
Being the youngest had its advantages.

Like when he was a kid, and wanted something; all he would have to do was flash those big, baby blue eyes of his, and the brother in question would fold and reach down whatever item it was that Alan desired, be it his favourite toy car or a cookie from the jar that Grandma mistakenly thought was out of their reach.

Being the youngest had its disadvantages.

Like when they'd rescued Lady Penelope from the Anderbad Tunnel, and all the others had swanned off to the various nightclubs Paris had to offer, leaving poor, underage Alan to sit with the "oldies," as he secretly called them, listening to "geepzy muzeec."

But Alan didn't think he would change things around for the world. There was a pecking order in the family, and Alan didn't mind being at the bottom.

It meant he could get away with murder when necessary. Grandma was far more likely to suspect Scott or Virgil than baby-faced Alan of stealing her chocolate cake (provided he wiped his face clean before she saw him, of course). As much as he loved his brothers, there was something satisfying about watching his Grandmother chase them with a wooden spoon after they'd been particularly smothering.

Yes, being the youngest definitely had its advantages.

So, it's been a while.

Having watched and been re-inspired by the new Thunderbirds series, I found myself digging around forgotten folders on my laptop, unearthing a collection of titles from A-Z which I'd made ages ago for when I was suffering from writer's block (many of which already had a short scene/study/headcanon/general drabble attached). So I took them, sorted them out, wrote even more short little snippets, and the result is before you: my Random Writings.

I'd toyed with just chucking them all into one "story" with a chapter for each letter, but it didn't feel right. And if I got struck by another title, I would have to edit those chapters in order to add it, and people might miss it, and... yeah. This felt a little more right. And then I can update each letter at my leisure, or as inspiration strikes me.

As I said, it's been a while, a very very long while, since I submitted anything to this site. Hopefully my writing's matured a bit =P

I've got three ready to upload just now, and then we'll see how it goes.