This is the last chapter of A Schoolgirl's Fantasy, so all of us sick little twisted people can go back to their mundane lives, oh my life really is pathetic. But, read, review, then go away! I might write a sequel, it
depends on how many people want one, up to you! Now, Read on:

Chapter 8 Shattered Ever After

It had been a week, a week of Odgen's Best, he could still taste it even though the snifter was long empty. It had been a week since Hermione had disappeared from his room after they had slept together; life seemed to have it out for him. The world had graced Severus with someone who he loved, then forced him to lose her, and then, to top it off on the galactic scale of absurdity, Hermione had been brought back from horrendous wounds to spend one night with him and left him once again. During the time he had to think upon her exit, Severus had come up with only one conclusion, the spell that had nearly killed her was responsible, the behavior pattern just didn't fit with Hermione's character.

Albus Dumbledore had come up with another brilliant lie to cover up the disappearance of Hogwart's brightest. Apparently, a company in the United States had heard of her brilliance and wouldn't wait for her to graduate, they were adamant that Hermione come to work for them right away. Hermione's work was to be top-secret. Severus snorted, if the Potter boy believed it, he was denser than Severus had ever thought. It didn't matter anymore, anyway. With Hermione gone his life was empty, he had made the decision that morning to resign; for all intents and purposes, Severus Snape was no longer a professor. Life had decided to piss on him again.

Severus had spent hours searching the library and every other source he knew of to determine what spell was used; there were very few that also used mind control. Eventually he just gave up, it didn't matter anymore. Severus did his best to put Hermione out of his mind, and for the most part, he succeeded. There were a few occasional moments when the broke down and remembered her face, especially when he brewed his potions for Pomfrey. Time came and went until summer arrived and it was the last day of term.

The daily stupor was close to setting in when the door to his office was knocked upon. "What?" This was his solitude that was being intruded.

"Uh, Professor Snape,"

"Potter, if you're going to come in, come in!" Severus grumbled under his breath for a few seconds. The damn Potter poof was annoying.

"Professor, um."

"Get out with it,"

"Alright, you and Hermione were-involved-weren't you?" This immediately sobered up the nearly drunk, soon to be ex-professor, Snape. A look of sadness flitted across pale features before answering.

"Yes, we were, Potter, for a little while." One night, and barely that, of time spent together. He could only hope that Hermione was happy, wherever she was. Harry hesitated before his next question, he was afraid of the answer.

"Hermione isn't really working for an American company, is she?"


"What happened?"

Severus had trouble fighting back the choke in his voice, but didn't succeed. "I can't tell you that, Potter."

Harry looked at his former teacher with sympathy. Was this how he would be if he lost Draco? "It's Harry." At Snape's confused look, he explained, "You can cal me Harry now, you and Hermione were together, I miss her too."

Severus finally broke, the fellow being in pain watched silently as tears rolled unheeded down the man's face. It was painful; he could imagine being in Severus's shoes. No one deserved torment like that. After a long moment, Harry held out his hand, "Goodbye, sir."

To his surprise, Severus composed himself and stood, "Goodbye, Harry Potter, I hope that we must never see each other again." Harry left without another word, Hermione was somewhere, he would find her. If not for her own sake, then for the sake of the man who sat in the dungeons below, the broken man, that, without Hermione, would never recover.

That's it, I'm done, Finished! Okay, maybe I'll come back in a month or so when term is out. It's up to you, make a wise choice here, do you want to sequel or no?

~Her Lovers' Spy