Title: Unexpected Treasures

Summary: Michael & Sabrina didn't expect to fall in love, nor did they plan the unexpected pregnancy that followed. With secrets threatening to be exposed, can the new couple make their relationship work? Set after 10/30/2015.

A/N: After seeing a few stories on Michael & Sabrina, I have been itching to write one myself. After watching the episode on 10/30/2015 (the Halloween party on the Haunted Star), I realized I wanted to start there. The only thing that will be changed is the timeline surrounding when Sabrina first found out she was pregnant. I know on the show she confessed to Felix she also slept with Carlos. I don't know how far along Sabrina technically is, so I'm changing it to fit my story. You are more than welcome to correct my mistakes, but in the end, I'm keeping it to fit my story. Sabrina slept with Carlos, but she slept with Michael a few days/weeks later. She still doesn't know who the father is and Felix will still tell her to hold off on assuming until a paternity test is done and Michael doesn't need to know. Michael & Sabrina will be endgame. I hope you will give this story a chance and let me know what you think. If I had a chance to write the love story between this couple, this is how I would do it. If you do like this story and want more chapters, please review/follow/favorite and tell me. I will only keep writing if I get enough feedback. I don't want to spend time writing this story if no one will read/review. It all depends on you, my lovely readers. Any questions/concerns, feel free to leave them in a review/PM and I'll gladly answer them.

Chapter 1

***General Hospital***

(Sabrina sighs deeply as she thought back to the Halloween party on the Haunted Star. Felix reminded her not to make any rushed decisions until she knew who the father of her unborn baby was. She was driving herself crazy, though. While she will always love Carlos, she couldn't imagine her life without Michael in it. Yes, she and Michael got together quickly. In all honesty, Michael completes her. They loved each other and accepted each other, faults and all. No one was perfect. They both had a lot of baggage. Neither cared about that, though. She knew sooner or later, she was going to have to tell Michael the truth about the baby. He deserved to know. Sabrina wanted to spare him any unnecessary pain)

(She honestly never thought she would feel like this towards another man. Not since Patrick, anyway. She will always care for Patrick Drake. They promised each other they would always be in the other's life and that Sabrina could see Emma whenever she wanted. She appreciated that)

(Falling in love with Michael Corinthos was totally unexpected. Finding out she was pregnant was even more unexpected. In the beginning, her and Michael were friends. Somewhere along the way, that friendship turned to love. It caught them both off-guard. It felt right, so they welcomed it. After learning she was pregnant, she immediately thought of Michael. She pictured them going through this pregnancy together. Michael being there for her through every pregnancy craving, every doctor's visit, their first sonogram, and so on. The only problem was, she didn't immediately feel grateful for the pregnancy. The reason for that? She lost her beloved son, Gabriel, when he was born prematurely. She honestly didn't think she could go on after he died. She was hesitant to love this new baby or feel happy as she was afraid the same thing would happen as it did to Gabriel. Sabrina knew deep down that she had to face the future, and forget the past. While it was a possibility that Carlos was the father, Sabrina prayed the father of her baby was Michael)

(As Sabrina walks to the Nurse's Station, she spots Felix doing the usual round of paperwork. That is one thing she definitely didn't miss working at General Hospital was the endless paperwork. She greets her best friend)

Sabrina: "Hi, Felix."

(Felix looks up from his paperwork to see his friend and smiles)

Felix: "Hey, girl. What brings you by?"

(Sabrina sighs softly and touches her bulging baby bump, looking down slightly. Her silence was code for Felix that they needed to talk in a somewhat private area. He leads her to the corner of the room where a bench is at near the elevators. After getting comfortable, he faces her sympathetically)

Felix: "Talk to me, Bri."

Sabrina: (winces sadly) "I don't know what to do, Fe. Michael deserves to know the truth. He deserves to know that this baby may not be his. I care about him so much." (sighs deeply) "To be honest, though, I love him. Felix. I fell in love with him awhile ago without realizing it."

Felix: (nods) "That's good, Sabrina. Yes, your romance with him started unexpectedly. The baby doesn't change that. I truly believe you two would still be together, even if you weren't pregnant. As for the truth, you will tell him when you're ready. You won't do you or the baby any good if you keep stressing out about it, though. If Michael truly does love you, he will forgive you for having a weak moment with Carlos. He'll be upset, yes. I've known Michael awhile. He seems pretty forgiving." (snorts) "He'd have to be, considering who his parents are. Sonny and Carly are by no means perfect."

Sabrina: (nods) "Michael is very forgiving, yes." (sighs sadly) "Do I have a right to ask for his forgiveness, though?"

(Felix comforts his friend by placing his hand on her shoulder and looks at her in the eyes)

Felix: "Explain to him the situation. He will understand. He may be mad for awhile at first." (small smile) "Something tells me his love for you and this baby will overcome any anger he will have." (nods) "It's up to you when you want to reveal the truth."

Michael: (confused) "The truth about what?"

(Sabrina and Felix quickly glance at Michael, who can't help the curious face he's showing. Felix and Sabrina look at each other again)

Felix: (nods) "You've got this. You can do it."

(Sabrina nods in response. Felix goes back to the Nurse's Station, leaving Michael and Sabrina alone)

Michael: (concerned) "Is everything okay? Is the baby okay?"

Sabrina: (nods) "The baby is fine."

(Michael sits down next to his girl. It is obvious she is nervous about something)

Michael: (worriedly) "What's wrong, baby? The baby may be fine, but it is clear you're panicked. Talk to me."

(He rests his hand on hers as comfort while she sighs deeply, looking down. She was so frightful of opening up to Michael. She loved Michael and deep down she knew he had a kind soul. But would he really accept the fact that the baby she's carrying might not be his? They have always been open and honest with each other. Would he be able to handle this? She couldn't make that decision for him. He didn't deserve that. He had a right to know. She nods as she faces the man she loves)

Sabrina: "You're right. There is something I need to tell you."

Michael: (nods) "Okay." (encouraging her) "Whenever you're ready. I'm not going anywhere."

Sabrina: (sighs) "It's about the baby."

Chapter 1 Done

Please let me know what you think. Should I continue? For those of you that are fans of my other General Hospital stories, I assure you that I haven't forgotten about them. I just wanted to get these two new stories (Unexpected Treasures and Love's Journey) out to see if they're worth writing. Thank you for those who take the time to review/follow/favorite so you don't miss any updates in the future.