Credits go to Kishimoto-san :)


To say Sakura was upset is an understatement. No, Sakura is downright pissed. She growled as she scrubbed her body again, much harder than she had been before. Sighing, she stood up from the bathtub and grabbed one of the towels hanging from the rack.

She's been in the bathroom for well over an hour, trying to scrub the feel of his hands and lips off of her skin. She shivered, gritting her teeth as she thought about how he touched her. No one has ever touched her like that, and if they tried they usually ended up with a broken nose. Why the hell is this...this...thing different?!

She blamed it on the bite mark. This stupid thing is making her react the way she is. Shaking her head, she decided to just concentrate on getting dressed. She wrapped the towel around her hair, drying it a bit more before she threw it onto the rack. She slipped Itachi's shirt back over her body, biting her lip after she went to grab her panties.

Blushing brightly, she decided they were ruined until they were washed. Her….arousal…was all over them. Sighing, she picked them up and threw them off to the side of the bathroom. She'll ask to have them washed soon.

She had intended on going through Itachi's clothes, but when she walked out of the room she paused when she saw him lying on the bed. She gulped as he turned over to stare at her, frowning as he took in her wet hair and damp skin.

"You already had a shower tonight." He stated, watching as she blushed deeply. Taking a deep breath, she decided she was going to ignore him. Walking purposefully towards Itachi's closet, she tensed when she heard the bed squeaking. Slowing her steps, she turned around to frown at him as she reached the closet. He looked like he was ready to pounce on her if she tried anything.

Opening the door, she saw pairs upon pairs of black sweatpants. It seems that he wore nothing other than black. She grabbed the first pair she saw that had adjustable strings. Hiding herself behind the closet door, she quickly pulled them on and pulled the strings as tight as they would go before tying it tightly. Looking down at her, she deemed herself decently dressed now.

She jumped as she felt a hand on the small of her back, and she whirled around to glare at him. "Don't." She snarled, pushing him away from her before ducking under his arms. She stalked off towards the bed, sliding back the blanket before laying in the bed and settling down for sleep to take her away for a while.

Being tired and bitchy wasn't exactly a good thing around kidnappers, but at least he wasn't neglecting her. She at least got a good bed to sleep in, and to hell if she wasn't going to take advantage of that. She turned on her side, facing away from where she had left him. Surprisingly, he hadn't tried to stop her. She wasn't going to look too deep into that considering she thought he was a lunatic anyway.

Itachi sighed audibly, running a hand through his hair. He had let it out of its usual ponytail before he had settled down for bed. He deserved this, he knew, but damn did it hurt. Walking back over to his side of the bed, he laid down beside her.

He could tell she wasn't asleep because she tensed, so he decided to just lay there on his side as he watched her face intently. After realizing that he wasn't going to touch her, she seemed to have relaxed a little. He smirked lightly as he saw her drift off to sleep beside him.

A few more moments and she was deeply asleep so he decided now was the time to hold her close. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him as he breathed in the strawberry scent of her pink hair as he closed his eyes.

The books never mentioned how strongly he'd react once he drank her blood. They never mentioned the sexual desires or the way she seemed to enjoy it. His jaw clenched tightly as he recalled the lust in her eyes and the way she had-

No, he couldn't think about that right now. Especially with her in his arms. He decided to focus on the way she had just treated him when he had simply went to pull her into his arms. Wondering how he was going to correct this new development, he nuzzled his face against the top of her hair. It tickled his nose, making it twitch lightly.

The books did, however, warn him against getting sexually involved. Of course, they would eventually, but not when she didn't trust him. He sighed quietly, emptying his mind of all thoughts as he decided to just rest. He's going to need it tomorrow, especially with the way she's acting.


Her breathing hitched as she cowered into the corner of her room, hearing the loud and sudden sounds of people hitting her walls and door. The lights in her room were cut, she was trapped and alone. Suddenly, her dresser was knocked out of the way as her door flung open and a man in a white, emotionless mask walked in. He stalked towards her slowly, watching how she screamed and pushed herself into the corner.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a lamp that was turned over and laying only a few steps away from her. She darted over and grabbed the lamp just as the man made a grab at her. Before she knew it, she had knocked the lamp against his head as hard as she could.

Red and thick blood oozed out of the side of his head as he slumped to the ground, the mask falling away to reveal a pale man that looked startlingly like her father. Stunned, she looked towards the doorway and saw as her mother ran into the room with a look of pure horror over her face as she ran to her husband's side.

