Title: Chance
Author: Ticklesivory
Genre: Obidala Drama/Action/Romance
Rating: T
Warnings: None that I know of. Maybe some violence, but not too bad.
Disclaimer: I guess all this belongs to Disney now, but they probably have no intention of taking it where I'm going to go...
Summary: Separated by different missions, Obi-Wan and Anakin part ways in order to fulfill their duties, only to end up having to take chances and make choices which will ultimately change their lives.
Author's Notes: Lots of action and drama, confusion and discovery, heroism and bravery ahead - per the usual. I outlined this story two years ago and thought it was about time I put it together. Here goes...
"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make. Lewis Carroll
Prologue (Chapter One)
Obi-Wan Kenobi stood at the base of the loading ramp leading up into a rather nondescript cargo ship which was to take his Padawan away, eyeing the young man carefully. The boy was nervous, although only a trained eye such as his could discern. Anakin Skywalker had grown into a serious and responsible student, exhibiting only rare moments of previous reckless behavior. For that reason, Obi-Wan had recommended to the Jedi Council, it was time for his Padawan to go through his Trials to become a Knight.
Already, Anakin had successfully faced and overcome his Combat Trials, proving his ability to pilot a starfighter and defend himself against multiple enemies was impressive. Even the stoic Jedi Council Member, Mace Windu, had been pleased with his results.
What faced his Padawan now, however, would be a true test of his abilities. He must visit the planet Vastin, to oversee a peace treaty. Each year, for the past twenty, a Jedi Padawan was sent to perform the ritualistic ceremony. So far, the mission had gone without incident, even though, the Vastinians were not easily dealt with. The population there was divided into two factions: one, which favored a leadership attained through bloodlines, and the other through a vote of the people. Their history was marked by a century-long civil war which had erupted over that very issue.
Three years ago, there had nearly been an incident when a particular Jedi Padawan had interfered where she shouldn't have, causing a minor conflict between the two clans. Thankfully, the matter had come to a relatively peaceful resolution, and the particular Jedi had eventually become a Knight.
Now, it was Anakin's turn. Obi-Wan had trained him carefully in the mannerisms of the Vestinians, their culture, and rituals; how to sit, where to stand, the proper greeting, and what to do if one of them asked him to dance. He truly felt Anakin was prepared, although the boy did seem quite nervous.
"Don't forget, Anakin," Obi-Wan felt led the need to remind his student once more. "If the Grand Tsar asks if you waltz, you say…"
"Only on days ending with Y, Master. I know, I know. I'll be fine. Please stop worrying."
Obi-Wan gazed at his student with a small amount of pride before placing a hand on a shoulder slightly higher than his own. The Jedi Master then displayed a rare hint of a smile to boost the young man's confidence, although he erased it quickly. He couldn't let his guard down. The boy had yet to become a Knight, and as his Master, Obi-Wan must be diligent and faithful to his course.
"I have all the confidence you will succeed, Padawan," he firmly told the young Jedi. "May the Force be with you."
"May the Force be with you too, Master," Anakin replied by rote before he headed up the gangplank and into the vessel, which would take him halfway across the galaxy.
It was all in the young man's hands now, Obi-Wan thought to himself, as he released all anxiety and nervousness of his own into the Force, taking a deep breath to complete the process. Upon his exhale, his communicator chimed, and Obi-Wan answered it readily.
"You are needed in the Council Chambers, Master Kenobi," the familiar voice requested.
"On my way, Master Windu," Obi-Wan replied, before turning back toward the Temple. It was probably another mission to attend to, which was fine with him! He needed something to take his mind off…other things.
After meeting with the small group of Jedi Council members gathered in the Council Tower, Obi-Wan was pleased to discover that indeed, he was being given an assignment. The reason, however, was a bit disturbing.
"An attack, there has been, on Chandrila," Master Yoda explained, "many casualties there were. Some unaccounted for."
An immediate concern rose in Obi-Wan's mind. "What's the status of Senator Mothma?" Obi-Wan did not know her well, but she was a respected leader from Chandrila and it would be a great loss for the Republic if something had happened to her.
"She wasn't on-planet at the time of the attack," Master Gallia answered in her softspoken manner.
"There were plenty of others who were, " Master Windu pointed out respectfully.
"Time for the Mock Galactic Senate meetings it was, " Yoda said in turn.
"The Legislative Youth Program you mean," Obi-Wan finished. He knew of it, of the gathering of politically-inspired youth who met in Hanna City, the capital of Chandrila to practice senatorial procedures. "The Brionelle Military Academy?" Obi-Wan assumed based on his prior knowledge. "Was it the target?"
"That's what we're sending you to find out," Master Windu further explained. "Who was behind this attack, and what their motive was."
"Go there, you must, Master Kenobi. A disturbance in the Force, I have felt. Careful, you must be."
Always cryptic, but always sincere, Obi-Wan took heed of Master Yoda's warning and bowed in acceptance of the mission.
"May the Force be with you," Master Windu declared, signifying it was time for Obi-Wan to depart.
After commandeering a Jedi starfighter designated for a Jedi Master, Obi-Wan entered the coordinates for Chandrila, and was quickly given permission to leave Coruscant space. He would be there in a matter of hours. Chandrila, like Coruscant, was located in the Core Worlds; the second planet in the Bormea Sector. He anxiously adjusted the throttle of his starfighter in preparation for lightspeed, determined to get there as quickly as possible. There were innocent young lives at stake, and he would do whatever he could to help.
A/N: No snoring allowed! ;) I'm just getting warmed up! I know I broke my rule of 1st-Chapter-Reader-Snagging, but there's a lot going on in this fic, and a lot I have to explain…so hang in there!