Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Another blissful day of solitude and healing (the good kind of Marvin Gaye Sexual Healing, I mean.) Before my parents practically chased the both of us off on our honeymoon. Of course I protested, saying that I'd already missed too many days of that thing called my job ,that I was sure the only way I could call in now was that if I called in dead. Elsa didn't like that comment and punished me when my parents weren't looking, but it was true. We teachers only got so many sick days and I'd already overstepped that, what with me getting stabbed and all.

While Elsa pointedly, and quite stealthily, pinched my ass in slight annoyance at my complaining about calling in on my death-bed, my parents informed me that Ariel, our 'synchronized swimming' coach had taken my place and would stay there until I came back from our honeymoon. Ms. Mode turned out to be very sympathetic about my being in the hospital. But she was completely furious that both of our wedding clothes were shot to shit, since they were muddy, bloody and nearly torn to shreds by the time we got back around to seeing them. Oops. I owed Marshall now too.

Anyway, my parents had their way with us and immediately threw us on a plane, shipping us off to one of their getaway vacation spots in Hawaii. Once there, Elsa and I got a serious case of jet-lag so when we eventually found the place, we wasted no time in showering, eating and then promptly passing out.

I groaned feeling heat spread throughout my body. Where was I?In the land of spaghetti and suspenders of course. Mmm..."both her incredibly delicious." My voice murmured somewhere between here and there. Wait, suspenders were delicious? Her? Yes her. My wife appeared in my mind wearing only her black slacks, those mouthwatering suspenders, and oh my goddess! My nerdy glasses. I shifted in my sleep, feeling more turned on than ever. She pulled teasingly on those damned suspenders, letting them slap back into place and making those glorious supple mounds of hers jiggle hypnotically. My mouth was watering. Holy hell she's so damn sexy!

She moved along to music that wasn't there. Not like she needed any music to dance to anyway. Swaying those awe-inspiring hips in delicate little circles as she seemed to be moving closer but it proved to be an illusion and she stayed right where she was. I licked my lips as she tugged once again on the suspenders, playfully, excruciatingly stretching them but not letting them slip from her shoulders completely. It was so damn sensual that I felt myself twitch with excitement, feeling that heat pinpoint to particular spots along my body. As if I was being caressed, kissed, and it made me moan.

"That's nice." I mumbled, motioning for her to come to me. Elsa smirked at me and finally began to inch closer. Before I knew it, she was straddling me, still circling those hips on me. I felt her lips touch mine for just a second before she stuck her tongue in my mouth, making me groan heatedly. I wanted her deeper.


Snapping out of my dream world, I suddenly arched into the warm body above me as I felt myself being filled. "O-oh, gods!" All the nerves in my own body sprang to life as I instantly wrapped my legs around her waist, pulling her in closer, thus pushing her deeper into me and stars exploded behind my eyelids.

"Just me, my Love." She whispered huskily against my ear pulling out and shoving back into me. I cried out, having been so completely infused with sexy dream images that I was already so close to coming it might have broken a new record. H-holy fuck! I whimpered, gripping her shoulders as she began to increase her speed and I, over our moans and gasps, heard the headboard gently began to knock into the wall rhythmically. Fuck, that's- OH fuck. I was so wonderfully lost that I couldn't even open my eyes until I felt a forehead come to rest against mine and was suddenly staring into deep, smoldering topaz. "Come for me, Anna." Elsa growled and wow was it intense! More so when she suddenly slid a hand between us and the merest brush of her fingers made my entire body jerk and that was all it took. She'd hit a spot deep inside that robbed of sight, sight and motion all at once. Come I did.


Throwing my head back into the pillows, I let out a silent scream and didn't miss the sharp sting of Elsa's teeth sinking into my shoulder. In fact there was a kind of vibration mixed with a long, high-pitched moan against my skin as I hung on to her for dear life as my body continued to slowly come down. Sweet Titans! Did that just happen? Her weight settled on top of with with a sense of warmth and comfort, letting me run my shaky hand through her hair while the sounds of heavy breathing still filled the air. I had to touch her lest I somehow float away.

