Loki is being courted like the pretty frost giant that he is and it is frustrating him much to the amusement of Asgard.
This is a completed story that will be posted at least every other day.
Beta is mischieffuckingmanaged who reminded me that I'm a writer.
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
There was blood everywhere, but luckily, most of it was not Asgardian. A group of rogue Fire Giants, not pleased with the latest treaty their realm signed with the All Father decided to attack Asgard and claim it in the name of Fire Giants. It was a smart attack too. The Fire Giants called the Royal Army away with a fake tip that there would be an attack on eastern front. With Odin, Thor and a good chunk of the Royal Army gone, the Giants thought it would be easy to attack and conquer.
Natasha had to admit it was a good idea. As a Valkyrie, she could appreciate the tactic. Unfortunately, they under estimated the power of Odin's second son, Loki.
It was an easy mistake to make and one that was made often. Loki was the runt of the litter, smaller than any Frost Giant living despite being the first-born. To make matters worse, even when Odin returned with him from Jotunheim, Loki was still sickly. He was ill for most of his youth, though the healers never did find out why but then suddenly, he hit adulthood and seemed like a perfectly healthy Aesir – which was weird because Loki had no Asgardian blood in him. They knew he was mixed, but he was no Aesir.
He healed faster than Aesir did and even other Jotuns. He had a surprising control of fire, which made his teachers think he might have been part Fire Giant, but then the odds of two giants having a runt for a child was highly unlikely. There was some talk of Loki possibly being of a very rare race considering his magic was not reliant on the Casket of Winters and that was why Laufey kept him locked up in the castle for the first 200 plus years of Loki's life.
Unfortunately, she and Loki had that in common. In any giant race, those who do not grow to a full giant height were excommunicated or even killed. In Natasha's case, her mother sent her away to Asgard under the care of a servant in the castle. Because Loki was special, they wanted to hold on to him, probably to kill Odin. How ironic it was that Loki ended up living with him.
But they had other things in common as well. They were both shapeshifters and both hid their giant forms under an Aesir appearance in an attempt to resemble the people they lived with. They spoke often about their homes and some of the troubles they faced but never did Natasha view Loki as a potential lover.
Until the attack.
And Loki kicked ass.
Like really kicked it. Like, she'd never seen a Fire Giant run from a Frost Giant. And she'd never seen a Frost Giant chase a Fire Giant. But when Loki shifted into a dragon and ripped off the head of a Fire Dragon, Natasha was ready to throw her undergarments at him.
She'd seen him fight before, of course. She often went with her sister in arms Sif to their adventures so she'd seen him battle and use his powers. He was a powerful mage able to summon elements and make trees come to life. He controlled the weather for small distances and though he rarely used chants or potions, he was skilled in both. Still, she never though he held that kind of power within him. He'd never demonstrated the ability to turn into a blue ice dragon or to run up buildings or to shake the earth to topple enemies to the ground.
That could have been because Thor was always there though. Thor liked to flex his muscles and show how powerful he was. All Loki ever did was provide back up and make sure everyone got out safely. But with Thor gone, perhaps Loki's instincts to protect grew stronger. He left none alive by the end of it and saved the head of the leader to present to his father.
And how proud Odin was.
It had taken a while for the royal to realize they had been taken and returned to the castle. By then Loki had already defeated the threat, was having the wounded tended to and had contact with King Surtur to see if he was at all aware of a group of Fire Giants breaking their peace treaty. He'd done everything Odin would have done, ensuring that his people, soldiers and his Queen were taken care of before going to the healers himself for help covered in blood and cuts.
And what a turn on it was to see him covered in enemy's blood.
She was there when he came in to show his back covered in burns. Though most were healing naturally on their own, there were two that were deep and his body was icing it over in an attempt to stop bleeding but was delaying proper healing.
Sitting there looking at him as he sat to be worked on, she realized that was little Loki sitting there and contained within him was power and bravery and something so sexy she had to look away before she made a fool of herself.
Now, Natasha was no shy girl. She could just go right up to a guy and demand him to service her, but this was a prince. And not just any prince, but a prince of Jotunheim, Asgard and some unknown realm and on top of that, he was Queen Frigga's favorite and everyone knew it because she wasn't shy about showing it. She'd turn down many suitors often without Loki's consent and sometimes without his knowledge.
And the problem was, she didn't want just a tumble in his sheets, no. She wants to possess chaotic nature and ground him. She wanted to own that little Frost Giant and watch him melt at the touch of her hands.
Compounding the problem was Loki's extreme distaste for anything constant. If a woman was able to pass Queen Frigga's ridiculously high standards for a lover of Loki's, actually keeping his interest for longer than a week was near impossible. There were a few times that it seemed someone was able to snare him but eventually Loki's attention would move on to a new spell or a rumor of fun being had on another realm and Loki would disappear.
But Natasha had a plan. Loki was not a man easily controlled by his body. After all, his body had given him lots of trouble as a child and with it constantly changing and morphing into other creations, his body could react to anything, at any time. He followed logic, his mind. Because no matter what his body turned into, Loki was still Loki.
So she would intrigue him. Make him feel like he was chasing her instead of her baiting him. She would try to appeal to both the form he wore daily and the giant that he tried to bury daily.
But first, she had to prove to Frigga that she was worthy of even trying to court her son.
Tell me what you though!
This will be a series about Thor's reign and Loki's position in it.
To those reading my other stories-I've been away from writing since school started. I wrote this to get back into the grove of writing. By other stories will soon be updated.
Series this work belongs to:
Part 1 of the The Asgardian Soap Opera series