AN) Hi! This is my second story! I'll be rotating between 'The Apprentice' and this one. I got this idea after going to camp and meeting a fellow DC fan. This camp is based off my church camp, we play a LOT of the games Rob, KF, Speedy, Supergirl, Miss Martian, Aqualad, Tempest, Aquagirl and Spider-boy play. Oh! Look who came to say hello!

Roy-Hi, can I go back to the tree fort now?

Me-Is that all you have to say Roy?

Roy-Robbie the news girl or what ever the heck this sicko calls herself would like some reviews. There, happy?

Me-It's Robindanewsie, can you say that Roy?

Roy-Can, don't wanna.

Me-Just get out, next time I'll ask KF.

It was a nice, bright sunny day. Birds were singing in the air. The sun was shining off crystal water. There was a gentle breeze ruffling flowers and tall grasses, making tree branches dance. Basically a perfect summer day.

Down an old country road, one that was dirt, a quite little camp was nestled away. Its cabin's had a quant feel to them. Wooden, with shuttered windows and small porches with a couple lawn chairs about them for socializing.

There was a sports field, with soccer courts, basketball hoops, football fields, and a little track. There were boats stashed away by the lake front for jet skiing. The beach was sandy and large, volleyball net hung over a small sand pit. A fire place was surrounded by picnic benches.

There was a large cafeteria and snack area for campers. A game room with ping pong and foos ball. A few pool tables and the resident game of rug ball. In which the two players threw the white pool ball at the other competitor's pool balls and attempt to knock them in their end. A lagoon only a few feet away from the lake was perfect for canoeing and fishing.

There were extra cabins for crafts and activities, counselors as well. The main house, where the camp head lived was in the middle of camp. This was also the nurses office and a place where parents and kids could talk on the phone if need be.

But this camp was more than met the eye. If you were to travel back into the woods along a trail, you would see archery butts. An intricate rope and tree house system was strung through the trees. A large arena had been constructed, for fights. There was a large gym, all the latest equipment. Treadmills, weights, fight stimulators.

And all the buildings were new. Even though they looked old, they had just been built that year. There was security everywhere. Cameras. Alarms. Even teleportation pads.

Why? This camp was no ordinary camp. But you've probably figured it out. Well, take a guess. No, it's not Camp Half-blood remade.

I welcome you—to Camp Super Hero.

From the peacefulness of the morning, chaos had erupted. Campers had arrived. Some flew, swam, and drove. But most used the zeta tubes. Kids were laughing, meeting old friends and making new ones. Cabins were assigned, counselors were met.

One little boy was extremely nervous. It would be his first time away from his dad. What if something went wrong? What if his dad needed him? What if he got homesick? What if he got hurt? What if an alien race took the camp hostage? What if an assassin tried to kidnap him? What if-

"Richard, are you alright?"

Richard pulled himself out of the doomsday scenarios he had been creating.

"I'm okay." He lied, he felt like he was going to throw up.

"You're nervous."

"How did you- wait! Don't say it! Don't you dare say it!"

"Because I'm Batman!"

Dick laughed as his dad leaned over and tickled him. Their inside joke. Dad never said, 'I'm Batman' obsessively like the media joked he did. Only when he and Dick were alone.

Dick leaned his forehead against the window, looking out at the scenery. Pretty. Not like Gotham. It was bright and sunny. Ugh.

There was a loud shrill whistle blow. Dick's head shot off the glass, his hand instinctively reaching for his hidden Bat-a-rang. Bruce did they same.

Oh, just the camp. Counselors were jumping up and down, shouting and blowing on whistles. Dick felt he was going to puke again. Alfred easily guided the limo into a parking spot, Dick trying to vanish in the seat.

"Come on chum," Dad smiled at Dick, "let's get you signed in."

Dad handed the young boy a pair of black glasses. Here he could go by Dick, but couldn't give a last name. Dad had a pair just like them on. And a suit. Dick was wearing a blue t-shirt. A red windbreaker covering that, he always got cold in the limo. He tied it around his waist, it was hot outside, and slipped the glasses over his eyes. Scooping up the paper and crayons he had been coloring with he zipped them into his 'Star Wars the Clone Wars' bag.

Dad got his suitcase from the trunk. A black one with his name written on a ribbon tied to the handle. Dick shouldered his book bag, filled with books, notebooks, crayons, and his uniform.