After a few more silent moments, Elsa slid off of me and I let out a shuddering groan when the toy left me too. Whew! That was so insane! Pure madness! I grinned stupidly when she giggled, unstrapped the toy and put it somewhere and then snuggled closer to me. "Good Morning." She whispered. And just when I thought it couldn't be any hotter. I burst out laughing, making her sit up on her elbow to give me a questioning look.

"Good Morning indeed." Now, it's my turn. I then pushed her onto her back, smashing our lips together.

She returned my kiss full force and it set my head a-spinning, though, I wouldn't let her win this time. Oh no, it was my turn to make her scream. She did put up a good fight and when I finally won the battle for dominance, I pinned her wrists to either side of her head, already starting to grind my hips into her. Once again, I brought my lips to hers and we shared another heated kiss until I decided her lips were puffy enough, I moved down her neck, but not before taking her hands and telling her to keep them above her.

You're mine. I thought as her eyes widened a bit at that command, but she did as she was told and held on to the headboard as I nipped and laved my tongue on down her neck to her cute, pink, erect nipples. Without a second to loose, I sucked one into my mouth, flicking my tongue over the tip and she arched, pushing more of herself into me. I gladly accepted and brought my other hand up to replace my tongue with my fingers as I latched on to her unattended breast. She moaned as her hips met mine in a light jerk and I could tell she wanted to bring her hands down, but they stayed firmly in place.

Letting go of her nipple with an audible 'pop' I pulled back to grin at her face that was twisted in pleasure and pink with arousal. So gorgeous. Her eyes opened in the slightest and I saw dilated sapphire eyes glowing at me in the rays of the rising sunlight. It stole my breath away to see her in that kind of light, making me think that we needed to get a house and out of that apartment of mine. No wonder she was up and ready to blow my mind so early.

"What's the matter?" Elsa asked, slight concern wavering in those lust-filled eyes.

"I love you." I whispered through a shaky breath. "So much." I watched in awe as her eyes instantly shifted from desire and need to love and patience. It completely astounded me, but that's how she was and I knew that that's exactly how I was two seconds ago. We didn't have a problem deciphering the difference between love and lust because we both understood them.

"I love you too, my knight in dented armor." Breaking my rule, Elsa brought her hand up to caress my cheek.

"Why dented?" I snorted, remembering that I also used that version, but I really didn't even know why I used it. "I thought it was 'shinning' armor." I smirked at her, but stopped when she suddenly sat up so she could kiss me.

"Because." She started after she pulled back to look me in the eyes. "If you showed up in shinning armor, I would automatically know that you didn't have to fight in order to rescue me." I felt her fingers as they touched the scars on my stomach and her eyes brimmed with tears. "Y-you did fight to save me, Anna." Now it was my turn to let out another shaky breath, finally understanding. I put my forehead on hers as a few tears slid down my face and she wiped them tenderly.

Dented armor indeed. Both of us had dented armor.

"I've never swam in the ocean before." Elsa's bright blue eyes rivaled the sparkling, radiant water just a little further out to where the waves were a little bit bigger. The scenery was nice, but I wasn't focused on that at the moment.

"Ever had sex on the beach?" I asked, winking at her and she snorted cutely, rolling her eyes and lightly pinching my side while she was at it.

"You, Anna Murdock, are insatiable." She teased and took a step forward, letting the water lick her toes. My eyes watched enviously. I want to be the water.

"And you're hot. Especially in that bikini." I let my eyes then glaze on up her curvaceous body unashamed.

Really, the day before we left, Marshall had stolen her away so they could get swimming suits while I dealt with Ms. Mode and arrange my schedule so Ariel wouldn't have to suffer much longer when we got back from Hawaii. (Elsa knew my sizes and so did Marshall so I let them pick mine out too.) And now, I couldn't pull my eyes away from my wife's insanely delicious ass that was partially covered with a red bikini. I swear I almost tore them back off once she finally showed them to me a few moments ago and now, I was ready to tackle her again. What's the matter with me? It's like I'm letting all my pervert out all of a sudden. Though Elsa, sweet as ever, didn't seem to mind. Then by all means- As I reached for her, she quickly jumped away and basically dove into the sea.

