All mistakes are my own

For Your Benefit

S3 AU- This wasn't typically her sort of scene, but she swallowed down the hesitation and painted on a smile. After all, he did all of this for her, to honor her mom.


Butterflies fluttered in Kate's stomach, the anticipation of tonight finally sinking in.

How had it already been a year?

She assessed her reflection in the bedroom mirror, smoothing down the delicate satin of her emerald green knee-length dress. The conservative neckline was a nice contrast to the low cut of the back, the exposed skin was sure to drive Castle mad. That thought alone heated her skin and colored her cheeks even through her flawlessly applied makeup. Everything had to be perfect – this time.

Castle emerged from the en suite, freshly showered and all ready in his tuxedo. His cologne filled the air as he passed by. The scent made her skin flush, suddenly craving the idea of throwing him into their bed and peeling the suit from his well defined body.

Yet, she knew better.

Tonight was about more than sinful pleasures.

"Crazy how much has changed in a year," she mused, with one last glance at herself before turning back to the bed where she'd placed her small clutch. While looking through the bag to make sure she had everything she needed, she felt Castle feather the slightest of kisses against the base of her neck. The touch sent a spark through each of her nerve endings, leaving goose bumps in its wake. She twisted around to his mouth stretched wide in a grin. Bastard knew exactly the effect that he had on her.

"I can't imagine what you mean," he teased, his fingers dancing down the bare skin of her arms.

"Don't be smug." She laughed, nudging him back. "You know exactly what I mean. Last year, I was thinking that I was going to show up to this event alone and now –"

Kate tried to wiggle out of his arms to finish getting ready for the evening, but he caught her wrist before she could move much farther.

"Now, you're showing up with your handsome fiancé," he said, his hand toying with the diamond that now adorned her finger.

"My very humble fiancé…"

"You love it."

"Your ego? No, but I love you, so you get a pass," she laughed, moving to place her hands against his sides and leaning into the wall of his chest to steal a quick kiss from his lips.

"Who would've thought?"

"Definitely not me," she said, shaking her head. Sure, she had been a fan of his novels when they had first met, but his cocky personality and her stubbornness had prevented her from ever thinking of him as anything other than an irritating tag along.

She was so happy with how wrong she ended up being.

"You've wanted me from the day we met."

"You really believe that, don't you?"

"I do." His eyes were wide and honest. Maybe he knew more about herself than even she had at the time, but never in her wildest dreams would she have thought that she'd end up engaged to Richard Castle. Yet as the smug smile toyed on his lips, she could tell he wasn't letting this go, no matter how hard she argued it.

"Castle, I couldn't stand you when we first met."

"You say that now, but I know the truth."

She rolled her eyes at his reason, yet she was still unable to resist pressing her lips against his once more. The pull of him was almost magnetic.

"Your ego is messing with your memory, Babe," she whispered, barely any space between them. The haze of his presence fogged her conscious thought enough that she let the pet name slip from her tongue. It worked though, the name felt right.


"Mmhmm," she hummed, nodding enough that her nose brushed against his, almost like an Eskimo kiss. "Just go with it."

"Never would've pegged you for someone that would use pet names," he mused, happiness laced through every syllable.

He had a point. She had never used them in any previous relationship, but everything about her relationship with Castle was different. Alexis had called them sickening the other day when she caught them making out on the couch like teenagers. Looking up at him now, her heart hammering against her ribcage, Alexis had been right. They were definitely in the 'can't keep their hands off of each other' stage. Though she couldn't really imagine they'd ever grow out of it.

"You must bring it out in me."

"I must. It's the cross I have to bear," he sighed, resting his forehead against hers.

"Such a martyr." She brushed her hands down his tuxedo jacket before a small adjustment to the knot of his tie. The man could definitely wear a tux.

"Ready?" Castle reached for her hand, arching his eyebrow.

"With you by my side?" she asked, carding her free hand through his hair. "Always."

Well, this was something.

Last year the red carpet was filled with the media. Flashbulbs blinded the attendees as reporters clamored about which designer's gown the women had chosen.

Tonight however...

Her jaw dropped at the sight of the red carpet entrance.

"Oh my god, Castle…" She couldn't even form a complete sentence. The press was still in attendance, cameras were still shooting pictures for a Page Six spread, but that was where the similarities of last year's red carpet ended.


"This is a little overboard."

Her well-meaning partner had a security team positioned at the entry doors with more equipment than she even could imagine would be portable for an event of this size. She spotted two large metal detectors as well as what appeared to be a huge x-ray machine in which guests were asked to send their belongings through.

"You were shot last year," he explained with a shrug.

"Yes, but this is almost more security checks than the TSA."

"You were shot last year." His repeated words held no apology for the actions, not that she had expected him to regret anything he had done.

"I was there, you don't have to remind me," she deadpanned, before smearing a kiss against the stubble of his jaw.

"So? There is never enough security to make sure that you're safe."

This was Castle. She should have known he wouldn't pull any punches. The man she fell in love with would protect everyone he cared about at any cost, he'd move heaven and earth if he had to.

"You're sweet." She placed her hand against his forearm, the pressure and touch, seeming to ease the tension from his stature as she offered him a reassuring upturn of her lips. "Overboard, but sweet none the less."

