Harry fluttered his wings as he stretched his arms above his head.

"Harry-sama...Please don't go." Harry turned back to see Momiji entering the clearing he claimed as his own.

"I have to Momiji... I needed to leave sooner or later." Harry said as he kneeled before the pouting girl. "And this way I won't need to worry about getting lost at sea or getting tired." Harry explained as he curled his wings around them gently. "I want to see the rest of this world, to get a better understanding of it."

"But you can't go with Pirates! If you get seen by marines you'll be arrested!" Momiji protested as she looked up to harry with pleading eyes. Harry sighed and stood, walking away from Momiji and to the little water source he had.

"I can assure you Momiji... I will be fine." Harry said reassuringly as he kneeled down and scooped up a with his cupped hand some cool refreshing waters to drink. Sighing softly he swiftly turned around and, with speed he has grown accustomed to, kneeled down, picked up Momiji, spread his wings and apparated up into the air, not wanting to have momiji have a snap back from taking off from the ground quickly.

Momiji let out a startled squeak and Harry chuckled as she pouted up at him, a blush coating his blown up cheeks.


"Sorry Momiji..." Harry said as he flapped his wings and took off towards her town.

Harry stood by the docks as towns people were saying their both their farewells and trying to get Harry to stay. Harry told he would be fine and that there town would be fine as well. He had casted a minor protection spell on their town, small enough that it will sustain itself, not needing him to feed his magic into it. It won't allow those with ill intent to reach their island and those that cause trouble would be magically booted. Harry didn't tell them about the charm anyways. He kept it vague in saying that he was always watching.

"Oi! Let's go already we're wasting enough time!" Harry looked up, as he fluttered his wings annoyed with Kidd. The red head simple glared at him before turning and disappearing up on the deck of the ship. Harry gave a sigh before looking down to the little girl that was looking determinedly up at him. Kneeling down, Harry gave her a soft smile that she slowly returned before she hugged him tightly.

"I'm going to miss you Harry-sama..." She whispered and his deer ear twitched slightly. Smiling softly her brought his wings to cover them as he warmed the hug. "And to make sure you won't forget about me." momiji said as they broke the hug and Harry pulled his wings back. Momiji slipped something around Harry's neck, mindful of his hair and clipped into place and thread. Looking down, Harry saw an assortment of shells and small blue rock in a wire casing on it. Smiling Harry casted a notice-me-not charm on it and slipped it under his baggy shirt.

"I will treasure it forever Momiji..." Harry said softly and lightly kissed the girl on her forehead. Standing up straight he casted a smile to them all before spreading his wings and flying up onto the deck of the Kidd pirates. Landing on deck Harry made double sure his charms and wards were up as he face the towns before, waving to them as they set sail. Harry could hear them all shouting their farewells, some unhappy, others wishing him luck. The voice that stood out for Harry was little Momiji.

"I'll never forget you harry-sama!" Harry smiled fondly as he leaned against the railing, head propped up on his palm. He gave a snicker before turning and giving his full attention to the people he would be travelling with.

"Now then." Harry started as he looked Kidd straight in his eye. "What do I do now?"

Harry was perched up in the crow's nest, having chosen to make that his sunning spot. He was out of the way of the always tussling crew bellow and no where near ropes sure the need of changing sails be needed. Up in the crow's nest there was always just one other person that needed to do look out and Harry made sure to not be in their way. Harry had the slight feeling that Kidd was waiting for him to just mess up something to skewer him and take his 'devil fruit'. These devil fruit made it slightly easier to not have to explain to anyone why he was what he was.

But after learning in a book that these fruits are reborned when the user dies, made Harry feel like he was going to have people after him to get the 'rare' fruit he has. Sighing Harry stretched, stretching out his wings out fully and his arms above his head, before tucking the wings close to his back and standing up. He was hungry now.

Jumping off from the top of the crow's nest, he spread his wings and glided down to the deck, tucking his close when he was a good few feet above them and landed neatly on his feet. He moved past the crew, ignoring the stairs and made his way down to where he could smell food. The ship was just as off putting inside as it was outside to Harry. After mapping his way through the halls and stairs he finally reached a dinning hall and stepped in.

"Dinner's not ready for another hour come back later!" Harry heard a gruff voice from the kitchen where a lot of sounds were coming from. Curiosity peaked, he inched closer to the where the kitchen doors were and quietly pushed them open, wide enough for him to see into. Harry stuck his tongue out at how messy the place was and the aroma of something literally slapped him in the face. Pinching his nose closed, he back out and shuddered. It was... edible food but not the least bit savory.

Harry sighed before apparating back up onto the Crow's nest and spreading his wings out fully. He was hungry now and couldn't wait an hour for whatever that slop was. Harry was sure that Kidd would be presented with his own fair meal with his higher ranked members. Or something just slightly above what ever that chef was making. If that man can even be called a chef.

