Guess who just realized that Until Dawn has seven main characters? And yes I'll be twisting around the plot of '2015's scariest horror game'.This story will loosely follow Until Dawn, and just like Until Dawn will have ten chapters… Alright more than ten because I'm a sucker for good deserving endings. Get ready for dark twists and thrills around every corner.

Just fair warning, if you have seen Until Dawn you know there's a lot of gore and a lot of sexual innuendos. Hopefully you guys will tell me if it's too much to just be T. Also I highly recommend you participate, in the comments, since this is like an interactive movie more than it is a game. So at the end of every chapter I'll ask you some questions, kind of like... Dr. Hill, hm? If you haven't yet seen Until Dawn, I really loved watching someone else play it, because I'm a big cry baby and playing it with my brothers nearly made me go into shock, so that's my recommendation if you haven't seen it but want to.

Have I talked your ear off yet? Good.

Happy reading!

Reyna knew the party was coming to a close when she heard 'DJ Leo' put on a hot and heavy Beyonce song so that Annabeth and Percy could satisfy each other for the night. Sitting on the couch eating a shit ton of potato chips, was an obscenely stoned Frank. He continued to ask Hazel and Leo questions behind mouthfuls of crispy salt and oil. Piper was trying not to laugh as she ever so effortlessly swallowed the last of her fifth beer. Hylla sat up at the breakfast bar quietly observing the chaos. Octavian microwaving beefaroni behind her.

This was not a set up, this was not supposed to be the closing scene on these young people's peace. Reyna started heading upstairs, fatigue accompanied by a pounding headache from too much liquor. Too much partition hanging in her ears and this night seemed eternal anyway.

"Rey." She heard a sharp whisper as she rounded a corner to enter her bedroom. "Rey, come here." She saw Jason waving her over to a corner of the hallways. Reyna's heart lept in her chest, maybe she'd been drinking too much, maybe she wasn't thinking clearly, but this… He excited her.

"What's up?" She asked.

"I need to ask you something." He said sounding nervous.

Her first thought was, this could be it. "I'm all ears."

"Okay, so there's this thing that I've been feeling for a long time now… A really long time now. I get this feeling in my chest and it's warm."

"Like excitement?" She asked, like when I think of you.

"Yeah, I get really excited."

"Over what?"

"More like uh… who."

Oh my god, no way. "Who is it?"

"Uh, can I just keep that to myself for now?"

"Oh… okay."

"So there's this thing I feel right?"

"Excited." She says a little too anxiously.

"What if excited is the wrong word?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, that uh… that thing when you really really like someone."

"Love?" This is unreal.

"Maybe, it's too soon to tell, I haven't told her how I feel."

"Jase, are you fucking serious?" Reyna chuckled, "You're a fucking stud monkey, and if you professed your love to someone… they'd be stupid not to say yes."

"I'm not so great…. and what if… well, she can be pretty stupid at times."

I'm going to pretend you weren't a turd just now because this is so sweet. "Tell her Jase, what do you have to lose?"

"Her! She's just, amazing and beautiful. She's nice and so fucking caring."

"You should be honest, Jase. Girls like that, you know why?"


"Cause we're people who enjoy human decency."

"But I'm just…."


"Yes, exactly."

"Don't be." She chuckled.

"But I am."

"Don't be." She said again, "If she's even half as amazing as you think she is, there's no way she can just say no."

"Thanks, Rey. I owe you one."


"So… you really think she'll say yes?" He asked.

"What are you on? Haven't I been saying that?"

"I guess you're right." He nods, "Okay, how do I look?"

Reyna observed her 'friend'. He was, to her, gorgeous, every muscle, every inch of his body, perfectly sculpted. And the prick knew it too, he knew how handsome he was and he used it to his advantage. He always looked good, and she knew that he was just saying this to tease her. Still she took the opportunity to observe him.

God, he was unreal, perfectly tousled blonde hair, blue eyes that could shine brighter than the sun. He was perfect, fuck it, he was the rarity of a beautiful man. And Reyna couldn't believe he was in love with her.

Sure they'd been best friends since high school, so it was bound to happen. At least, that's what Reyna had been hoping for this whole time. Who else could it have been? Percy was with Annabeth and Hazel was pining after Frank. Hylla was definitely out, and Piper was just a friend.

Everything they'd ever been, every late night call, every coffee run, it was all leading up to this. Sure she was hoping he'd ask her in a better, less dorky way, like for prom last year, or something. But at least it was happening. Reyna was close to giving up on him.

"You look good you asshat." Reyna shoved his shoulder, playfully.

"Thanks, Rey." Jason rolled his eyes before hugging her. "Wish me luck."

What? "So, who's the lucky girl, or are you finally hitting up Percy?"

"Oh totally Percy." Jason laughed, "You'll just have to wait and see… Do me a favor and head back downstairs?"

