me, but you think it's your brother. And he's getting pretty pissed trying to convince you.

913-555-4653: by the way I'm Sam

Cas: Balthazar, please tell me Gabe did not rope you into this and you "borrowed" someone's phone again.

913-555-4653: uh….I don't know who Balthazar is, but you spend some time with…interesting people

913-555-4653: you guys sound worse than me and Dean

913-555-4653: our numbers are similar too, no wonder Dean got confused.

Cas: Don't you have an orgy to plan?

913-555-4653: …..this guy sounds like a character

Gabe: Cas, please, I am not your brother and my brother is not your questionable friend

Gabe: seriously

Gabe: cas?

Gabe: uh….I didn't offend you or anything

Gabe: actually, you did accuse my brother of planning an orgy, which he would never do. He's too damn dorky and hopelessly in love with Jess.

Cas: Um… I'd like to apologize.

Gabe: What brought that up?

Cas: My brother just came home.

Gabe: SEE! I told you

Cas: Yes, well my brother has done stuff like this before. He added you in my contacts as himself and renamed his contact as Loki.

Gabe: hahahahaha

Cas: yes, well he seems it's just as funny as you appear to. I'm sorry to have caused an unwanted stress.

Gabe: Wait, how did he get my number?

Cas: He said he got it from you a couple days ago. Do you frequent a bar called the Roadhouse?

Gabe: yeah, my aunt owns it.

Gabe: Was he the short guy eating all the peanuts

Cas: yes

Gabe: He said he knew someone for me

Gabe: shit I let him put his number in my phone. I bet he switched yours and Sam's number so I would text you.

Cas: hold on one second

Gabe: I just found Sam's under "Moose"

Cas: it turns out my brother was going to set me up on a blind date with you and apparently this was it.

Cas: He has a twisted sense of right and wrong. I also changed your name in my contacts so I won't be confused.

Dean: Good, I wouldn't want you to mix us up again.

Dean: So…if this is a blind date, can I see a picture of you? You know if that's not creepy or anything

Dean: I reread that and never mind that sounds like a creeper. ignore that last text

Cas: Media file sent

Dean: Damn…

Cas: Yes well, the least you can do is reciprocate.

Dean: Media file received

Cas: oh, um, I thought you might be wearing a shirt

Dean: it's the first one I found in my photo album

Dean: and I don't see you complaining

Cas: No, I'm certainly not. Is that your car you're sitting on?

Dean: Yep, ain't she a beauty?

Cas: yes, she seems well cared for

Dean: You know, you could come see her if you wanted.

Cas: Perhaps

Dean: And maybe I could give you a ride in her. We can go get a drink at the Roadhouse or something

Cas: That sounds nice

Cas: And then we can go have sex in the back of it!

Dean: Uh…maybe not on the first date…

Cas: I am so sorry, Gabe stole my phone. That is NOT my intention at all what so ever

Dean: Not even after got to know each other?

Cas: ….I never said that

Dean: I can work with that :)

Cas: So, how does Friday at eight sound?

Dean: Sounds like a date to me