Dad, Dick and Alfred made their way through the camp. Kids were everywhere. A few stared, most just ignored them. If the duo had been in their costumes, hahaha! Everyone eye would be on them, every mind exploding.

"Robin, ah!" the check in lady smiled."Here we are, Robin Batson. Looks like you're in the Vigilante cabin."

"How fitting."Alfred took the name tag the lady offered and placed it on the boy's shirt front.

The Vigilante Cabin was three away from the Head House. Dick evaluated his fellow campers. There were aliens, humans. Metas, and nonmetas. Thought too many metas for his liking, thank you very much!

The cabin was just like any others. But its banner was bright yellow, a city skyline very similar to New York spread across the bottom. A Bat-symbol high above the buildings. Dick nudged his dad, who had become very serious. Public appearances. Dad smiled slightly.

"Hi!" a chipper voice called from the door.

A little boy, maybe around ten or eleven, stood in the doorway. He had unruly brown hair, soft caramel eyes. A band aid covered his nose. He wore a red tank top and blue shorts. His green sneakers were untied, laces flopping around at his ankles.

"Peter, get out of the doorway and let them in."

The kid, Peter. Opened the door. An older woman shook her head as Dick tried to hide behind Dad. But Alfred and Dad pushed him into the cabin. There were two sets of bunk beds. Peter smiled.

Another boy with black hair sat atop a bed. He blew a bubble and jumped down. Cocky. Dick straightened his back, this second boy was going to try to be the leader of the cabin. While Dick could care less, Robin wasn't pushed around easily.

"Hello," the woman smiled," I'm May Parker. This is my nephew Peter, and his friend Sam."

"Robin. Robin Batson." Dick scowled, he was the son of Batman, and so the smug look Sam was sending him did not go well.

"Hi Robin!" Peter smiled."Sam and I have these bunks, so you can pick one of those." Peter pointed to the set of bunks next to the window.

He nodded. Well, he could just use the ladder to get up to the top bunk. This was the one he and Dad had glared over. But…..

Dick backed away slightly, then took a running start, springing of Sam. He flipped, grabbed the bunk railing and flipped himself up onto the mattress.

Peter quickly closed his mouth, Sam scowled and rubbed his shoulder.

"Not cool man-" he grumbled.

Dick laughed slightly, Bruce looked at him and shook his head.


"But I'M not sorry!"


"Alfred told me never to lie."

"I'm telling you to lie."

"So it's okay to lie?"


"And break rule number 1?"

"Just—never mind, nice flip."

Dick was handed his red sheets, he helped tuck them around the mattress, spread his black blanket and placed his yellow pillow directly in the middle.

"Dang it Barry! I knew we would be late!"

"Just get in there."

Dick gasped slightly, his head swiveling towards the door once more. It had yanked open. An eleven year old with insane ginger hair and too many freckles to count stood in the doorway. He grinned, bravely looking around him. His famous lightning blot on a t-shirt, a pair of slightly ripped jeans from days of playing baseball in a garden and silver running shoes.


"Kid Flash!"

Robin leapt from his bunk, Wally rushing forward. It was a large, fight. The two boys began to roll around on the floor trying to pin each other, laughing. Dick pinned Wally once.

"Pinned ya!"

Wally got away, tussling some more. Dad, Alfred, and Uncle Barry knew better than to intervene.

"Pinned ya again!"

"Okay, okay geeze Nala get off!"

Dick let the ginger get up, then they settled for a hug.

"It's been forever man!"

"Since that Luthor case two months ago!"

"Why haven't you visited?"

"Well, we had that Joker thing, two weeks. I got kidnapped, two days. A week in recovery—"

"I get it, I get it! Gotham's killing you!"

"More like I'm killing IT!" Dick lightly punched Wally's arm lightly.

"Um, hi?"

"Oh, I didn't know anyone else was here. Sorry. Hi! I'm Kid Flash. You can call me Wally."

"Peter, err—Spider Boy?" He looked like he had just come up with that name. "This is Sam, Nova. And my Aunt May!"

Wally nodded, smiling at everyone.

"Hey, kid. Are you going to say hi to me or what?" Flash put his hands on his hips.

Robin laughed, and jumped hug the speedster. Wrapping both arms and legs around his favorite uncle.

