heyz!sho, this ish muh new fic, "Black Rose." i know, etz a reallie corny title, but i couldn't think of a better wun. anywaize, i hope yooh readers enjoy et. and dun forget tew review! ~Tenshi

***Black Rose***


She had cornered him into a dark alley. A wall stopped him from running any

further. She smiled as he looked at her with fear evident in his eyes.

"W-who are you?" he stuttered. She grinned as she reached for her gun and

pointed it at him.

"I have many names, but many know me as the Black Rose," she answered.

His eyes widened in shock and trepidation. She pulled the trigger. He looked

incredulously at the growing red stain on his chest. His last image before Death took

his soul was of a beautiful woman with a lithe form, raven-black hair, and brown

eyes that held almost no emotion.


sho, whut yooh think of the prologue? i know etz short, but prologues are supposed tew be short! i promise yooh readers that it'll be more interesting in future chapters, kz? just review and keep readin! ~Tenshi