The ballroom was decorated with bold hues of red and deep purple splashed against the classic black and white of the guest tables. Castle had asked for her input but with how perfectly everything looked last year, she was much more content to have him work with the party planner on all of the final touches for the evening.

"Everything appears to be in order," he reported, moving next to her behind the stage.

"It's great, Castle, really. The boys did an extra check around the room, even after your rather overzealous security measures at the door."

"I just –"

She cupped his cheek in her palm, lightly painting soothing patterns onto his skin.

"This year's different. Everything is going to be okay."

"Shouldn't I be assuring you of that?"

"Probably, but you seem to need the reminder more than I do," she said, running her hand across the broad span of his shoulders, up into the short hairs on the base of his neck.

"Are you ready?"

"Now or never..." She chewed down on her cherry red lip, sinking into the strength of his arms around her waist.

"You'll be amazing," he promised, earning him a soft laugh.

"Castle, you have to say that, I'm sleeping with you."

He chuckled as his eyes danced, clearly amused from her statement, but it didn't make it any less true. Their activities under the covers didn't exactly make him impartial.

"True, but I said that even before that was the case."

"When you were merely trying to sleep with me…" she joked.


"I'm kidding, Rick." She brushed a kiss on the corner of his mouth and whispered against his skin. "Love you."

Leaving the warmth of his arms, she took a deep breath, letting the pull of oxygen ease her frayed nerves. She wasn't scared, but she was a little more anxious than she had let on to Castle. He was worried enough for the both of them, she hadn't wanted to add more stress to the situation.

It was time.

This year was completely different, in every way possible, in every way that mattered. She glanced back at Castle, the love and adoration shining in his expression and she knew she could do this.

"I want to thank you all for coming tonight," she started, her voice thick as she looked out into the audience, her nerves getting the best of her. Kate paused, turning her attention to Castle for a moment, his expression and presence alone filling her with the confidence to continue.

She wouldn't let fear win.

"Thank you for giving your time and supporting this cause that is very close to my heart. There was a shadow that marred our first event last year, but if my mom taught me anything – it was the important fact that you can't let fear run your life," Kate said with a smile. Her mom had lived that every day of her life. It was one of the many things she had always admired about her. "I take that lesson with me every day of my life, whether it's on the job or standing here in front of you today. Johanna Beckett was an amazing woman, mother, wife, attorney and friend and it's my hope that her legacy will live on with every life this scholarship foundation touches..."

Kate looked down at her notes, her hands slightly trembling. God, she missed her mom so much every single day. She always hoped it would get easier one day, that the hole in her heart would lessen, but no one could bring her back. Even though she was gone and it still hurt, the knowledge that she had Castle to stand by her side, baggage and all, it meant everything to her.

He meant everything to her.

Clearing her throat, she looked out, her eyes blurring with the emotion of everything hitting her as she stood at the podium. This was all for her benefit.

"After the incident that ruined the event last year, you all pulled together and made sure that the foundation wouldn't suffer. You still donated. You still supported it and because of your generosity. I'm so proud and humbled to be able to introduce to you the first scholarship recipient of the Johanna Beckett Foundation, Alexandra Willis."

Kate turned toward the young brunette as she walked up to the microphone, grinning, eyes bright and idealistic. She had been chosen from over 250 candidates. In her opinion, they couldn't have found a more perfect winner. Her tenacity and determination to fight for the truth and to stand up against the injustices of the world were her biggest strengths; she had completely won the committee over in the interview process.

With a short hug, Kate handed Ms. Willis the plaque and smiled as she recited a brief and shaky thank you speech to the crowd, all without an issue or an interruption.

A bit dazed, she ushered the girl down the steps and gave her another quick embrace before she turned in search of Castle. Her thoughts were racings and she could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She had made it through, fully intact.

"You were extraordinary," he murmured in her ear. She jumped back in surprised, feeling the hard press of his body against her bare back, his arms slinging around her waist. Kate laid her head back on his shoulder, twisting her neck to meet the piercing blue of his eyes with a relieved grin.


"Yeah. You always amaze me, Kate, but tonight? I'm blown away." His tone was genuine. The deep quality not quite covering up the emotion that she could see shining through in his expression.

"I couldn't have done it without you. I owe this all to you. Everything. Thank you. I don't think I could ever thank you enough."

"You don't need to thank me, Kate. I'd do anything for you. I love you." He pushed a loose curl from her up-do away from her cheek, gently caressing the skin with the movement.

"I still can't believe I'm lucky enough to have you love me," she whispered, the entire ballroom fading away in the background. He pulled her closer into him, flooding her body in warmth.

"Trust me, I'm the lucky one," he sighed, his lips brushing against hers as he spoke as his hands played with the satin of her dress.

Oh, it would definitely end up on his bedroom floor tonight, hopefully soon.

"Well, I guess we have the rest of our lives to be lucky together."

Rest of their lives, it still amazed her…

"I like the sound of that."

The End

That's all I have for this little adventure. Hope you all enjoyed it.

I would love to hear what you all thought! :)

Words cannot express how honored I am by the love you have shown for this story. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Lou- thanks for the original prompt. It was fun to play with.

My lovely beta squad...your friendship and support is why this actually is complete.

Until next time...