A/N: You guys have astounded me with the amount of people who have liked/favorited/followed this story. I am always so unsure how people will take my work, so to get this sort of a reaction... THANK YOU is all I can say! Now to as this chapter... I was reading through the story the other day, and I realized that it needed a closure, and so this little bit was born. I hope you enjoy and tell me what you think!


Kaliesa sighed and dropped her head into her hands as a wave of exhaustion rolled through her. She had just returned to Odessen from Alderaan where she had successfully secured the help of another brilliant scientist for the Alliance's cause, and already Doctor Eckard Loken was being fought over by two of her people. It had made her head spin to see exactly how quickly Admiral Aygo and Doctor Oggurobb had jumped to have Loken at their disposal. Of course, after reading the extensive dossier that Lana had presented her from Sith Intelligence, Kali could see why she had gotten the reaction she had.

As a yawn threatened to unhinge her jaw from the rest of her skull, Kali heard a slight rustling from one of the other people in the room, and she looked up through her fingers to see Talos' steady eyes on her as he looked at her from the other side of the table they were sitting at. The archaeologist had taken to spending time with her when he was not needed by Doctor Oggurobb, and it reminded Kali of all the times when they would sit together in the conference room on the Fury, doing this very same thing. It was even the same down to the silent Dashade that stood in the corner of the room, his dark gaze on her. No one knew exactly when Khem Val had arrived on Odessen; he had just simply been there one day, and had immediately planted himself at Kaliesa's side and had not budged.

"You need sleep, my lord." Talos said in a quiet tone, and Kali nodded, but there was still so much left to do that she had to do.

"I know, Talos, but there is still so much to do." She motioned to the data pads stacked on the desk before her. It seemed like her work was never done. Just when she thought she had caught up, more seemed to appear in front of her. Talos said nothing, but his eyes flickered briefly to something behind her, and before she had a chance to turn, she heard a voice behind her.

"Quite a set up you have here, Sith."

Kali spun around in her seat and stood up to see Andronikos standing in the doorway to the room, leaning against the door way with his arms crossed. She could not help the feeling of relief as she looked at him, and took a step toward him.

"It is getting there." She told him casually; when all she wanted to do was throw herself into his arms. She must have moved, because the next thing she knew, she was once again in Andronikos' arms, and his mouth was planted firmly on hers. The two lovers lost themselves in each other, and Kali didn't care who saw them. The happier the alliance saw their commander, the better things could and would get, and that was the goal of what they were doing here.

Finally the two broke apart, and Andronikos smirked down at her. "Should have shown up sooner if that was the sort of greeting I'd get." Kali heard a giggle escape from Ashara, watching the two of them being reunited, and felt one of her own trying to escape her, but put on an aspirated look.

"Shut up and kiss me, you pirate." She told him.

"Yes ma'am." He told her, his smirk growing wider as his mouth lowered down to hers. And as their mouths connected once more, Kali thought to herself 'Game on, Arcann. I'm ready for you.'