He's trying to be coy. "Sure."

Reyna walked back downstairs to see Frank chugging another beer. "Is that really safe, Frankie? You know weed and alcohol don't exactly mix well."

"Ah leave the poor bastard be." Leo said. "He could be whoring it up."

"Yeah, like you last summer at the lake house with what's his nut." Hazel chortled.

"You would like that wouldn't you?" Reyna raised a brow at her.

"So would you huh? You've been dying for some action." Leo said.

"Yeah Rey, sex is great." Frank said, "But you've always said…. What's the word?"

"Bad to the bone?" Leo snorted.

"Come on guys, leave her alone, she hasn't realized she's a lesbian yet. So what? Leave her be." Piper raised her new beer to her friend.

"Piper leave your bisexual ass out of this." Reyna sighed.

"Hey my bisexual ass has shown me the utmost pleasure the human body is capable of." Piper said.

"Yeah and I haven't received any." Hazel chuckled. Reyna continued to stare at Piper as Jason approached her. "Reyna you should try being a lesbian it might work out for you in the long run."

Jason whispered something Piper before the two of them disappeared. Hurt settled in Reyna's chest as she realized just what was going on. How could she have missed… No, how could Jason have never told her how he felt? They were best friends. How could Jason be in love with her? Of all people?

"Reyna the lesbian I totally see it." Leo said.

"You only want to see it because you can't make it happen yourself. Pile of shit."

"What does that mean?"

"Come on, you're the kind of asshat who thinks lesbian sex is hotter than straight sex."

"Well, it is first of all. But I'm serious, ever thought about doing the do with girls?" Leo said, the amount of alcohol in his system fuzzing his mind didn't excuse the words he said. Not to Reyna.

"I see it too, if I'm real honest." Hazel chuckled, "Have you ever thought of it before, Rey?"

Percy and Annabeth suddenly emerged from the bathroom, flushed faces and all their clothing askew. Annabeth was covering her mouth with her wrist, as if she actually wanted to hide the fact that she just blew her boyfriend in the bathroom. Like their drunk/high asses even cared about that. "Hey party people, don't wait up." Percy said grabbing Annabeth from behind.

"Oh we won't, trust me." Reyna folded her arms. Feeling more and more terrible as time went on, Reyna's thoughts traveled from, god I'm so embarrassed, to, how am I going to last the night here? I can't, I have to get out of here. But where can I go? Maybe go I should go sleep in the guest house for the night, anything to get away from this.

"Hey, Perce. Do you see Reyna as a lesbian?"

"Totally, did she come out?" Percy asked.

"Nah, but she should." Reyna was gone by the time the others looked up.

"Reyna!" Hylla sighed getting up from her chair.

"Woah, where are you going?" Octavian asked putting down his two am snack to stop his sister from leaving.

"Reyna can't be out there alone, she'll get lost."

"She's just being emotional, give her an hour to cry it out and she'll be back."

"She's your baby sister, and you're just going to let her run away out into the snow?" Hylla demanded.

"Fine, you go get her, tell her she's overreacting." Octavian waved her off. The others sat, watching Hylla run out into the snow. Not long after, everyone else returned to their rooms for the night. The two girls were not quite so lucky.

"Reyna! Reyna!" Hylla raced up to the guest house after her sister. Following the footprints up through the woods when she heard the sounds of heaving sobs. "Reyna, oh thank god." Hylla crouched in front of her sister.

"Go away." Reyna choked on her crying.

"Reyna you cannot just run off like that." Hylla said, "I know they were being jerks but you can't run away."

"I'll just stay in the guest house, Hylla. Don't worry about me."

"Rey-" They heard the sound of something coming towards them that snapped them out of their stupor.

"Hylla, was there anyone following you?" Reyna asked as the two stood up.

"Octavian!?" Hylla called out. When there was no response, she turned back to her sister. "Let's get back to the lodge."

"Hylla!" Reyna grabbed her sister as the lips of a fire grazed over her sister's skin.

Hylla took her sister's hand and bolted off into the woods. The sisters ran blindly, fearing that the worst was very clearly behind them. Just when they thought they were getting somewhere safe, they reached a dead end, marked by an all too perilous cliff.

"Shit!" Hylla put herself between her baby sister and whatever was after them. Silence, utter silence befell the two as a gruesome masked man ran towards them, smoke still emitted off the end of his flame thrower.

Reyna made a fatal mistake, she took a steps back, causing her to slip. She screamed at the sudden weightlessness. Hylla turned just in time to grab her sister, but in the process also lost her balance and plummeted after her.

What happened after that, no one is sure. The friends at the cabin called the police in the morning when the sisters did not return. The eight remaining were escorted off the mountain, their winter break excursion cut short, by a tragedy that would not be solved, until the next year.