A/N: Hello and welcome to my short christmas story (and my first fanfiction which is avaiable in two languages). The christmas traditions I will mention here will be from Austria, maybe some are similar to you, maybe some not.
This story will be updated every sunday until christmas.
Thanks goes to my great beta zoraamorlink, who had a look at my translation stuff.
Chapter 1: Years after years
Vegeta rubbed his hands, although he was wearing gloves. It was as if the cold was seeping through his clothes. The black-haired was used to low temperatures, but he had never experienced something this freezing cold. However, the cold was the least of his problems, because he had an even bigger one.
The Saiyan didn't know how he had gotten into this situation, but here he was. He was in a small cabin - well, more of a small booth - and he was selling mulled wine. It was unbelievable that he was doing something like this. But he had no choice, because somebody had put him in this precarious situation. Again he rubbed his hands and exhaled his hot breath on it.
This sale cottage, where he had been standing for an eternity, was in the back part of the garden of Capsule Corporation. Bulma always insisted on organizing a small Christmas market. The idea didn't bother him; she always had employees who were forced into these booths and sell various stuff. Vegeta's look waved forward, and he watched an employee selling poinsettias to Kuririn and his family in the small cabin directly across from his. The bald man, his wife, and his daughter emerged, and Vegeta hoped that they wouldn't recognize him. He just wanted this nightmare to end as soon as possible. The Saiyan couldn't understand how anyone could find such a thing pleasing at all. He looked further to the right he saw booths that were selling pictures and Christmas dishes. Gohan, Videl and their little daughter Pan were also there, buying those ugly dishes.
Once again the Saiyan Prince shook his head and continued to look around the area. In addition to the selling huts with the ugly crockery, there was a chestnut vendor. Admittedly, those things tasted really delicious, but the fighter was stuck in his cabin and couldn't get any of those delicious chestnuts. Finally his head stopped at the booth where his eternal rival was standing.
"Well Vegeta, how is it going?" Goku waved at him and turned with a barbecue tongs with a few veal sausages. When he saw the happy face of the other Saiyan, a vein appeared and throbbed on Vegeta's forehead. Instinctively he turned away and crossed his arms.
"That's none of your damn business!" he hissed. The smell of the sausages from the stand next to him wafted over to his nose, and his stomach suddenly growled quite loudly. Why did he have to endure here while there were enough employees of Capsule Corporation?
"Come on Vegeta, I don't like it here either, but it could be much worse!" Goku laughed at him. "At least I get a decent salary from Bulma, which means that Chichi is less cranky," he told him as he turned another sausage. "Oh dear, this is slightly blackened. I think I'd rather eat it instead of giving it to someone else." With these words he took the hot sausage with his bare hand, led it to his mouth and threw it down greedily.
"What is Bulma paying you?" The prince got sharp-eared and looked at the other Saiyan again. "And if that's the case, then why am I standing here?"
"Oh come on," waved Goku. "As if you need the money."
"That's not the point!" Vegeta growled, becoming very vexed. Of course, it wasn't about the money, but rather the principle. Not only that, it was the whole situation with which he was dissatisfied. Vegeta didn't know if was Bulma's, Whis' or the guilt of both of them together that had brought him and Goku in this situation...
One day earlier ...
As they had been doing so often lately, the two Saiyans were training on Beerus' planet. They were as good as always there, except for the incident when Freezer had returned to Earth. It had been a nerve-wracking experience, but not because of this nemesis had returned in a much stronger form. No, Vegeta still bugged at the fact that his rival had messed up his moment of glory. He was so much stronger than this lizard and then…
Meanwhile, about four months had passed since that incident. They had stayed a few weeks on Earth before coming back to train. Of course, they were incredibly strong; they had surpassed the power of a normal Super Saiyan God and were able to turn into a new form - the Super Saiyajin God Super Saiyajin. No matter how powerful the form was, though, they were still weaker than Beerus and Whis. And that was exactly the reason why they had returned to their training base: to eradicate their mistakes and achieve their absolute maximum strength, speed and precision. Of course, it's common knowledge that those kinds of things don't happen overnight.
It was a day like any other, and the two Saiyans warmed themselves up before they had to carry heavy weights around the planet again. The Saiyan Prince believed that it would be a normal day, as-
"I think it's time for a break," the voice of Whis interrupted their warm-up as he suddenly appeared beside them. Both fighters finished their sparring and were looking at the blue-skinned alien.
"But Mr. Whis, we just started," Goku argued. He seemed just as confused as Vegeta as to why they were going on this sudden break.
"Bulma called me, it's quite an emergency," Whis explained.
"What's going on? Has Freezer already resurfaced?" Vegeta blurted, who believed for a moment that he would get another chance to defeat that damn lizard.
"What? Freezer? No, it is much more important!" the god replied. Whis was very serious.
"Even stronger than Freezer? Oh dear! Who are you talking about?" Goku asked, sounding as happy as a small child.
"Stronger? I have never spoken of a fighter." Whis led his finger to his chin thoughtfully and stroked it. "Bulma asked me to ask you if you know what day it is tomorrow."
The Saiyans looked stunned at each other. What the hell was going on? What day should be tomorrow? Bulma's birthday was months ago, but other than that...
"I hope I haven't forgotten Chi-Chi's birthday or something else important," Goku whispered thoughtfully to himself.
Vegeta was sure that it had nothing to do with anyone's birthday, but he had no idea at all what day would be that important. Admittedly, here on Beerus' planet, he lost all sense of time. Nevertheless, there were no seasons that pointed him to the month or the day they just had. Vegeta crossed his arms and exhaled absentmindedly. "Just say it, I have no idea!" the prince hissed and looked into the bland face of their master.
