All of this was requested. Thank you for requesting! Keep doing it.

I'm sorry I haven't been uploading in a while it's just I've had exams and had to do a lot of studying.

I've been under a lot of stress but here is the story now.

I also had stuff happen with my grandma and my life has been kind of a blur, I had a bit of an issue with people and couldn't bring myself to write.

Sorry it took so long!

But, the story is still here now and please still read it!

Thank you for following, reading and adding it to your list of favourites.

You are the best!

Black spirals swirled on his small frame. His once bright green eyes were now dark and unfocused, like stuck in a trance. A spiral of darkness. Standing like a statue, unmoving, still. Rain pounded down on his bare chest, hair stuck to pale skin and remaining clothes clung to his body. He was alone, standing motionless in a empty field with rain lashing down. Darkness beginning to dominate the sky.

Ban scraped dirt and dried blood from his clothes. After a particularly gruelling fight he had ended up half way across a small town. Elizabeth stood at his side, her clothes were torn and her arm was bleeding. He surveyed his surroundings, taking in the muddy field which he stood, he looked behind at a large cracked boulder which towered over his body and casting him into shadows. He started walking although unsure of where he was going. He trudged up a muddy hill while almost slipping but steadying himself before he did he stood and looked around. Diane's large body lay on a patch of mud with King laying on top of her chocolate brown hair. Ban continued on, they would wake later and head back to The Boar Hat and rest, they were fine. He headed off in search of his captain.

15 minutes later and Ban had no luck. He couldn't find the captain and he had been looking all over, he was about to turn back when something caught his eye. A small figure stood in the distance, his face could not be seen due to the setting sun. His figure was small and thin, (from what Ban could tell from a distance) he seemed to have a large mop of hair and was shirtless. Ban took a closer look, he was interested in this ominous figure who stood alone in the middle of a field. Curiosity getting the better of him Ban proceeded to walk over.

After what must have been 10 minutes of walking he reached the top of the hill he set on a sigh not soon to be erased. Meliodas stood with large purple and black spirals covering his bare chest and face. His eyes were unfocused and dim, he looked lifeless as he stood unmoving. Ban was horrified by the sight his past memories of Elaine's horrific death ... and the demon that killed her. Meliodas was a demon just like the thing that killed Elaine.

Ban arrived back at The Boar Hat an hour later with a small bundle laying peacefully in his arms. He slammed the door behind him and heard someone come down the stairs, it was Elizabeth.

"Ban your back!"

"Have you seen Mel..." she came up short at the sight of Ban cradling the small body in his arms. She rushed over and laced her hands in his hair.

"Get off of him!" Ban shot, taking a step back from the woman in front. She looked hurt but he didn't care because she was not taking him away. Before she had a chance to respond he dashed upstairs and ran into their room, turning the key so the door was locked. Ban looked down at the still unresponsive boy laying in his arms, the only way ban knew he was alive was the slight rise and fall of the boys chest. The mans mind was racing with theories after theories of why Meliodas was like this, but all thoughts came back to Elaine, Meliodas was like the monster that killed her. Tears pricked in Ban's eyes as his train of thoughts replayed her death. Oh the pain she must have felt, pain, pain, pain.

" Your kind killed her, demons took her from me!" Ban spat.

Meliodas was still unmoving; no reaction was present and no expression could be seen on his youthful face.

Sighing Ban thought back to happier times, ones away from those of Elaine. His thoughts brought him back to the time The seven deadly sins found a cove away from action for a while, they had enjoyed swimming, drinking and generally spending time together. Things used to be so simple, beat up bad guys then drink the night away and wake up with a massive hangover then repeat the process. If only they could go back to that lonely little cove... just stay there forever but that could never happen, they were hated and apparently murderers. Ban closed his eyes for a second... thinking of those times, happy memories of them but now he was sitting on a bed with his best friend in his arms. When did it all change? How are they hated? How are they responsible for all of this destruction? Ban sat there for an entire minute thinking over his actions. Just thinking. A though came to mind... who was this boy in his arms? A demon... no his best friend. The person who as most important in his life. His best friend, his brother. someone who need protecting!

"Mel? If you can hear me, I-I need you to come back"

"I-I c-cant lose you"

"Please... if you can hear me. Come back. C-come back l-little b-brother" Ban's voice cracked as hot tears sprung from his eyes, rolled down his cheeks and fell from his chin. His Mel was gone. Gone.

"Don't cry" a small voice whispered. A small hand reached up an cleared some stray tears away.


"Ban? Why are you.." Meliodas was unable to finish the sentence as he was brought into a tight hug. Ban planted a kiss to Mel's temple and brought his head back to his shoulder.

"I thought I lost you" Ban stated

"I'm here Ban" Meliodas replied

"I love you."

"I love you too."