"You murderer!" She screamed at Sakura, hovering over the man's body as Sakura's world came crashing down-

Sakura sat up in the bed, her eyes wide as she tried to calm her erratic breathing. Oh kami, I killed him. I killed him, I killed him-

A sob escaped her closed lips, her frantic mind not having registered the figure kneeling beside her. "I killed him, I killed him…" she whispered over and over again, shuddering and squeezing her eyes shut as she tried to will the images away. Tears were cascading down her cheeks silently as she broke down. She was so close to escaping into that shell she had been in for years.

Strong arms pulled her into an embrace and someone was whispering silent instructions in her ear. As she registered the words, she realized she was hyperventilating. Gritting her teeth, she willed herself to calm down. She breathed in slowly, exhaling when she heard the voice tell her to.

A few moments of this repeated process, and she was breathing normally once again. Her shuddering still hadn't calmed down but she knew it would pass. It always did. She turned her head to the side, realizing her face was tucked into the crook of someone's neck. She breathed in deeply, realizing the person smelled strongly of rain on a summer night with a mix of a male scent-

"Sakura…?" Whispered a deep voice into her ear, drawing her out of her contemplations. That's when everything came crashing back, and she realized this was Itachi holding her. She tensed, pulling herself out of his arms. Shockingly, he let her go.

She shivered, closing her eyes as she dropped her head into her hands. She hadn't had that dream, that flashback, in years. She suspected it was because of the stress of the situation she was under now. Looking up, she recognized concerned onyx eyes staring at her intently. She made a promise to herself last night that she was going to ignore him, at least until he pissed her off, so she decided to continue with that.

His eyes narrowed, realizing what she was doing. "Don't ignore me, Sakura." He warned her as he gripped her chin to keep her from turning away from him. She glowered, although it was interrupted as her shuddering continued.

"Leave m-me alone." She mumbled, gripping his wrist to try and pry him off of her. Instead of responding, he pulled her back to him. "I'm sorry." He murmured against the side of her head, holding her tighter as she struggled against him. His words seemed to have some effect on her, though, as she grew still.

"What for?" She muttered, looking towards the door.

"I did not mean to touch you like that last night. I'm sorry." He replied flatly, pulling back enough to look down at her. She could practically feel her cheeks blazing as she recalled what happened the night before.

Not trusting her voice, she just nodded. He let go of her fully, sitting down as he studied her trembling form. "Were you having a nightmare?" She nodded again, fighting back the tears that threatened to escape. Instead she wiped the tearstains on her cheeks, trying to erase the effects the dream had caused her.

He sighed, knowing she wouldn't go into any more detail. Deciding to be helpful, he stood up from the bed. "I will return shortly with your breakfast." He murmured before leaving the room and locking the door.


The next few days went by similarly. Itachi woke her up from her nightmare, comforted her before she pulled away from him, and then continued on with him bringing her food and books to read the rest of the day. Most of the day he stuck around with her, just observing her or reading his own book.

The first book she read confirmed that, yes, the bite mark was the reason why she was responding to his touches. The second book she was reading explained the way real vampires were. Vampires could actually go out into the sun, but they really just preferred to be out at night because the sun hurt their eyes since they had excellent vision. It also talked about how vampires weren't created by being bitten, but by actually being born into it. Although, there was a way to create a vampire other than this way, but the book didn't speak about it. She supposed it was illegal in this vampire world.

A vampire was born just like the same process that a baby is born between two humans. The only difference between these two types of pregnancies is that whoever is carrying said baby has to drink animal blood until the baby is born. When Sakura read this, she couldn't help the disgusted sound she made as her nose wrinkled.

It also talked about how the vampires mate wasn't actually a vampire, but a human. It told how the vampire could essentially turn the human into an immortal, causing him or her to live forever by said vampires' side as his or her partner. Even though said human was an immortal, she or he was actually a human that just couldn't die. The book, however, never went into detail about the process.

This new discovery intrigued Sakura, because of course she was a doctor, but also because she often wondered if that was what Itachi planned on doing to her. She wouldn't doubt it, actually. He was always talking about how he wasn't going to let her go, after all. Sakura yawned, rereading the same sentence that explained how a vampire needed their mate to survive because they couldn't drink anyone else's blood. That explained the nightly ritual she and Itachi had to go through.

Sakura shuddered, remembering the second time Itachi approached her about it. She couldn't help but feel the pleasurable trembles along her body as he had sunk his fangs into her neck slowly. Shaking her head, she looked up to see him staring at her curiously from the end of the bed where he sat reading his own book. Blushing, she looked away as she marked her page on the book and sat it down on the nightstand. Sometimes she was positive that he could read her mind.

