Blonde Ambition 42

This chapter truly lives up to the fluffy award.

Disclaimer: These aren't my people, people.

Moments later, April Young and Liv Parker came into the front yard as the group was about to disperse.

Since April had been introduced to most, if not all of them, she went first. She was not a very confident person, but she knew if Caroline was there, she'd tell her to just go for it. "Excuse me, um Marcel, do you have a treasure hunt clue?"

His smile was huge. Rebekah, Bonnie, and Klaus were amused. The other 2 were not.

"I'm not the answer. Sorry." He looked at Rebekah and Bonnie. "Let's go." April and her friends were hot on the clue trail. They had to keep moving if they wanted to win and they did. They said their goodbyes.

"Do you have one?" April shyly asked Kol.

His smile was all teeth. "Caroline needs glasses I'm afraid."

Klaus rolled his eyes.

"Klaus," April started, but Damon interrupted.

He would not take these very personal and hurtful insults lying down. "Liv, ask me. Ask me right now."

His irritation amused Klaus and Kol greatly. They didn't usually come across others who would react the same way they would. Damon did.

Damon didn't leave with Bonnie because he was waiting for someone, anyone to agree that he was the most handsome. It had to happen!

Liv was ready for him, hand on her hip. "Damon, do you know where the most handsome man is?"

With a curse, Damon stomped off as Klaus and Kol laughed. Klaus was reminded of how fun it was to traumatize Damon by giving him the false flower information what felt like a lifetime ago.

"You have it, don't you?" Liv asked Klaus.

"I wanted to ask you first, but didn't want to be rude to the others," April quickly added. The "one of a kind" part of the clue made her think of something being unique or original, which is why she thought Marcel or Klaus were the most likely choices since they worked at a place called The Original. They were also both dreamy.

Kol opened his mouth, but Klaus slapped a hand on his shoulder. "Ladies, you honor me and yes, I do." He handed them the clue. They smiled and walked off.

"I'm going to get a girlfriend and she's going to make me the answer to a clue saying how great I am," Kol pouted.

"Kol, don't eat any of the guests, leave them alive anyway. Davina would not appreciate the mess. We leave in a few hours."

With that, Klaus walked back into the bedroom and changed into his bathing suit. Through the window, he could see Caroline playing in the surf with Davina and others. She was laughing and smiling. He didn't know why, but every time she smiled he felt better about himself.

"Baby," Caroline cheered when Klaus walked out onto the beach. Her arms went up, open for him. He was wearing a traditional men's bathing suit. It really was similar to the women's style. The color was black. It was one-piece with narrow straps. The men's suits weren't clingy and the legs were longer.

The waves were mild. More and more people were leaving behind the games to play in the water. It was hot and the ocean provided great relief. They didn't always leave their drinks behind either. More than one guest, including Babe Ruth, walked into the water with full glasses of alcohol in their hands.

Klaus' arms circled her hips as her arms circled his neck. He brushed a kiss against her jawline. "The most handsome?"

"Of the handsome," she agreed, excited that someone figured the clue out and Klaus got to see her feelings for him expressed once again.

His mouth pressed against hers, sliding his tongue along her lips to gain access, and to show his appreciation.

Her eyes were bright when they stopped kissing. She played with the hair at the back of his head as the waves brushed against their knees. "I like your bathing suit."

He smirked.

"Did you figure things out?"

"I have a plan," he agreed, "to find out what Elijah's intentions are."

"I think that's really good." That really did seem like the smartest thing. Was there actually a scheme or was Elijah merely in love? She bit her lip. "Do you have to leave soon?"

"No, sweetheart."

Her lips met his again.

Then she pushed on his shoulders and dunked him.

As he emerged and wiped his face, she giggled and tried to get away.

Catching her slim ankle, he kept her in suspense. She hopped on her other foot, trying not to fall when the waves came in.

She laughed and laughed at her situation. She was stuck. He grinned and raised a brow. This kind of revenge was very sweet.

"Davina," she called, spotting her best friend. Her arms went out, looking for help.

"Caroline," Davina answered, reaching a hand out to reel her in.

