Hey, long time no see!

I've had quite a lot of emails updating me that people are still recently following and reacting to this story. I'm just want to say thank you and to add a brief message to explain what's in store for this fic. Also, to those of you who are still following this story since the beginning, how are you? It's been awhile!

To skip the the stereotypical 'why I haven't been updating' message, scroll to the writing in bold below:

A lot of events have happened in my personal life since I started this story. When I first started writing I was 14 (which, you can tell by my writing/tropes used I fear). I'm now 19 (20 in a few months)and I've grown out of this story. To be able to continue writing and to fully enjoy it, I'm going to do my best to improve this fic so everyone can enjoy.
I've had some not nice stuff happen to me over the past few years. As a result, my mental health has severely plummeted and I've been feeling so lost recently that I'm looking forward to actually throwing myself into this. My confidence with my writing has gone way down too. I was in a friend group around 2016ish which sort of mocked this side of fandoms and made me feel embarrassed and ashamed of writing. I recently did a University module that involved creative writing; it literally took all the fun I once had for writing and turned it into the most horrendous experience where I begun having panic attacks due to feeling untalented at the one thing I was so used to doing.

I'm not abandoning this story! It is, however, under serious reediting that means you will have to go back to the start to read once uploaded! I'm currently revamping and doing some seriously big rewrites, these include characters being completely changed, erased and huge plot changes.

I was, and still am, unhappy with the story. It's not presented in a way I want it to be and I have been working so hard the past few months to make it the best it can be.

So, in the next few weeks I'm going to be taken down posted chapter as I will be reworking from the START. Here are your warnings if you choose to reread and stick with it:

- Emilia Jones will still exist, there will be no change of main character.
- Her introduction will be similar but however change her involvement into a much more serious and realistic plot (seriously, what was I thinking with that Shaw plot lmao?).
- Same ships however will be more fleshed out and realistic.
- It's gonna be some more serious/heavy stuff that I hope you won't dislike, (more to do with a woman's place in the 60s/70s).

So here goes!

Thank you,

PukkaMeadows x