Author's Note:

To my readers,

I apologize for the unintended hiatus. I would like to say that something exciting and noteworthy happened in my life to have caused such a long break, but that would be a lie. Unfortunately, I got hit with a bad case of writer's block as well as a lack of motivation and plain ol' laziness. I'm hoping with the stay-at-home order in place, I might be able to get back into the groove of writing again, fingers cross. Anyhoot, without further ado, shall we begin?

Chapter 14

"Rick…" Shane breathed in reverence.

His body moved on its own accord. He vaguely heard Morgan telling him to stop, but he did not heed the warning. Why should he? Rick was here! Rick was alive! Finally, everything in this fucked up world was right again! Rick was here and alive!

Shane immediately wrapped his arms around his dearest one. He felt the solid form beneath his touch. He buried his face in the crook of Rick's neck, trying to breath in his scent and if he secretly pressed a butterfly soft kiss on that pale spot of flesh, it was no one's business but his and Rick's. And based off the strange rumble Shane felt coming from Rick, Rick did not seem to mind either.

"Kwis-so?" A strange female spoke in a language that sounded otherworldly.

Immediately, the Quarry erupted in screams and exclamation of shock and surprise.

Shane turned around to tell the group to mind their own business, believing they were being homophobic bigots. However, when he turned to face the group, he did not see judgement nor condemnation; instead, he saw shock and fear as some of the group either fled or aimed their weapons at GIANT honey badger. It took a moment for Shane's mind to process that: no, he was not hallucinating, and yes, he was seeing a giant, TALKING honey badger.

"SHIT!" Shane exclaimed as he instinctively placed himself between Rick and the giant badger, even attempted to subtly push Rick back to give them some distance. But Shane quickly realized that Rick was not moving; in fact, it was as if Shane was trying to push against a brick wall.

Suddenly, Shane felt Rick move; however, instead of moving away, Shane felt Rick lean into his back and Rick's arms wrap loosely around him. Shane even felt Rick resting his bony chin on his shoulder.

"Eme-gnehe-ne budneh dhehi-yus sent-ke?" Rick said in that same otherworldly language.

"Ye, so oynus gehzrehzyeti prehz-ne… wehi-dhewbleyg." The badger replied.

Shane snapped his head around and stared at Rick; finally seeing that even though the body was Rick's, there was a presence about this being that Shane could not name nor describe.

"Ricky…" Shane heard Morgan call out.

"Yes, Mor-guhn." Rick replied.

Shane snapped his head again between the two. If this kept up, he would either give himself whiplash or a broken neck.

"What the fuck?!" Shane managed to hiss out.

Shane felt another rumble coming from Rick while Morgan gave the dark-haired man a sympathetic look.

"Why don'tcha introduce yerself an' yer friend." Morgan suggested.

Rick tilted his head to the side. Shane swallowed heavily, remembering his dearest's tell for puzzling something over. Rick gave a bored nod, releasing Shane and fully turned to Shane.

"I Grimaric-Ciramirg." Rick placed a hand on his chest. "She my Ib, Tek-Koymos." He then motioned toward the giant badger, who bowed her head. "We afAmxnt. We One. We help. You live."

Shane did not know what else to say, but "What the fuck?!"

"My son and I been callin' 'em Ricky an' Tek fer short." Morgan said.

"Rick?" Shane called to his dear one once more; looking into the mismatched eyes, hoping to see some sort of recognition but found none.

Shane heard what sounded like a wounded animal, not realizing it was himself making the pained noise. He felt a firm hand cup his cheek and a thumb caressing his cheek. He stared at this stranger, who bore his dearest's face. It cut through him when he saw the stranger staring at him with such care and concern. Placing his hand over the stranger's, Shane took a deep breath to fortify himself. He turned to Morgan.

"Who is he? An' why doz he look like my friend." He demanded.

"Dunno, honestly." Morgan sighed as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a wristband. Handing it over to Shane, the former officer instantly recognized the hospital wristband as well as the information one it. "He was wearin' this when he found me an' my boy. If yer willin' ta listen, I'll explain my theory."

"Okay." Shane quietly replied as he stared at Rick's hospital wristband.

Suddenly, he was surrounded by shouting from all sides; startling him and causing him to subconsciously step closer to the one source of calm – Ricky. Shane heard all sorts of arguments from the group as to why Morgan and company should not remain: ranging from them not knowing the strangers, not having enough resources to share, and finally not wanting demons near them. It was the last comment that made Shane snap.

"SHUDDAFUCK UP!" He shouted, staring down the group; the same group who had the gall to look offended by him shouting at them. "I don' fuckin' care what you want or yer complaints! We need da numbers fer protections, and it ain't like you sorry lot have done a lot to ensure we've got those damn resources yer complainin' 'bout. And as fer 'em being demons, take a goddamn look around ya! We're surrounded by de dead! God has already forsaken us and if it takes a demon to ensure I live; I will have that demon with us!"

By the end of his rant, Shane found himself out of breath and yet at peace. It was as if all his pent-up anger had found its release. It was rather liberating.

"Now," He drawled out a sneer, "if yer done clucking like a bunch of hens, get the fuck lost!"

No one moved for a moment, causing the older Dixon brother to coldly chuckle. That seemed to catch everyone's attention and got them moving; not wanting to deal with the unruly redneck, who probably also had a few choice words.

Shane rubbed his face and turned to Morgan again. He was about to apologize for his outburst, but the other man's expression stopped him. The other man stared at the dispersing spectators with a mix of pity and sadness as if he knew what their fate was going to be. Morgan looked at him.

"Those people won't last long in this new world."

A part of him wanted to defend them, but Shane could not help but agree with that sad, hard truth.

"Wondered when ya gonna grow a pair, Officer Dick." The elder Dixon stated as he slapped Shane on the back.

"What the –" Shane began, completely taken aback by Dixon's sudden change of attitude towards him.



Kwis-so? (PIE) - Who is this?

Eme-gnehe-ne budneh dhehi-yus sent-ke? (PIE) - I dunno, but did you sense it?

Ye, so oynus gehzrehzyeti prehz-ne… wehi-dhewbleyg. (PIE) - Yes, this one cares for us… very deeply.