Chapter 6: An Unknown Friendship

When the last bell of class rang Shira called Manny to come help with getting Diego to the car. When they got there they saw Soto and his crew talking to him.

"Text me if you can make the drop tomorrow," Soto said as he slapped paws with Diego.

"Let me know if you want to me to do a drive-by," Zeke a crazed ADHD saber said.

"Alright Zeke," Allison said as she hugged Diego, "Call me if you need anything, and I mean anything." She said as she swayed her hips in front of him.

Shira growled at her.

"And you said you didn't like him," Manny smirked.

"It's...complicated," Shira said.

"And Diego..." Soto said as he and his crew were leaving.

"Yeah?" Diego asked.

"Just because you're going to this fru-fru palace these rich kids have," Soto started as Jessica looked at him sternly then said,"Just know who's had your back since you got here and who didn't." looking up at Manny and Shira.

"And if you do...I will personally make you remember...Ouch!" Oscar started as Jenny pounded his shoulder.

"Alright let's move!" Soto said as he came with his car.

When they left Manny and Shira came up.

"Seriously, those are the type of people you wanna be around?" Shira asked.

"I told you...these are my burdens I need to deal with...not yours," Diego growled.

"Yeah, yeah, up you go...Oh and thanks for helping Ellie back at the party," Manny said lifting him back to the car.

"So do you need to stop by and get anything?" He said as he layed him in the back seat.

"Nope, I have everything...I was going to go off the radar for a while but miss kitty here convinced me otherwise," Diego said as Shira death glared him.

Just then the front door opened and Ellie came in and kissed Manny.

"Where's the troublesome three-o?" Manny asked as he let go.

"Sid's staying back for Theater, my parent's took my brother's to our aunt's for the weekend, so I'm at the house alone this weekend," Ellie said, "Oh my god, you told me it was bad but I never thought it would be this bad." seeing Diego's wound.

"Eh, I've had worse," Diego smirked.


When Manny pulled up at Shira's house Manny asked, "You sure you don't need back-up?" Seeing that her parents were unexpectedly.

"Yeah, I'll call if I need help," Shira said as she closed his door holding Diego up.

Manny then drove off.

In the house,

"I wanna be a rockstar!" a 17-year old white sabress with blue eyes sang then looked out the window.

"Oooohh you're gonna be busted!" she said as she went downstairs.

When Shira was almost to the stairs the door opened.

"SHIRA!" a voice boomed.

"Great thanks Brianna!" Shira growled.

"Micheal calm down," a sabress snarled.

"No Sharon, our daughter is bringing...*Gasp*" Micheal started as he had a flashback when he saw Diego.

"Mike if I don't make it tell Sierra and especially my boy Diego I'm sorry and I love them so much! Take care of them and tell Diego...Shoot for the stars...if that doesn't work...follow his heart *Gunfire*" Scott said in his mind.

"Micheal!" a voice said.

"Huh what?" Micheal said.

"What's wrong you, and Shira brought home a boy," Brianna said.

"I know Brianna, and for snitching you're doing Shira's chores for tonight," Micheal said.

"Yea...What? Wh...ugggh!" Brianna said as she saw Shira smiling.

"Because I need to have a discussion with your sister and this young man," Micheal said as he carried him up the steps. "I will not fail you this time Scott!"