"H-hey-" I stumbled clumsily, catching myself before I ended up making out with the sand and seawater instead of my wife.

"You want me?" Elsa asked as sultry as she could and wiggled her fingers playfully at me. "Come and get me."

I grinned like an idiot, feeling my libido rear its ugly head as she sprinted away from me. Honestly, I wanted to sit back and watch her run. Those muscles of hers, the way they moved and the maddening way she bounded up and down. Up ad down. Up and down. My throat dried when my eyes eventually landed on her bobbing breasts and that was it for me. Slightly lightheaded from blood loss and turned on once again, I scrambled clumsily after her.

Filled with adrenaline, I easily caught up to her, ignoring the slight suspicion that she was running slower so that I would catch her, I latched on to her waist and she squealed in laughter. Her fine legs were longer than mine, so I figured that if we actually raced, she could beat me. But that was irrelevant as I pressed her up against the cove that we had stumbled upon when we finally stopped wrestling. She gasped when I squeezed her ass to me while, at the same time, slipped my thigh between hers.

"Ann- ahh-" Elsa moaned, already beginning to rock her hips against my thigh. I growled into her neck and squeezed her breast with one hand while the other stayed on her ass. Through my lust-filled mind, I remembered that Elsa, though diligently riding my leg, was indeed scraping her semi-bared backside into the pointed rocks behind us, hell I could feel how rough it was on the back of my hand. But dammit she's already- an idea hit me then and I twisted us, laying her on the sand instead.

Before I lost my mind to passion again, I thought of something else. "N-normally, I would- I mean there's usually a-a blanket, you know, so-" I began to stutter, confidence faltering like the sand around us when I wondered if this was safe, but she cut me off with her lips and I felt her leg come up between mine. Ooo, guess it can work. I wasted no more time and shoved my leg back into her center, making her break the kiss so she could moan. Ignoring my body's own demands, I kissed and laved my tongue down her neck, across the marks I'd left there that morning and I tasted the salt of the ocean along her collarbones. Elsa moved her leg and my eyes rolled upward my goddess, I'll never get over the sounds she makes, the way she makes me feel.

Her nails scratched down my back as her breathing and hips increased. I, too, began to thrust faster, slipping my hand down to her ass, aiding in her frantic means to an end. I grit my teeth as I began to convulse along with my wife and she suddenly cried out as she came. Her scream echoed throughout the cove followed by my own groan of pleasure. Bringing my lips back to her lips, I lazily kissed her, whispering sweet nothings all the while and making her arms slide around my neck, smiling at my dorkiness and returning my whispers with haughty answers.

I love you so much.

Again we wandered, hand in hand, back to the water to let it cool our toes and this time we ventured further out, enjoying all the peacefulness that the ocean had to offer.

Heading Home.

"Now I can say I've had sex on the beach." Elsa stated cheekily as she rested her head on my shoulder. Already, we were waiting for the plane to land. One week in paradise and we were coming home tanned, rested and as happy as any young married couple could be.

"Both the physical sex and the drink." I commented just as cheekily. "You know, when we get back, we're gonna have jet-lag again." I then groaned like a child.

"Big baby." She giggled. "I'll make sure to wake you up first before I make you breakfast." Squeezing my cheek, she whispered into my ear and I shuddered as a dirty thought crossed my mind.

"Not if I make breakfast out of you first." I teased and she playfully hit me, noticing that our flight attendant had indeed heard me.

"I'd like to see you try." She pinched my side, making me jump as I held back an unladylike snort. "I have no problem waking up at four anymore." Was her added comment.

"Then I'll just wake up at three, your majesty." I grinned at her. We both noticed our rhyming couplets and began to laugh at our ridiculousness. Before I could say that we should write a song, the pilot announced that we were preparing to land.

Now the ocean was awesome and all, but I missed Arendelle. For one: there were trees to hide under if the sun got too hot and two: it wasn't that humid here, nor were we on a dormant volcano. This was my home and I was happy to be back. At first, I wasn't sure how Elsa felt but once we came out of the baggage claim, she took in a deep breath as a dreamy smile crossed her lips.