"She can't save you," Klaus teased, towing Caroline in just before Davina could get her, keeping her away from her best friend. A grave injustice!

As Davina swam/waded/walked to Klaus, he picked Caroline up and tossed her into the waves. Fortunately, she had enough time to figure out what he was going to do and held her nose.

"You're next," Klaus told Davina who changed directions with a laugh. She wasn't fast enough either.

Knowing what was coming as Caroline bobbed up, Davina held her nose too. She was thrown in as Caroline cheered.




On the lawn, Marcel held up the prize in victory. With his two favorite people in the whole world, they did it. They found the treasure. It was a beautiful silver flask engraved with the date.

"You are both my lucky charms," he told them, giving a kiss on the cheek to his sister and a hot kiss to his lady love.

Marcel got the flask filled as Rebekah, Damon, and Bonnie used the changing tents to put on their swimsuits. Then he joined them, changing himself.

"We're going to have words, Blondie," Damon snipped.

"Why now?" Caroline whined with a grin.

A big wave came through, sending them all over the place.

Damon pointed at Klaus accusingly when everyone was re-settled. "The most handsome? Him? My eyes are lighter blue, piercing, so I'm told." Caroline stifled a giggle. "The dark hair and light eye combination? The chiseled cheek bones? The lean body? The overall devastating good looks?"

Caroline couldn't help it. She cracked up as Bonnie told Davina about the clue.

"Someone figured it out though," Caroline told Damon when she stopped laughing.

"Damon actually did," Bonnie told her with a laugh. He was the one who reminded them of the author of the note and who she thought was the most handsome!

"We found the flask," Rebekah told her as Marcel joined them. "Marcel, Bonnie, and I."

"Congratulations! You make a great time," Caroline told them, smiling at each of them.

Damon wasn't done and opened his mouth again. Caroline had enough to drink and was high enough on Klaus that she smirked up at him. "Baby, I think Damon needs to cool off."

"Cause a distraction, minx," he agreed with a wink.

"Look over there, everyone! Is that Stefan?" She yelled. Caroline also pointed and everyone looked where she was pointing except for Klaus.

Before Damon knew it, he was midair.

Klaus threw him at least 50 yards away into the ocean.

His yelp and splash had a few people looking over, including Davina.

"Klaus," Bonnie told him, watching Damon start to make his way back, "my very competitive boyfriend has an oversized, but fragile ego. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"

"Me?" Klaus asked, hand up to his chest.

Rebekah, Marcel, and Caroline laughed.

"Handsome," Davina requested, arms up, "I want to go for a ride too." When Klaus threw her before, it was fun, but she didn't go very far. An Original vampire though? He could toss her and it would be like an amusement park ride.

"Are you sure?" he asked. She was human after all and his girlfriend's best friend. Hurting her, even on accident, wasn't smart. Even he knew that.

She nodded and Caroline added, "She's a great swimmer. Go, D!"

Marcel caused the distraction so that the rest of the party wouldn't notice the feat of superhuman strength. "What is that?" he yelled. "Is that Kol getting naked?" He too was feeling good after the treasure hunt win and the alcohol.

On cue, Klaus heaved Davina up and over the waves. She was smaller than Damon and went farther than him.

Kol looked around on the lawn, very confused. Then he gave Marcel the finger as Rebekah grinned.

Caroline climbed onto Klaus' back. He got her up so she was sitting on his shoulders. There was an excellent view up there.

"Go, Davina!" Caroline cheered again as the witch waved and headed back in.

"Minx?" Klaus asked, sliding a hand along her thigh. Did she want to go for a ride too?

"Not today." She was a little tired and battling the waves would take a lot of energy. Damon wasn't even back yet.

"Anyone else?" Klaus asked, feeling unusually generous. "Rebekah?" he drawled. He knew his sister.

"It will ruin my hair," she hedged, so tempted.

"Do it," Caroline told her, her own hair drying in beachy waves that would be all the rage in 90 years. "Davina and I have hair products in our rooms."

"Do it, Rebekah," Bonnie urged her, seeing a less prissy side of Rebekah.

Marcel smiled at her. Rebekah was at the party she practically dreamt of. She was surrounded by friends and family. She was accepted by others. She was happy.

