I wrote another one, guys. I haven't updated the others but I wrote another fic. *Sweat Drop* I have even worse news... This one probably just gonna be a one-shot. Well, I suppose that's not really worse news if you don't like this fanfic, or if you're not one of my followers. I need those by the way, I consider follows and favorites as encouragement to write another chapter or just write another fic with the same pairing, but different plot. Anyway, this is another Dickie-bird and Tony Stark slash story, so if that's not your cup of tea, then hit the back button now. One more thing before I do the disclaimer. For those of you who have read my other crossover fanfic with Tony and Dickie, this isn't meant to be part of that specific world, but I suppose you could take it as a prequel if you wanted to.

Disclaimer: Not mine. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. If Birdie or Anthony belonged to me, I would have made Richard be all over Bruce in Son of Batman and Batman vs. Robin, and vice versa. While Tony... I don't quite know what I would do with that hot mess. Yet.

Hammer and his party were as disappointing as usual. Not that Tony really expected any less of the man who saw himself as his "arch-enemy" in the corporate world. Justin was just trying too hard. Tony turned his gaze to the CEO of Hammer Industries. The man was laughing loudly near the refreshments table, practically throwing himself at the Dalai Lama, who, by the way, had only accepted the invitation because Tony was going to be there. The two of them had been chums since Iron Man saved his life from an ambush in Cairo. Kind and important individual though he was, it was painfully obvious that the Dalai wanted to get away from Hammer as fast as possible. Tony would have been glad to accept the task but, honestly? He couldn't be bothered. The billionaire had had enough of Justin's antics for the night.

The party itself was sub-par. Sure there were a lot of important individuals in the room (once again, most of them were only there because of him), and sure Tony knew personally how unhinged this certain group of people could get, but Hammer wasn't doing anything right at all. He didn't know how to loosen these people up, and the soft jazz playing in the background wasn't helping. These people needed rock. They needed something to jam to, and while the Dalai may not have appreciated the hard and loud music that would resound through his aged self, it was evident even something like that he would still accept as a distraction from Justin Hammer's mindless and incessant babble. If the throbbing headache Tony felt could only just alleviate itself for a moment then maybe he could make it up to the stage and tell those guys to play some actual party music. The "genius, playboy, billionaire, philanthropist" was currently seated on one of the many couches in Hammer's summer house. A couch he had picked out because the deep red of it suited his tastes, and it happened to be positioned near the wall of windows at the very back of the room. Said windows overlooked the soothing site of the dark, midnight world outside, a great contrast against the brightness of the room that made his head hurt. The home, in fact, was suspiciously built like his own house in Malibu. Justin really would stop at nothing to attain the awesomeness he himself had been born with.

Tony had walked into the the extravagant bash all smirks and winks, some pretty blonde thing on his arm. Janine? Becky? Whatever. She was a model and he had had models before, never bothered to remember a single one. It seemed the press were really the only ones keeping track. He would have brought Pepper but "someone needed to run the company while he was out partying, again", apparently. Though, he supposed he shouldn't have even considered bringing her. Pepper was too good for the likes of Justin Hammer, even if she didn't believe him every time he said it. Tony was secretly nice like that. The not-so-secret superhero was all but falling asleep when he heard the door to the house opening and some appreciative whispers sounding from around the room. Lifting his arm from where it rested on his forehead, and sitting up on the couch, Tony got one look at the person's rear (they had turned to face the person behind them), and his eyes widened from the perfect pert, roundness of it. Then, as the dark-haired beauty swiveled around, bright blue, abso-freaking gorgeous, eyes met his and Tony felt the breath get knocked from out of him.

Damn. He was wide awake now.

The alluring individual offered Tony a small smile (the most beautiful smile he had ever seen despite it's size) before someone to their left caught their attention, leaving Tony robbed of the sight of him when other bodies blocked the billionaire's view. It seemed the beauty was someone well known, and definitely rich considering the way they all gathered around him. But Tony knew that that was hardly the only reason. Everyone of them had gotten an eyeful when the youthful character had had his back turned to them, and everyone was thinking the same thing.

I've got to make him mine.

But there was no way in hell, that he, the great and powerful (don't forget ridiculously handsome) Tony Stark, IRON MAN, was going to let anyone but him, lay wandering hands on that mighty fine piece of creme de la creme.

A/N: Well, was it enjoyable? Or at least mildly okay? Apologies if Tony seemed OOC, and Richard too flirty. But then again, it is DICKIE. He doesn't really have a limit to how flirty he can get, even if he only just met Tony and didn't even speak a word to him. Forgive the author for any grammar/spelling mistakes, as well. Even the best of us can miss things. Especially, if we don't have Betas. But yea, please review! I really do want to know what you guys think. Follow me, and Favorite if you could, too.