Batman is in the Batcave as usual, working on the computer on the many things he has to do that night. As he is checking the police radios to hear in on the crimes going around Gotham, he suddenly sees a small bright glint on the edge of his screen. His computer is reflecting something behind him.

He quickly turns around and notices a portal opening up in the middle of the battle stage in the Batcave. He stands up from his computer and approach the portal cautiously, with a bat-rang in his hand. A black-glove-hand reaches out of the portal, and the figure of a person starts slowly coming through.

This was not something new for Batman; he is ready to address a friend or a foe coming from another universe or the future. However, it did caught him off guard staring at a figure who wore the same outfit as him. A younger man, with a full black outfit, but instead of a cape hanging around the shoulders, the man had a gray and black overcoat, a popped up collar, with a yellow utility belt around his waist, and a mask, same to Batman's, covering his face.

Batman's mind swirling with questions.

Who is this man? Could it be me? From the future? From an alternate universe? Could it be someone else? Is he an enemy or a friend? It does not matter, I can't act until he makes a move.

Batman still with a bat-rang in his hand, glaring at the person, he demands this "Batman" to reveal himself and explain his purpose.

The young man, takes off his mask and reveals his tan complexion with blue eyes, and black hair. The young man went ahead to reply to Batman's questions.

"It's been long father. I am Damian Wayne, the true son of Batman, and the future Batman. I am here to prevent the future."

Batman is shock, not because of the news about the future (he knew visitors from the future, usually meant something not going correctly about the future). But he is not prepared for his youngest son to come from the future. An ally or enemy, that is not surprising, a family member is.

Batman put down his bat-rang, and look into his son's eyes. He knew it is Damian in front of him, he looks too much like himself and his present 10 year old son.

"Explain." Batman commands Damian. Damian follows his Father's command and continues to explain.

"The future where the Justice League is gone. Heroes are corrupt. Villains are powerful. Few cities remain. Justice depends on the young. The Bat-family and you are dead…Father, I would continue with my story, but I need the rest of the Bat-family to be present. The robins and the batgirls of the Batman."

Batman a little disturb by the news of the future. This future sound worse, than any other future he heard, so far. He goes to his computer a sends a message out to all the family to come meet in the Batcave. He was about to send a message to his current robin, Damian, but the older self prevents him, by grabbing his arm.

"You cannot! We don't know if contact with my younger self will cause an imbalance in the universe. My younger self cannot know!"

"The other heroes that came from the future to give a warning met with their present counterparts and nothing ever happen." Batman reply to calm down his son.

"Father, every future incident is different and has their own universal rules. I am taking enough risks, as it is. I will not take, anymore." Damian insists that they should not inform his younger counterpart.

Batman decides to comply with Damian's concern and does not inform the younger Damien. So, both of them wait for the rest of the Bat-family to arrive.

Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, and Stephanie Brown are the first ones to arrive to the Bat-cave. Stephanie and Tim are shock to suddenly see what seems to be younger version of Bruce Wayne in the Batcave. Cassandra is startle too, but shows no expression.

"Uh, which one is Bruce?" Stephanie leans to Tim, whispering to him. Tim knows the one dress as Batman is Bruce, but who is the other man?

"Who is this man, Batman?" Tim asks looking towards Bruce for answers.

"I am the person you use to refer to a demon, Tim." Damian responds to Tim's question. Tim confuse face raises a slight smirk on Damian's face. Tim starts puzzling together the clues he is given and figures out that the younger version of Bruce, is that evil brat Damian! Tim's puzzlement turns to bewilderment seeing the man, who is older than him, is that little demon.

"Hey!.. Yo!.. Hello!"Stephanie waves her hand in front of Tim's face which distracts him from his sudden realization.

"Welcome back to the world." Stephanie continues. "You look like you found out something, so tell me, Detective."

"I...He is…" Tim is hesitating to tell her because he can't admit it that the man is the little annoyance of a so-called brother of his.

"I guess the blonde would never realize who I really am." Damian insults Stephanie.

"What? You bastard!" Stephanie is angry from his comment. "I regret ever thinking you are hot."

Damian turns around disgusted with the idea that the fat cow, someone he came to think as a sister, thought of him attractive. Stephanie ruin his mood to make fun of her, she always does.

Cassandra stays quiet watching the whole comedy skit. Bruce shakes his head, then interrupts Stephanie's angry rant.

"Stephanie, Tim, and Cassandra. We will explain who our guest is and why he is here, when everyone else arrives." Bruce explains to the three of them.

After a couple of minutes, Dick Grayson arrives. He smiles and instantly makes a quick remark about the situation.

"I didn't know our visitor would be a second Bruce. Finally, I knew you will get so lonely that you needed to clone yourself."

"Not now, Dick." Bruce brushes off Dick's remarks. "We are still waiting for two more people."

Damian stares at Dick as he is fooling around with Bruce. Damian shades a small smile he is happy to see his older brother again, it has been a long time since he last saw Dick.

Barbara arrives and greets everyone. "Hello, Bruce. What is the news?"

"We still have to wait for one more person, before we discuss the situation." Bruce responds to Barbara's question. She gives a quick glance to Damian, but does not linger.

"Do you really believe he will come?" Barbara questions Bruce.

"We will wait." Bruce gives a simple reply. Barbara joins the others and Dick welcomes her with a playful hug.

Finally, after an hour, Jason decides to show up. Dick notices and makes a smart remark "Wow, took you forever. What happen? You got pulled over by the cops?"

"No. I decided to make sure you waited around like fans do for the fashionably late star." Jason replies with his own smart remark. Dick opens his mouth to make another remark, but is rudely interrupted by Barbara.

"Funny, Jason. But we can finally get the reason why we are here and who is our guest? So what is going on, Bruce?" Barbara questions Bruce. Bruce turns to Damian.

Damian approaches all the present Bat-family members and takes a deep breath, "I am Damian Wayne, the true son of Batman, and the future Batman."

"Wait! What?!" Stephanie shouts in shock. "You are Damian!...Oh my gosh...I thought you were hot." Stephanie is holding her face in horror of the idea.

"You are Damien?" Jason rejects Damian's statement. "No way."

"What?" Cassandra ask for Damian to explain again.

"You can't be Damian, and less likely Batman." Barbara declares not accepting Damian's testimony.

"I knew you were Damian, but you became Batman?" Tim questions Damian still trying to process that the man in front of him is Damian.

"I knew too." Dick asserts Tim's statement. "You look too alike to that little cute brat… But what happen? Your eyes are dim...You lost a lot…" Dick looks with concern to Damian, not truly knowing how much Dick's words rang true.

Damian turns away from Dick, Damian continues with his explanation. "The future is a disaster. Many good heroes fell and innocent lives perished. However, I would not be here if that was the set plan for the future, but it wasn't. Someone from the future will appear this year, to ruin the course of events. I have come to stop that and request your help."

The whole bat-family stood in silence, even though their heads spun with many questions, they stay quiet to let Damian tell them the tragic details of the apocalyptic future that will rise.

To Be Continue...