"Ok," she agreed. "Here goes."

Caroline leapt off Klaus so he could get a hold of his sister.

"Just like the old days."

"Stefan and Kol are both stripping?" Caroline yelled in mock horror, pointing to them once more to get some privacy.

Klaus threw Rebekah far.

It was hard for her to be quiet during the flight. It was like flying and she loved the water.

"Fine," Kol yelled from the beach, starting to strip off his jacket, tie, and shirt.

Klaus rolled his eyes, knowing Kol wasn't kidding. That's when Damon finally arrived back at them.

"Good thing you're so much older," he said pleasantly enough. It had taken a cool dunking for him figure out Caroline was delusional and he should leave her to her delusions. Plus, it had been a little fun, although he wouldn't ever admit it…except maybe to Bonnie in the dark. She wouldn't tell anyone his secrets and that had become very important to him, to have someone like that in his life. Stefan loved him and he loved Stefan, but this was different.

Klaus put his hand out. Damon shook it, but got the jump on Klaus, dunking him for a moment of satisfaction. Bonnie cheered and gave her boyfriend a kiss.

"He really is doing it," Caroline told Klaus with a little laugh when he came up from the water, distracting him from his endless games with Damon.

Kol had his shoes off and sat to take off his socks.

"He's a bit of an exhibitionist," Klaus admitted.

Kol was attracting a crowd.

"That was a the bee's knees, Klaus," Davina told them when she finally got back to them, being a better swimmer than Damon.

"You went so far," Caroline told her. Behind them, Rebekah was making her way in still.

"What's going on?" Davina asked, since a lot of people both in the water and on the grass seemed distracted by something.

"Klaus' brother is getting naked."

"Let me see!" Davina yelped, jumping ahead to get a good look as Kol dropped his pants.

Yup. He wasn't wearing underwear.

Arms out, proud and confident, Kol marched straight ahead through the waves and then performed a perfect dive.

It was only the group with Klaus, Caroline, Bonnie, Davina, Marcel, and Rebekah who got the full frontal view. Everyone else either saw his ass or his profile.

Keeping her mouth shut, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of a reaction, Davina ignored Kol, although good parties always did have something scandalous happen. Kol stripping down was it. While her parties had skinny dippers before, it usually happened after the sun went down. Not for Kol Mikaelson. It was the middle of the day and he was starkers.

"Welcome back, Rebekah," Bonnie told her as she made it. "Your brother's naked."

"Nik?" Rebekah looked at him. Nope, he was clothed.

"Kol," Marcel answered as Kol popped up right in front of them. The water came up to his waist thankfully.

"Happy now?" he cooed to Marcel and Caroline, i.e. the ones who remarked on him stripping again and again.

"No," Bonnie snarked.

"Kol, put some clothes on," Rebekah whined.

"Make me," Kol taunted.

Rebekah started to chase him.

Kol grinned and swam just out of her reach, loving the game.

"I want to catch him, but I don't," she whined, making all the others laugh.

The group played in the water for a while longer. The girls talked together. Bonnie, Caroline, and Davina got to see a softer, more open side of Rebekah. She was actually kind of funny. Her wisecracks were sharp and surprisingly not mean-spirited.

Marcel showed off his winner's flask and shared drinks with the guys.

The water was actually really cold, but no one complained. The season was so short that to enjoy it, it meant being cold. Eventually a few left to dry in the sun. Others joined them from the grass. A large number were sitting on the lawn chairs with their feet in the water, full glass in hand, snacks set up close by. Umbrellas dotted the sand for those looking for shade.

"My fingers are getting pruny," Caroline told Klaus. She climbed up him, arms around his neck, legs around his hips. His hands went under her ass, holding her up.

"Do you want to dry off?"

"Ummm, baby? I was thinking of something else." Klaus was in her arms. Klaus was in his bathing suit. Klaus' broad chest was pressed against hers. It had her thinking of only one thing.

Against his ear, she whispered two words.

When he heard them, despite the cold water, he hardened between her warm, spread thighs.

"More alluring words have never been spoken," he murmured as she giggled.

Her two words?

Turtle poop.