Is This Reality? A fanfiction by AlloraStar217

Author's note: This story is based on G1 Transformers, some of the multiverse, and Hasbro, the company that owns most of the cast of this story. This story is also based solely on a dream I had not too long ago. I had to get it out of my head. Enjoy.


"Karen! Get in here!" Sasha shouted from our apartment's idea of a living room. It was really a kitchen that mutated into a couch and entertainment station. I was currently working on a paper discussing what Robocop represents to society.

Looking up from my mini computer/tablet, "What? I'm trying to finish this paper by midnight."

"You have to see this!"

Rolling my eyes, "Is it about a company beta testing a new VR game?"


"Then I don't need to see it." Ever since the animes Sword Art Online, Log Horizon, and the gaming system Oculus Rift came out, the rush to create the first full dive VR system has blanketed the media. Every news story has been about companies creating new equipment, bringing in players, and failed results every time. There didn't seem to be any companies left who hadn't tried to create the perfect full dive system, a system that would completely transplant your brain into a virtual body. It was quickly becoming apparent to me that it just was not possible to have your consciousness completely free of your body. Your body needs it to function; otherwise, it would fall into a vegetative state. Without your consciousness, without your soul, how was your body to survive?

Turning back to my computer, I kept typing. RoboCop's ability to overcome the oppressive programming on his emotions shows…

"It's Hasbrooo~" Sasha sing-songed.

Pausing in my typing, "Hasbro?"

"And you'll never guess what they're basing this new game off of."

No, it can't be. She wouldn't tease me about that. She knows how addicted to it I am. My Pinterest board has over four thousand pics of that one branch of their empire. My Fanfiction account only follows authors and stories that use those characters. She can't be talking about…


"Turn up the volume and don't you dare turn it off," I shouted as I scrambled over my bed in order to reach the hallway faster. Rushing past the eggshell walls, family pictures flash past the corner of my eye. If I had slowed, I would have seen my high school graduation, Sasha and I jumping off of a waterfall together, and last Christmas' family photo. I didn't slow down, though; all I could focus on at that moment was Transformers VR.

"Scoot over," jumping over the back of the plaid couch; I landed on Sasha's left. She had the remote and was currently turning up the volume. The TV was showing a businessman in a black suit and a red tie speaking into a microphone.

"After years of research on virtual reality gaming equipment and software, Hasbro has decided to begin the beta testing of the new Transformers game, Revolution. This game will not be based on the online game Transformers Universe, but will be based on the game Devastation, in that it will have a small team of Autobots based off of Generation 1 fighting a team of Deceptions. The beta team will consist of 30 characters, with each player representing one Autobot. Once testing is complete, the game will give people the chance to form teams to fight Deceptions. Each team will have their own playing field, so each team will have their own story. The testing will take place in an enclosed environment, in order to prevent leakage of game secrets to the media. This testing area will not be revealed to the public until testing is complete. In order to apply for the beta testing team, also known as Alpha Team, players can sign up at our home site and fill out the personality test. We want to pick players that best match the characters for the most realistic gaming experience."

Sasha paused the TV, having recorded the broadcast for me on TiVo, and turned to me. "Well?"

I had to shake myself out of my stupor and close the vast cavern that was my mouth. "I have to be on that team."

The next instant, I was rushing around, nearly toppling the 1919 Root Beer lamp in the mad rush to get back to my room.

"Karen, slow down. They plan on keeping the application open for two weeks."

"Doesn't matter." I saved my paper and opened up a new window. Typing in 'Hasbro Transformers VR apply' in the Google bar, the web link was the first one on the list.

"What do you mean it doesn't matter? I'm saying that you don't have to rush, is all."

Quickly filling out the information form before the quiz, "You know how huge the Transfan community is? Everyone and their cousin-once-removed will be signing up. If I was Hasbro, I would be picking the first person who matched the character. With my personality, it is completely possible that someone will beat me to the punch of getting Hound. The sooner I finish this, the better my chance of being part of the team."

"Why can't you be Jazz or that shuttle bot? What was his name? Jetstorm…no… Jetfire…no… ummm…."


"Yeah, that one. Why can't you be him, or one of the lady bots?"

A, B, A, C. "Because Jazz is a sneaky party animal, and I'm not a party animal. Skyfire likes Starscream, and I hate Screamer. Hasbro didn't use the femmes in Devastation and I don't see them using the femmes in this game either."

"Don't they need femmes if there are going to be girl players?"

D, D, A, B, B, C. "No, Cybertronians are genderless. Femme is just a frame type. I'm a plant science major, and if that is not Hound to a tee, I don't know what is. Also, you just said I could be one of the two other mechs."

"Only because you've told me that is what you got on the personality tests you like to take. You almost done yet?"

"Just two more." B, and A. "Done!" With a flourish, I pressed the complete button.

Sasha leaned over my shoulder. "What is that?"

Dear Prospective Player,

By agreeing to send in the results of the quiz and your personal information, you are agreeing to not sue Hasbro if you are not selected to be a part of the Alpha Team. If selected, you are agreeing to be isolated from the outside world for the entire beta test. For every three months spent in testing, Hasbro will reimburse 10,000 dollars into your bank account. After testing is complete, you will be given royalties for the completed Transformers Revolution game and Hasbro will pay for any schooling left in your degree or any debts from schooling.

Best of luck,


"Wow, that is a pretty good deal."

Sasha pulled me away from the computer so she could get in front of me. "Pretty good? It's like they are bribing you. Do they think that they are going to fry your brain? I don't think you should do this."

"Sasha, they are probably planning to test the game 'til it is perfect to release. That could take years. If the players are going to be isolated for years, it makes sense for Hasbro to reimburse the players for lost time. It also makes sense for them to also pay for schooling since most of the gamers are going to be college students like me. You're worrying too much."

Sasha stepped away from the desk and said, "Okay, Karen, I won't stop you; I don't trust this, but I trust you."

Turning to Sasha as she made her way out of the room, "Hey."

She turned back.

"I agree that I shouldn't trust this. I'll keep my eyes open and if I see that there is a legitimate reason for concern, I'll pull out. I'll even work to shut down the program so the other players can get out of the line of fire. I will not be stupid and risk my life for a dumb game."

Face lifting into a smile, "Girl, that is only if you get drafted. You still need to beat the others at getting Hound."

"We'll know in two weeks. Wish me luck."

The die was cast. I just hope that I placed a good bet.

Author's Note: Here is the first segment of the story. Sorry for any grammar errors, I'm the first one to admit that I'm not an English major. Hope you like the story and where it is going. I can't promise fast updates since I get writer's block quite often, but I'll promise to finish this story and not abandon it. This story has been harassing me for months to write it and now is the time. Thanks, Guest Kat ;)

Hugs to everyone,

AlloraStar217 ;)