"Hi Uncle Barry!"

"Hey kid. You've grown. You're about as tall as a mouse now. Shorty."

"But I'm a lot tougher, huh Uncle Barry? Ain't—"

"Aren't Master Robin. Aren't."

"Aren't I a lot tougher?"

"Sure kid. Only person who can put up with being in close proximity with Bats all the time."

"Ha-ha." Dad fake laughed, glaring at the speedster.

"Hee. Let's get you settled in Kid."

Wally grabbed a duffle bag from Flash, and in a yellow blur, moved all its contents out of the bag, onto the bed. Into the dresser. In two minutes and 45 seconds. Dick was timing.

"A new world record!" Wally yelled, throwing his hands in the air.

"That was awesome!"Peter gapped.

"I've seen better."Sam huffed.

"No you haven't." Peter glared.






"What?!" Both boys asked. Dick face palmed.

"I do that to stop fights."Wally smiled, but it slowly faded."It doesn't work at home." He whispered the last part very, very quietly.

Robin nudged him, his brother was sad he could tell.

"Did you bring a science book?" he asked.

"Of COURSE I did!" Wally grabbed a dusty school book.

"You like science?" Me too!"

So Wally and Peter were off rattling about science. Flash threw in his two cents ]. Mrs. Parker was talking quietly with Alfred. Robin ventured to his bunk again, finish putting away his belongings.

A first aid kit. Bat-a-rangs. Sunglasses. Mask. Mask. Tazer. Holo-watch back up batteries. Panic button. Stress ball. Worry book.

His worry book. That's where he wrote down all the things that scared him, or made him worry. And he locked them up. They weren't allowed to leave the pages. But they still did. Like criminals from Arkham. They would go there, stay awhile, biding their time, but then pop! Out the book to wreak havoc in Dick's brain. Until he caught them and put them back.

There was a rustling outside the door. It opened yet again. This time, there was a tall man standing in the doorway. He had short blond hair, a friendly smile. Bright blue eyes twinkled. He wore a red t-shirt with the black print 'CSH'. This meant 'Camp Super-Hero.' His shirt was tucked into tan cargo shorts, brown work boots laced up.

"CAP!" Two voices mixed together. Peter and Sam.

Ugh. Captain America. Meta-nonmeta-ish. Super strength, increased speeds, slight hearing. Heart of a Saint. Basically the watered down version of Superman.

"Hey boys." He smiled." Hello everyone. My name is Steve Rogers. I'll be the consular for the Vigilante Cabin while your kids are here at camp. I think we're going to have a great time."

"He's not a vigilante, "Robin whispered to Kid."Where's Green Arrow, or Green Lantern for Batcave's sakes?"

"It's about time for parents to leave, so if you can say your final good byes that would be greatly appreticaited."

Wally and Flash started rattling off in Flash speak, (a.k.a they talked really fast). Peter and his aunt hugged. Sam got a hug too.

Dad nodded and left. Alfred patted his shoulder.

"Behave Master Robin. Do train hard, but have fun. We shall be awaiting your return and many stories."

"Alfred? What- what if Gotham needs me? What if Dad gets hurt? What if-"

"Worry book young sir. Gotham will be fine, your father can take care of himself. No need to panic."

Robin nodded, Alfred patting him again. Before leaving to drive home, to the manor.

The manor. The cabin seemed so tiny and rundown compared to the manor. The Batcave. Ace! What about Ace? Would Ace think Robin left him? Would he try to find Robin? Would he run away and come to camp? He might die! Nu, nu. Nu. Nu. Nu!

"Robin?"Wally leaned down closer to the floor. When did he get on the floor? Dick was faintly aware of laughter. And a light smacking sound."Robin? Do you need your Worry Book?"

The Boy Wonder nodded. There was a slight breeze and Wally was back with the journal in hand. Steve knelt next to him, propping the young acrobat up.

Robin uncapped his pen, quickly flipping to a blank space he jotted down-

Ace thinking I left him and coming after me and dying.

Something bad happening to Tati.

He slammed the book closed again and locked it up tight. His nerves were starting to calm down.

"Are you okay?" Robin rolled his eyes, saint.

"I'm fine, thank you."

"Yeah, a little nerve ain't gonna get Gotham Boy here down are they?"

