A/N: if you have read the last chapter I posted for my first story, then you probably know what's going on, if not, I am taking a break from that story cause I'm getting a tiny little bit bored with it as I have updated it constantly since day 1
Leeane sat in the small grassy patch behind the hedges of silly street, picking many different flowers of different colors, some vibrant, some dark, the little cub was quite small for a 2 year old as bears were quite tall even at an early age
She continued picking flowers until she had a handful, she looked around to find her mother but saw one of those weird metal walking things her mother called 'disgusting unruly dogs' she got up and waddled over to it as fast as she could as it was walking quite fast, she reached and tugged on its sleeve
She flinched and took a step back as the tall cog turned towards her and looked down at her with a look of annoyance, an awkward silence was hanging over them, leeane looked at the flowers in her hand and offered them to the cog, The cog looked at her with caution before slowly taking the flowers from the child and studying them
Leeane twiddled her thumbs looking down at her feet, she wanted to say something but whenever she tried to speak, her mother would either tell her to not because of something going on or just yell at her, she also didn't know how to...
The cog turned away and began walking away but she grabbed his sleeve and whimpered, she wanted to say something but she couldn't think or even try to muster up the words, the cogs eye twitched, he looked around for something, anything to distract the kid with... a mailbox? No that's just stupid has heck... a tree...? The flowers? SOMETHING that's interesting to a child..
He then saw a cog gear lying not to far away, he quickly walked over, the curious child following him and quickly snatched it up
"Uh... um... look! It's uh... a gear! A pretty pretty gear! A magical one oooh..." he knew he was acting a fool but he was desperate to get away from the child, so if he had to do a polka dot dance, then he gonna do one that's for sure
Leeane reached for the gear, her eyes sparkling as she looked at it, like any other toddler, she tried to put it in her mouth but it was snatched from her by the same cog who immediately regretted it as she started to cry, he dropped the gear and quickly flew off not wanting to face the toons who would probably come running like a jackrabbit on a skillet on a hot summers day with jalapeno peppers in there mouths
She tried to reach for the gear but it was to far, sure enough a cat who looked to be 10 or so came running to see what the noise was and was shocked to see a child sitting in the street crying and quickly scooped her up, the cat picked up the gear and looked at it confused.. why was this here? The cat noticed that the child stopped crying and was now staring at the gear
The cat handed the gear to her, not wanting to see her cry again and teleported to the playground and headed to toonHQ to report about someone leaving there child behind. The officers announced where she was and all that stuff (I have no clue how they go about this irl so.. let ur imaginations take over) a few minutes later a family member came and thanked them for finding her, promising to repay them some time in the future
The family member then took her back home as she was staying with the mother and put leeane in her own bed and tucked her in, turning the lights off as she left