AU GaLe, LoLu, Gruvia …Maybe an OOC I'm not sure yet..

A/N: So this is my first story and hopefully people read it, feel free to review if you would like. Eventually this story will become more mature with explicit content but for now it's kind of T for everyone but be warned. Thanks and enjoy!

I don'town characters but I own the ideas within the story**

It had been a couple months since everyone had gone his or her separate way to college, High School seemed to be a breeze and flew by. Gajeel had kept his eyes on the only woman he loved, Levy. They had been best friends through high school even though he always wanted to be something more. He was hoping to attend the same college as the braniac but Levy had ended up choosing a different college in order to pursue her dreams of becoming an author. With that they went their separate ways to their perspective colleges and promised to always keep in touch with each other by visiting on the weekends since their colleges were only 4 hours away from each other. Gajeel was happy to know that they would at least be able to visit one another every now and then, plus he had his friends Loke and Gray attending the same college as him to make the dorm situation a little easier. He could be himself and not have to worry about trying to live with someone whom he probably wouldn't even like anyways or who understood his own mannerisms.

Gajeel found himself at Magnolia U attempting to find his books he needed for his architecture and engineering classes. Upon looking at his printed off schedule he saw that one of his classes was a gen-ed. "PHILOSOPHY 153 Introduction to critical thinking. 2pm" read the last class on his schedule.

"Oh great," Gajeel groaned finding the philosophy books he needed for his unwanted class. He grabbed the two books off the shelf and almost ran into the busty bluenette reading over her own printed off schedule. "Hey! It's rain girl! What are you doing here Juvia?" Gajeel asked inquisitively staring at the busty woman.

"Oh hi Gajeel! Long time no see. Juvia is starting her first quarter of college here at MU. Do you know where Juvia can find these books?" she said while pointing to the class on the schedule. Gajeel read the schedule and noticed she had the same gen-ed philosophy class. "Well here you can just share my books. They are expensive anyways and we can split the cost." He said holding the books to his chest. Juvia looked up and smiled at Gajeel. They walked to the registers together to buy their books.

"Well Juvia would like to thank you for splitting the cost but must go get ready to meet up with someone now. See you in class tomorrow Gajeel!" She yelled back quickly walking off and waving. Shaking his head, he went to walk back to his dorm with his newly purchased books. As he was leaving the bookstore he saw an orange woven bracelet with white "MU"'s written across it. Grabbing the bracelet he purchased that as well before he was back on his way to his dorm.

Loke was still unpacking his things and setting his side of the room up while Gray sat at his desk going over his course list making sure he had all the correct books and supplies he needed when Gajeel walked in books and bracelet in hand. He quickly tried stuffing the bracelet into his pocket. He had already been caught. "Who's that for?" Loke questioned the black haired roommate with a sly smile on his face.

"None of your damn business playboy." Gajeel grumbled back throwing the books on his desk under his bunk bed while keeping the trinket in his hand.

"Its for his looovvveeerrr" Gray mocked making kissing faces at Gajeel.

"She's not my lover. She's my friend and its just something that caught my eye" Gajeel replied jumping up to his bed to stare up at the ceiling. Upon doing so his therapy cat Pantherlily settled to the side of Gajeel on the bed clearly upset that his slumber was disturbed.

"Whatever you say man. We are going to go walk around campus to check out the ladies and grab a bite, you in?" Loke asked walking to the door. Gray followed suit, both boys were looking at Gajeel only to be met with a grumph from the raven-haired man not wanting to hear their usual lecture about his feelings for his best friend.

"Alright see ya later." Gray said as he and Loke left Gajeel in the room.

After hearing the door shut Gajeel turned on his side to face the middle of the room, Lily gave him a curious look and nuzzled against the brute.

"Eventually I will tell Shrimp how I feel Lily don't give me that look", he said aloud turning to face towards the ceiling once again and stared at the orange bracelet in his hand as he wished the girl he loved so much wasn't so far away.