Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who and I am not making any money from this fanfiction. A/N: Rated M for dark adult themes and language some readers may find offensive, also this story contains spoilers for the episode Face the Raven. This is my first fanfiction and I hope you enjoy!

"Oi gimme back now fat face! " Shrieked the foul-mouthed boy as he violently tried to wrest back his phone from the laughing thief.

"Make me ghostboy!" He taunted as the small crowd of Coal Hill pupils gathered round the stolen device and laughed along raucously.

"The only ghost I can see is you freak."One of the girls mocked cruelly as "ghostboys" face turned red with anger.

"Laugh all you want losers but I know what I saw."

"Awwww" -a mutinous groan erupted from the crowd as Clara snatched the phone and put it in her pocket .

"This is confiscated until the end of the day-and that goes for anyone else taking pictures."

"But miss he stole my phone ." Protested "ghostboy" his face returning to its usual insipidness.

"Yeah I saw that and Henry..." she turned to face the ginger thief with one of her well practiced (on both humans and monsters) deathstares.

"You will report to detention on Thursday night." Henry just shrugged his shoulders in mock bravado- while "ghostboy" pushed his luck- "

"And when do I get my phone back?"


"But thats not fair"

"He's right" backed up one of the kids that was previously taunting him.

"And you will also be in detention on Thursday with Henry for that disgusting language." Clara retorted impatiently.

"Miss Oswald..." whined "ghostboy".

"LIFE ISN'T FAIR!" Okay it's time to move on if anyone actually wants lunch today." She led the crestfallen children out of the maze of mirrors. School trips were lame. Put a bunch of narcissistic spoiled teens in a maze of mirrors and predictable chaos had ensued. The usually cocky and cynical Stuart or "ghostboy" had reckoned he saw an apparition in the mirror and taken a picture on his phone. This had made him subject to obligatory ridicule.

"Maybe it was Mr Pink!" Gasped one of the girls excitedly.

"Oooooh x-7=y+14..."

Exaggerated ghost impressions ensued like a macabre vocal mexican wave.

"Doooh yourrr algebra couursework or I'll take your sohhhhul."

"It's burning in hell because of aaaahl the people I killlllllled..."

"THAT'S IT!" Clara snapped round in fury.


"OUT." She thrust her arm in the direction of the door as the shocked class marched out.

Clara's face was a picture of lost self control as she gritted her teeth and pressed her folder tightly to her chest with her free arm. She strained to hold back tears. Her chance to cry was interrupted by her phone ringing. THE DOCTOR was calling.

Clara sniffed and answered the call.

"Euripides had been kidnapped!"

"And how are you Doctor? Thank you for asking." Despite the faux annoyance Clara felt so much better to be talking to him.

"Clara didn't you hear me?! EURIPIDES has been kidnapped and by the Sontarans no less!"

"Yeah I hear you old man..." She laughed softly and wiped away a stray tear.

"So when are you picking me up?"