"Feels good to be-" blue eyes turned to me suddenly and I was too busy grinning at her to try to hide it. "Home." I watched her lips curve upwards, showing off her pearly whites.

"I'm home as long as I'm with you." The words tumbled out of my mouth without me really analyzing it. But once it was out, there was no doubt that that was completely true and it seemed to knock my wife off her feet. Am I the world's greatest lover yet? No, I wasn't a lover anymore. I was a wife- husband? Either way, I had another goal to work towards. One that wouldn't stop changing until I died.

"Einstein's ghost! I think I got another cavity just from listening to your disgustingly sweet, candy-coated-honey-pie-straight-from-Hallmark-goo-goo-eyed sweet talk." Kristoff snorted and Elsa pulled away to giggle cutely at him.

"You said 'sweet' twice, ya dummy." I chuckled as he picked up our bags and loaded them into the trunk of Marshall's car. "Hey, where is Marshmallow anyway?" I pressed my nose up against the passenger window to see nobody else in there. Strange. She shouldn't be working, it's, like, Saturday.

"Oh, she's holed up in a room, still guilty as hell from the little wedding mishap." Kristoff shrugged, opening the back door for us like he was a taxi driver. What? Why the fuck was she still whining about that? Elsa and I looked worriedly at one another and when we didn't make a move to get in the car, Kristoff laughed. "Joking. I'm completely joking."

"Stupid-" I socked his arm.

"Ow- h-hey cut it- ow- out! Someone's gonna- OW! T-they're gonna report you!" He did his best to dodge my hits, but it proved pointless, I was Rocky. I even did the quick feet, or whatever it was called, mainly to see Elsa hide her laugh behind her hand. "Get in the car already, Mike Tyson." Kristoff put his palm on my forehead, holding me at arms length and rubbing his nails on his shirt arrogantly, while I flailed around pointlessly. This time Elsa laughed out loud, coming to hold me back.

"I so won. You bet your ass I did." I bounced on the balls of my feet, acting more idiotic than I normally did, but it was worth it. Elsa buried her face in my neck, kissing it and telling me that she was utterly and helplessly in love with me. I grinned like a child of Christmas morning at that.

"Sure pal, got the belt and everything. Now let's go. We have a big surprise for the two of you." He threatened to pick me up, but instead, I picked Elsa up and hurriedly carried her back to the car.

I looked out the window as we pulled up onto an unfamiliar street. Even though the sun was setting, I could see that it was a nice, clean and safe looking neighborhood with children playing outside and people kicking it on their front porches. I wonder.

"Did Marshall get a new house?" I asked, looking curiously at Kristoff who was looking back at me from the rearview mirror. Well, she had money so why not? All I wanted to do was lie with my wife and take a nap. It was almost seven after all and being on a plane for more than five hours was making me that much more restless.

He parked on the curb of a house at the end of the cul-de-sac and the first thing I noticed was my car in the driveway. I raised a brow at Elsa who shrugged at me. Kristoff turned the car off and quickly made his way around to open the door for us. I could have done that. Instead my eyes took in the rest of the house. There was a small garden out front with a cute little pathway that lead through the lawn to the front door. It was a two story white house with green shingles and a green door that held a bubbly Marshall that was waving at us.

"Well don't just stand there like a donkey with a wooden leg. Get out." Kristoff all but pulled me out.

"Did you just call me a donkey?" I glared at him, making him grin wider before he opened the trunk. Why's he getting our bags? Did something happen at my apartment? A slight feeling of dread poked at my stomach but when I was wrapped up in a hug from the green-eyed woman, I snapped out of it.

"Welcome home. We missed y'all." She kissed my cheeks and then Elsa's. Home? I let out a chuckle when she pulled Elsa's and my hands, practically dragging us up the lawn and to the door. "Wait!" She cried nearly pushing me back into Elsa.

"W-what? I wasn't a-about to go barging-"

"Haven't you ever seen a wedding movie?" Marshall asked incredulously, hitting my arm and I growled at her. "You have to carry your wife across the threshold! Duh."