Harry's emerald green eyes sharpened as he scanned the nearby waters for a fish that will fill him up nicely. Finding a school of nicely sized fish, he smirked and took off flying. He could hear the startled yell from the crew but he really could not care for that now as a delicious feast awaited him. Tucking his wings in and holding his hands in front of him, he dove into the waters at a speed that sent him shoot through and directly into the heart of the school of fish were he saw the fattest of the fish. Wasting no time he dug his clawed hands into the fish and spread his wings, gave a mighty flap and used a spell to propel himself right out of the waters, he casted a drawing spell on himself immediately and clung onto the fish that was starting to wildly flail. With a growl Harry bit down and crunched over the fish's gills/neck area and waited until it stilled before letting go and spitting out the scales that came off during it's struggle. All while in the air, flapping his wings.

Satisfied with his prey Harry turned, headed in the direction of the ship and raised a brow at the assembled crew up on deck holding weapons. Rolling his eyes he paid them no mind as he landed on the beck and dropped his prize down and tried to flake off the scales that came off during the struggle. Sensing something, Harry acted quickly. Drawing his sword, that still surprised many a crew at how they still don't see it, he blocked a deadly slash from a floating blade. Growling and threw the blade back and threw a spell at it that sent it flying and cutting into the mast. Harry glared at Kidd who seemed to be fuming.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Kidd said through clenched teeth. Harry huffed as he placed his clawed foot upon this meal.

"I was hungry so I thought I would get something to eat. I refuse to eat whatever gruel your chef is preparing..." Harry growled before huffing and flaring his wings slightly. "I have a delicate diet to maintain..." Harry said off-handedly.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, bastard? I'm the captain on this ship and you are my guest! And that can change very quickly..." Kidd hissed threateningly. Harry scoffed slightly at him, only adding to his anger.

"Oh and what is it that you are going to do? I could very well leave and let the seas take me to the next island." Harry said haughtily. His feet had shifted into talons at this point and were both gripping on the fish. This went unnoticed by most of the crew except a select few, Kidd not included.

"Do that and we go back and fucking kill everyone at that village..." Kidd gave a dark smirk, thinking he had gotten Harry. Harry stared at him. And stared. Kidd held his smirk, expecting Harry to finally bow down and plead for his forgiveness. And Kidd wouldn't give it, he'll have him diced up and collect his devil fruit and move on.

But that was not what happened.

Harry started smirking, then chuckled and soon laughing as he tucked his wings closer to his back.

"Ahahahaha!" Harry laughed before smirking at Kidd. "Did you really think I was some doe-eyed, naive little soul with a power he stumbled upon?" Harry taunted as he stretched his enchanted wings out fully and gave a strong flapp. Enough to push the slowly closing in crew back but not enough to take off. "You think I don't know of what type of leverage you would have over me after you saw how fond I am of the town we just left?" Harry said in sickly sweet tone. Kidd frowned deeply before sending 5 swords at Harry from all directions. Before the blades were even 3 feet from him they stopped mid air and turned to dust, Harry's eyes glowing a vivid green.

"I placed a charm on the town, so that if you see it out for any ill intent, you will never find it." Harry explained as he crossed his arm and fluttered his wings. "You may sail back the way you came but you will be altered off your course greatly." Harry said offhandedly as he knocked back a crew member that tried to get the jump on him from the sails. With the flick of his wrist he sent the man flying off to the side, colliding into his other crewmates. "So Kidd." Harry looked directly into the angered eyes of a growling Captain Kidd. "Are we going to go about the rest of this voyage to the next island as civil as possible or do I need to fly out on my own?" Harry emphasised his point as he clenched down deeper into the fish.

Everything was silent as the tension was thick in the air. Harry stared deep into Kidd's eyes and sighed as he stretched his wings out.

"I see..." Harry said with half lidded eyes. "Farewell then Kidd Pirates." Harry said with a huff before giving a powerful flap of his wings, turning his body slightly intangible just as Killer's scythe blades went through his wings. Not wasting any time, Harry apparated away with the fish still locked in his talons.

Spells, Charm and Curses:

Review Answers:

Reithandina - Why long hair and why wings? What kind of animagus is he? Just.. Why long hair and wings? Why?

Answer- Well all of his physical appearance actually has to do with his amimagus, which will be revealed later one. Do not worry about it just yet XD

Well then. A nice long chapter to move things along. I Initially wanted to have Harry, you know, temporarily travel with the Kidd Pirates, but thought against it because I feel that Harry and Kidd would butt heads more than I would like and it would develop their relationship negatively. So I would go with the whole 'the one who got away' thing.

So now we have Harry gonna fly on his own and create himself a name in the world of One Piece. How he's going to navigate other their changing oceans? Well they do say birds know where to fly to find land and shit sooooo-or maybe not and I pulled that out of my arse- I will see you guys in the next chapter~!

EDIT:26/07/2016 Fixed some grammar and stuff.