Chapter 1: Crushing

POV: Bella

I threw another touchdown pass at the end of the fourth quarter and Troy caught it like always. I had a developing crush on him but, I was trying to deny hm feelings because I knew that it would mess up everything that I had worked so hard to fit in during this season. Sure, I had liked Kyle and Zach, but nothing like this, I can't stop thinking about him. I was both proud and heartbroken when Troy put his helmet on the field, it showed that he might actually care about me. It was fun having the game against the Red Devils and we did win but that didn't matter as much. The Red Devils left and we hit the showers. I came back out wearing my black pants and blue shirt to head over to the starcade, like we originally had planned. After about an hour of talking about the season and our favorite memories. "I got to leave, my three-legged mule needs to fed and get to the farmstand early tomorrow morning." Sawyer said as he got up to leave. Newt also found reason that had to do with making Sophie swoon to leave. The rest of the team had left slowly been leaving over the past hour. I sat with "The Troy" in our booth and tried to string to one coherent sentence to thank him for the sacrifice during the original playoff game. "Thanks, Troy." I said simply hoping that he wouldn't ask any questions because I was dangerously close to blushing.


After Bella, had said "thanks" to me but I didn't quite understand why she was thanking me. "For what?" I asked. "For standing up for me, and giving up your shot at win the play offs." She responded but I did think it was a big deal, but that could be because I have a crush on her since she joined the football. " I would do anything for my QB, and very close friend?" I said trying to gauge what she was feeling. I grabbed another piece of pizza trying to seem unworried but I could throw up right now.

POV: Bella

"The Troy" seemed nervous as I was so I decided to take a shot in the dark "I have a huge crush on you" I blurted out before I had a shot to think about what it could do to our friendship. "Good." Troy responded and took my hand as we walked out of the starcade.(After we paid of course)

The next morning when we walked into school holding hands we were assaulted by our friends trying to figure out why on earth Troy and I would be holding hands but failed to see the obvious reason until Troy decided to take it one step farther and he put his arm around my shoulders.