Dear Readers...or how many of you there are left. We bring you a critical message from each of us:
It has come to our attention that LNCE of Kresnik has gotten to be rather cluttered with no clear sense of direction or purpose from recent reviews. And let us tell you...they are right. We pretty much overdid everything with too many ideas at once, thus ruining our own creation.
Some reasons are too many outside elements, obvious hints and foreshadowing, recycling major events(such as the Trial), unnecessary OCs, OCs that hog the spotlight, and pretty much everything that ruins a plot.
As such, we shall be re-working this story from the ground up. This story is now canned and will be listed as discontinued.
We hope to see you all again in the rewrite.
Demons Anarchy of Pride:
Well...this was a heck of a ride for me too. You all don't know, but working on this story was really fun. Really, that's what fanfiction is. We don't get paid, but we enjoy every last second of it. Fanfiction is our playground. What we write is up to us. So, to those of you who write stories, and are reading things, remember; no matter what anyone says, the story is yours. You decide what happens. Not the readers...unless your story is just like that. For me, working on LNCE was pretty cool. I was especially happy since we had characters like Nico and Cielo thrown into the mix...but the guy who informed us of this story's flaws, Unchained, had told us straight up why our story was lacking.
Hearing this was a blow to our moral, but fanfiction is like a work in progress. True, its sad that so much of what we had planned so over and done with by now, but it was still cool. We wish you could have seen it. We had so many ideas, such as Eden becoming the end of the world's future, Nico being the descendant of one of Remnant's first civilizations, the interactions with the second generation of RWBY, Bahamut's trial for Ludger, and so on. Sadly, none of these ideas will ever see the light of day.
But you know what? THIS is why writing fanfics is so much goddamn fun. Because making up new ideas for stories is what makes us authors. Personally, all of this is training for me to publish my own book series, yet even when I make that dream a reality, I will NEVER stop writing on this site.
LNCE of Kresnik may be gone...but the future still lies bright. So I say unto you, in the immortal words of one Monty Oum,
"Can you match my resolve? If so, you will succeed."
Sincerely, Code-Emperor-07 and Demons Anarchy of Pride.