Whis saw between the two back and forth and sighed out, as if he gave up that the fighters wouldn't get it. "Bulma spoke of Christmas, if that says something to you."
Suddenly it hit Vegeta. Of course! It was time again for that stupid celebration, and for the blue-haired woman, it was extremely important, not to mention the fact that he had to be present. If it were up to him, he would abandon all this banter and continue exercising on Beerus' planet. But his wife would turn up the heat on him if he dared not to show up. The idea to have a nagging Bulma in front of him was even more annoying than the celebration itself.
He would rather go to Earth for this one special day so that he could return peacefully the next day to his normal daily routine. And really, this celebration was not so bad. Sure the carols, the idiotic decorated trees, and various other things he could list annoyed him. However, Christmas also had something that appealed Saiyans.
"There's a lot to eat!" Goku blurted out. "You can eat things that you don't get that easily throughout the year!" While Vegeta was completely in his thoughts, the Earth inhabitant beside him began to describe to Whis what Christmas was about. The blue-skinned didn't know this tradition since it was something that was only practiced on Earth.
"There are things to eat that you don't get otherwise?" Whis was indeed interested in the Christmas feast that the earthlings celebrated annually. "For example?"
"Christmas biscuits in all colors and shapes, and many dishes that nobody would cook during the year. A Christmas goose, for example," Goku explained further and even went into raptures. In a dreamy-like state, he put his arms behind his head, thinking about the food from last year.
"Biscuits ... what a funny name," Whis giggled and was hooked because of this conversation about food. After all, food was Whis' very first interest. "If that is so, then this one day should be granted for you to return home. I'll accompany you, of course."
Vegeta exhaled again, very annoyed and reinforced the entanglement of his arms. It really got on his nerves that only four months had passed since Freezer's death. Time had passed by too fast, and he had barely gotten any training done. He couldn't afford to take another day off. All this just because of such a stupid celebration called Christmas...
"Is there a problem?" Whis asked. Vegeta insistently and raised an eyebrow at him.
The prince suddenly felt the strange look of his master and Vegeta got scared for a brief moment. "No…" He faked a cough.
Barely half an hour later Goku and Vegeta stood with Whis in the snowy garden of Capsule Corporation. It was quite cold, and the snow beneath them was hard because of the low temperatures. "The Earth is a bit cold during this season," Whis realized, looking at the white landscape. However, his attention was drawn to something entirely else. "What is that?"
The two fighters couldn't look as fast, so they didn't have time to answer as the blue-skinned alien moved towards what had caught his eye. Like years before, Bulma had set up her Christmas market where everyone had access to the Capsule Corporation garden.
There were a few small booths that stood side by side, and each of them had its own offering. The stands were similar to the ones at Bulma's birthday party on the yacht, but these cabins were in wood, decorated with various Christmas decorations. Some mistletoe were hung here and there and tried to create the right mood. Everything was kept in red and white, and glittering Christmas balls rounded out the final decorative touch.
Whis stood directly at the chestnut vendor and looked at the small brown beads that lay in a bowl in front of him. A little heat and a pleasant fragrance surrounded him. "Good Lord, what is that?" Whis asked the man who was sitting in the hut. The vendor told the blue-skinned alien what the delicacy was, and Whis immediately took one of the sweet chestnuts. With relish, he pushed the beads in his mouth back and forth, enjoying the taste of the little thing. Vegeta and Goku stood a few steps away from him and surveyed the enthusiasm that their master felt while he consumed the thing.
"This is delicious!" Whis exclaimed and demanded a whole bag of the delicacy.
"Ah, Whis! Nice that you've brought me the guys!" they all suddenly heard a woman's voice behind them. It was none other than Bulma, in her winter coat, who had the three been expecting. "And I see you've discovered my annual Christmas market."
Vegeta looked at his wife, who went straight toward him and wanted to greet him affectionately. "I'm glad you're back home, I haven't seen you in a long time." However, he automatically turned away as she tried to grab his hand. Annoyed, she put her hands on her hips and looked at him, frowning.
"It's only been four months," the Saiyan Prince hissed contemptuously.
"Yes, yes, I missed you too. Rude as always," Bulma replied, exasperated, and decided to greet her new best friend. Vegeta watched as the blue-haired woman went to Whis and told him what the Christmas market was.
The prince didn't know what to think of the friendship between those two. He was anything but jealous, but that was really not the point. However, he hated it when his training mixed with his private life.
With eagle eyes he watched the two traipsed round a stand after another. Finally, she stopped in front of an empty hut.
"But there is no one inside this cabin," Whis noted as he looked at the gaping void. "Mulled... Mulled wine," he read the sign, which was attached to the top. "What is mulled wine?"
"It's an alcohol-like drink, which is very common to drink at this time of year," Bulma said, not looking very happy at the stand not being occupied. "The one who's responsible for the job here got sick. Just like at the booth next to where sausages really should lie on the grill." She sighed.
"Sausages... The name sounds so tempting. I would like to try hem. What a pity," Whis wailed and stroked it with his left hand on his cheek.
"It's difficult at this time to get a suitable replacement. Just one day before Christmas."
The two looked at each other thoughtfully and suddenly something stirred in Whis' face. Vegeta, who still observed the two, got an uneasy feeling. Because at that moment, the two friends looked to him and Goku. His suspicion was confirmed when Bulma and Whis then also approached them with a sardonic grin on their face.
"Don't even think about it!" the Saiyan Prince growled, as if he knew what they had on their mind. Their grins just grew wider. "Don't even dare to think about it!"