It's been a week since she was taken. She has been here for seven days. Sakura didn't want to think about all of her patients, waiting for her to return so that she could help them. Every time her thoughts drifted in this direction, she would grow depressed and be forced into eating her next meal even though she could hardly stomach it. The third day of her stay, Itachi had come back carrying a duffel bag full of her own clothes. She was inwardly thankful, even though she never said anything to him.

"Can I go outside?" She asked him suddenly, watching how his head tilted to the side. He marked his page on his book, leaning forward as he propped his head up in his hand. "Why?" He murmured, staring intensely at her even though he knew it freaked her out.

She frowned and sighed, stretching her arms up over her head as she realized she hasn't had any proper exercise for a little over a week. She was taken when she was too caught up in her work to even dream of going out to train the kinks out of her muscles.

"I need exercise. I also need to see someone other than you." She spat, glaring at him as she wrapped her arms around herself as she realized he had been watching her stretch. He smirked amusedly at her, nodding slightly.

"I'll arrange a meeting between you and one of my acquaintances' mates, then. Tomorrow, I'll take you outside and we'll start training you." She frowned, furrowing her brows. "Train me?" She asked quizzically. He nodded, sighing as a pained expression crossed over his features for a second before he hid his emotions back under that blank expression.

"Hunters will try to use you against me, Sakura. They're ruthless." He murmured. She leaned forward, her large, curious eyes seeming to draw him in closer. "Hunters?" She asked softly, watching him carefully as he drew near her.

"Hai. They're humans who found out about the supernatural world. Some of them made the act of killing supernatural beings into a sport, while others make it a lifelong mission of theirs to purge the world of us," he shook his head suddenly as he reached over and grabbed her hand, trailing his thumbs over her knuckles softly, "they do not care if you're human, Sakura. They know I cannot survive without you."

Her frown seemed to have deepened, especially when she tried tugging her hand away but he held her hand tighter. "They'll murder me, even though I'm one of them?" She asked, disbelief crossing over her features as she thought about it. "Like I said: They do not care." Itachi clarified, sighing as he drew her hand to his lips and kissed it softly.

"I won't let them hurt you. Even if I could survive without your blood, I wouldn't be able to live anyway. You're my life." He murmured softly, fanning his breath along her knuckles. She shivered, blushing brightly as she continued to tug her hand back to her. He smirked as he looked up at her through his long eyelashes.

"Why do you keep touching me?" She growled angrily, flustered as she squirmed under his searching eyes. A deep chuckle rumbled in his throat as he pulled her closer as he kissed along her arm slowly. Sakura shivered, her breathing picking up speed as she turned her head away.

As he made it up to her shoulder, he used his hand to turn her head back towards him as he leaned down and planted soft, chaste kisses along her jaw. "You probably don't understand, but you were made for me." He whispered in his soft, alluring voice as he took pride in making her shiver against him. "You're mine, Sakura. Your very being calls to me. It begs me to hold you closer, to press you against me, to hold your bare body against my own."

He pulled his lips away from her jaw slowly, leaning his forehead against hers softly as he breathed her in. "It is so very tempting." He whispered, looking down into her innocent eyes as she continued to shiver from the sound of his voice. He already knew his eyes were betraying his lust as he stared down at her, recognizing the slight fear in her own eyes.

He pulled away slowly, picking up his book as he sat it down beside hers on the nightstand. "I refuse to give in until you're ready, though. Get dressed, and I'll come get you for dinner."


Okay, I know it's been forever and this chapter was way too short for me to make it up to you guys. Honestly, I have no valid excuses for why I simply did not upload. Let me just start with my finals. So, my finals were VERY exhausting. I practically studied until I couldn't stand to look at words. Because of this, after my finals, I simply found it too exhausting to write. A few days, though, and I was better. Now, this is where my bad-author-skills come into play. I simply could not figure out how this chapter was going to go. Honestly, the only reason it ended right here was because I'm still a little stuck. I had already written this chapter before my last final, before the 8th, but I had wanted to see if I could add more for you guys. Obviously, I failed….I'm sorry x-x. I've started on the next chapter, but even now I'm not sure how I'm going to increase the climax of the story. Don't worry, though, this story will never be abandoned. I know what that's like for a devoted reader, and it pains me to think I put you guys through such an agonizing wait already. This is my first real story, guys, so...bear with me, please?