Robin laughed, Kid Flash extending his arm. Robin grabbed his wrist, pulling himself up. Kid squeezed his arm, Robin lowered his gaze.

"Vamos a tratar de conseguir throught el mes, ¿de acuerdo ?"

"That was the best thing I've ever seen." Sam laughed."You just fell!"

"Sam!" Cap scowled at the young boy." That is not polite! He could've been hurt. I want you to apologize."

"Geeze, sorry Robin."


"Okay, boys. We're supposed to head over to the cafeteria for opening ceremony and lunch."

"FOOD!" Wally cheered and fist pumped the air."LET'SGO!LET'SGO!"

"Uh, quick question? Do we need our uniforms?" Peter tilted his head.

"Oh!" Steve smacked his head lightly."Yes! If you have a uniform wear it! We'll be doing evaluations after dinner."

Wally smirked, he grabbed a spare uniform. Holding it at an arm's length away. A small whirlwind of speedster spun around, Robin watched fondly. When the blur stopped, Wally wasn't in his civvies anymore. But in his yellow jump suit with the red lightning bolt.
"Sweet!" Sam said, he picked a helmet up out of his bag. Quickly changing out of his denim shirt and cargo shorts into his uniform. Placing the helmet on over his dark hair.

Peter pulled his sleeves up.

"Sam? Can you get the zipper?"Ziiipp." Thanks."

He pulled his mask over his hair, but left his mouth exposed.

Robin had changed into his Kevlar and spandex like suit. He clipped the belt around his waist, snapping the gloves into place. With speeds that only a Flash could beat, he slipped the sunglasses off and his favorite domino mask on. Kid Flash gently picked up his yellow and black sided cape and draped it over his shoulders. Latching it together.


"No prob, Rob."

As the Vigilante cabin made their way through the camp grounds, Robin and Kid kept their eyes peeled. Looking for yellow. And red, mostly red. Maybe an arrow shaft, or a feather.

"Augh!" Something slammed into Dick from behind. Arms wrapped around him, very strong arms, his feet lifted off the ground."Kara?"

"Hey little bro!" she squealed and dropped Dick. Wally was swept up in a hug next."My little bros! Ohh, I've missed you so much! Wally, you've grown! Robin, aww, you've grown too!"

Kara released the boys, staring at them, evaluating their uniforms. Hers was a white crop-top shirt with black lining and the famous 'S' symbol. A blue skirt and red knee high boots. A short red cape with another 'S' symbol on it, her long blonde hair was pulled back by a black hair band.

"Hey Sups."Wally smirked, "how you doin?"

"Okay there 'Joey'." Kara laughed and turned on the other three heroes."Hi, I'm Supergirl. These two munchkins big sister."

"You're related to Supergirl!"Sam barked.

"Technically no, but we're very close." Dick shrugged.

"Hey, what cabin are you in?"

"Vigilante!"Wally again fist pumped the air.



Robin laughed, "Probably headed by Aunt W?"

"No, some S.H.I.E.L.D. lady. Black Widow or something."

"Natasha, "Cap smiled, "you'll like her."

"Hey! Supergirl! Come on! We're going to be late!"

Kara rolled her eyes as one of her bunkmates yelled at her, her eyes had a tint of annoyance to them

"She's the youngest in our cabin, BW already shows favoritism."She whispered, rolling her eyes again."I'll be right there Ava, just saying hi to Robin and Kid Flash!" She shouted, forcing all of the bitterness out of her voice. She bent down and kissed each boy on his forehead. Two perfect kisses on oxen locks and ginger."See you boys later." Before flying off to join her group.

"Ava's our teammate."Peter glared after Kara.

"This is gonna be fun." Dick sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"Oh, don't you know it." Wally had a goofy look on his face.

"For Batcave's sakes, "Robin punched him, earning a small scowl from Cap."Stop hitting on our sister!"

The boys filled into the large main hall. Campers clamored at moved around them. Kid hoisted Robin on his shoulders, so he could look for a very important person.

"Who do you see?"

"Uhm… Wonder Girl, the Aqua's, Martain, there! There he is! SPEEDY! S-P-E-E-D-Y!"

The older red head was sitting with a group of teenage boys, his turned slightly. His face breaking out into a smile as he saw the little ninja. He waved, standing to greet them.

"Can I have your attention?"

"Listen up kids!"

"Furry calm down."