I frowned. "B-but that's only when- " light bulb. "O-only...when..." My eyes widened in shock. "You didn't." I stared at Marshall who was smirking at me.

"Bet your ass I did. Your stuff's already moved in. We took care of your apartment, actually, we signed it over to Oaken since you won't be there anymore-" her words began to turn warbled as my jaw dropped.

"This is a house, Marshall. Like, a house." I stated, knees feeling like jelly. Elsa's hand suddenly gripped mine.

"It's not just a house." She gently put a hand on my shoulder. "It's your house."

"W-we ca-" I turned to her with wide eyes and a rapidly beating heart.

"Shut up! Yes you can. You have to. No exchanges or refunds." Her eyes hardened, letting me know she was dead serious. "Anna Murdock this is your and Elsa's house. It's my gift to you." She smiled, starting to tear up. "And no, this isn't out of guilt." She turned to Kristoff who grinned at me. "We actually were scouting for houses since your engagement and we came across this one. I let your parents know and they were all for it."

"We love you two and figured it was time you started a new chapter in life." Kristoff tried to say, but ended up snorting, saying that he sounded like he was reading some sappy book.

"That goes for the two of us too." Marshall squealed, waving her engagement ring around in our faces.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down! This is all happening so fast!" I dramatically put a hand to my head. While they paused, I quickly picked Elsa up and ran into the house with her.

After taking a tour around the house, learning that it was a three bedroom (sheesh, there was only two of us!) Two bathrooms, fully furnished, oh my gods I'd never been so surprised, happy, shocked and full of joy that I figured it would take awhile for me to get over it. And to make it even better, we were told that Elsa's parents were charged on more than a few accounts of corruption and other horribly things that made sure they were going to get in a good deal of trouble. The idiots had stepped in it when they first bribed the president of that mental institute.

Victory dance! Safe!

"It's about time." I commented, lifting Marshall's finger closer so I could examine it. "Thank you Marshall." Quickly switching topics, I grasped her hand. "I-I wasn't expecting this." My eyes watered. Seriously I was indebted to her from here on out.

"Don't mention it, buddy." She leaned in to kiss my forehead. "I'm happy that you found someone to share the rest of your life with."

"Actually-" I started as Kristoff and Elsa came back with drinks for us. Smiling broadly, she handed me a bottle and then settled onto my lap. "I owe it all to Kristoff." Said man wrapped his arm around a surprised Marshall.

"Wha-" her brow furrowed.

"I was the one that found Elsa that night." Kristoff answered. Elsa smiled at him and then turned my face to kiss me, knowing full well that we owed everything we had to that man and his fiance.

"What on earth were you doing out there?" Marshall asked and Kristoff gave me a teary smile.

"It was my grandparent's anniversary so I was, as I always did, since my Grammy stopped walking there herself, taking flowers to the tree their name was carved into." Was his explanation that had us all smiling with full hearts.

You got it. That big ole Kampfer tree that stood alone on top of that hill. The one I dreamed to be. It now had seen a few more things and would always hold a sense of ennui and a form of gratefulness.

Remembering a song I'd recently heard, well, it was just playing on the radio, I raised my beer, catching their attention and they followed suit. "Here's to us. Stuck it out this far together. Put our dreams through the shredder. Let's toast 'cause things got better."

"I love you." Elsa kissed me, stealing my breath away, making me grin like an idiot once she pulled back and took a drink. Kristoff and Marshall cheered and took a drink too.

Here's to us. Here's to love.

A/N: Well, its been a ride...I believe that's all folks XD

Thank you for all your suggestions, reviews, follows/favs. You all rock and stay golden.

Feisty out~!

A/N2: I tried not to tamper with it too much because this was the first story I finished, but grammar and some dialogue I did try to fix and there are a few added details here and there. The rest is as it was the first time around. (Funny that it actually started one drunken/rainy night while I was staying in Hawaii and spanned until I got back home...two months later.) But that's besides the point! I hope you all enjoyed it the second time around and I promise to leave it alone this time. ^^
Thank you for reading!
