Hey there, welcome to my first Bones fan fiction! I'll be posting daily drabbles of B&B's lives together all throughout December. Some will be purely based on their relationship, others on crime and, of course, lots and lots with Christine and Hank, because they're adorable. I hope you enjoy!

[DISLCAIMER] Fox owns Bones, not me (although don't get me started on that today, I'm so pissed off...) Also, the title comes from Coldplay's "Christmas lights".

December 1st

The Chocolate in the Advent Calendar

Brennan's eyes open slowly as light filters through their bedroom. She notices the difference in temperature straight away; it's significantly colder than it has been the last few mornings, Washington's cold winter weather clearly having arrived. She feels her husband's arms wrapped around her and snuggles closer into him, his body heat warming her up. It's surprisingly peaceful, she thinks, estimating the time at around 6.30AM. Hank is usually awake by now. She would check on him, but the bed is so comfortable and Booth is so warm…

She decides against leaving. When he needs her, he'll let her know via a loud, high-pitched scream through the baby monitor. She closes her eyes and feels herself drifting back to sleep.

She wakes up again when she hears the pattering of Christine's feet running into their bedroom and feels her jumping up on top of them. She groans inwardly and re-opens her eyes, finding their five year old staring at her with a wide grin on her face.

"Morning, mommy!" Christine says cheerfully, uncharacteristically awake for this time of the morning. She climbs under the covers, slipping between Brennan and Booth.

"Hey, Christine," she murmurs, pressing a kiss to the top of her daughter's mussed hair. "Lower the decibel of your voice, please. I don't want to wake up daddy."

Christine nods. She leans towards Brenna's ear and whispers, "can I open my advent calendar now?"

Brennan's eyes widen in panic. She hadn't wanted the kids to have advent calendars as too much chocolate could cause their teeth to rot and fall out, but her husband had insisted. ("It's tradition, Bones! And the chocolate is only tiny." So she's unsure what to tell her daughter, as Booth remains fast asleep. She doesn't want her eating chocolate before breakfast, knowing how bad it is for Christine's system. If she doesn't allow her daughter to open the advent calendar, however, she'll throw a fit and wake up the two sleeping Booth boys.

She calculates the potential risks of both situations in her head and decides the most effective course of action would be to just give Christine the chocolate. She removes the cardboard box from her bedside table and hands it to the five year old, who's buzzing with excitement and holiday spirit. Her eyes scan the front for the first day and she finds it, smiling up at Brennan as she opens the flap, tears into the foil layer, and promptly stuffs the small chocolate shape into her mouth.

"Look, a snowman!" Christine says happily, pointing at the image on the cardboard flap. "Can we build a snowman today?"

"We don't have any snow, Christine," her mother informs her. "We have to wait until the climate becomes cool enough and even then it needs to precipitate in order for us to receive snow, and there needs to be a lot of it to build a snowman. It's highly unlikely we'll have those conditions yet, sweetheart, if at all due to global warming."

The young girl's face falls. "Can we buy a Christmas tree, then?"

"Christine, mommy and daddy have to be at work, you know that. And you have school. We'll go one weekend soon, ok?"

"Promise?" She asks hopefully, sticking out her pinky finger towards Brennan.

"Pinky promise," she replies, locking her little finger with her daughter's. It's then that Hank begins to cry and Booth stirs awake. Christine immediately starts chattering away to her father about the first day of her advent calendar and he nods at all the appropriate moments, though he secretly has no idea what she's saying, still half asleep. Brennan smiles knowingly as she wraps her dressing gown around herself, kissing her husband's lips before heading to the nursery to see their crying baby.

So, what do you think? Did I capture Brennan well enough? Let me know in the reviews! :)