AN* Oh good lord. I know this may have taken awhile to write but I had quite the difficult time in writing it. I never realized just how little Bastion's deck was shown. I mean seriously, we see maybe 15 unique cards. He got a better deal in the manga by far, no questions asked. Anyways I do hope you enjoy this latest chapter and let me know what you think at the end.
Triple Threat
"So why do I have to be here again?" Naruto asked as he walked with Zane to the meeting that was going to decide who the representative for Duel Academy was going to be.
"Chancellor Shepherd asked for you to be here. Said it was important," Zane replied "Why? Do you have something better to do today?"
"Yeah, sleeping," Naruto snorted.
"You can do that later." Zane shrugged as they walked in.
The pair stood off to the side as a few minor matters were discussed first before Shepherd informed them that North Academy was going to be sending a first year student as their representative this year.
"In the spirit of fairness we shouldn't have Zane participating then," Shepherd remarked "I trust that you're fine with this."
"Of course." Zane nodded as he shot Naruto a smirk as the blond rolled his eyes.
"Then that means Mr. Uzumaki will be dueling," Crowler said with a triumphant grin.
"Hey now, I'm not the only freshman with an outstanding dueling record you know," Naruto remarked.
"He is right," Professor Banner nodded "Jaden Yuki is an exceptional duelist as well,"
"That Slifer Slacker?!" Crowler exclaimed "We have a perfectly competent duelist already here with Mr. Uzumaki,"
"Jaden is competent. He beat you, remember?" Naruto chuckled, getting an angry scowl out of the teacher and chuckles from the rest"And he's not the only one. Bastion Misawa is also very skilled,"
"He is indeed. His only lose was to you if memory serves," Shepherd chuckled "Since we have three candidates for this, why not settle this the old fashioned way,"
"Three way duel?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Exactly," Shepherd nodded "I trust that you aren't complaining about this?"
"Not at all," Naruto grinned.
"Excellent. We'll make the arrangements for the day after tomorrow then," Shepherd grinned as he brought the meeting to a close.
"You knew." Naruto accused as he walked back with Zane.
"I heard mentions of it from a few different professors," Zane replied "The question is are you going to be taking this seriously?"
"A chance to represent the entire school? No way I'm going to play with my food," Naruto chuckled.
"It could be tough. They might decided to gang up on you,"
"Maybe, but that just adds to the thrill. Besides I've dueled each of them once. They know I'm dangerous but they also know that the other one is as well. Knowing them they won't focus solely on me, just because they know that it would leave them way too weakened to fight against each other. We'll likely be taking pot shots at each other until we see a fatal opening," Naruto mused "Or we wind up double teaming each other until there is only two left. Who knows what Bastion has cooked up,"
The next day it was announced that it would be a three way free for all duel between Naruto, Bastion and Jaden, with the winner being the chosen representative for Duel Academy against North Academy. The school was abuzz about this news as such duels were a rare occurrence and seeing the best freshman duelist from each dorm going head to head was going to make this duel even more exciting.
Grinning Naruto walked into the arena with Bastion and Jaden, nodding to them as they each took up their positions.
"I hope you are prepared," Bastion warned them both "My new deck has been designed to take you both down."
"Bastion, you may be the smartest man in the ring but that only goes so far in a duel," Naruto countered with a smile "If you think for a second I walked in here with plans on using a deck you have had a chance to analyze then you have another thing coming."
"He's right Bastion, this duel is only just about to start," Jaden grinned "This is going to be so awesome."
"Welcome students and faculty of Duel Academy!" Crowler shouted into the microphone, bringing silence to the arena "Today we will have a three way duel to determine the representative for the inter-school match against North Academy! The rules will be the standard free for all, no duelist may attack until all three have had a turn, and then you may attack whomever you wish!"
"This is it boys." Naruto smiled as he activated his duel disc "May the best man win."
"I intend to!" Jaden and Bastion said at the same time as the duel began.
Jaden LP: 4000
Bastion LP: 4000
Naruto LP: 4000
"Well the first move is mine!" Jaden declared as he drew his sixth card "And I'll start things off by summoning out Elemental Hero Clayman(Atk: 800, Def: 2000) in defense mode! Then I'll throw down a facedown and end my turn."
Jaden LP: 4000
Bastion LP: 4000
Naruto LP: 4000
"Then I draw," Bastion nodded "And start by summoning out Carboneddon(Atk:800, Def: 600) in defense mode. I'll then play two cards face down and end my turn."
Jaden LP: 4000
Bastion LP: 4000
Naruto LP: 4000
"On the defensive already and I haven't even started yet," Naruto chuckled "I'm either flattered by the caution being shown, or disappointed that you both have bad starting hands."
"Only one way to find out," Jaden grinned.
"Too true," Naruto nodded "So let's see how you handle this deck, shall we? I'll start things off by activating a spell card, Village Of The Bloody Mist!" Naruto called out as the card appeared and blood stained mist appeared around the three duelists "This spell card can only be activated when my opponent's control monsters while I have none. This will let me special summon out any monster with Kiri in it's name from my hand, so allow me to introduce you both to Kiri Hunter Nin: Haku(Atk: 2000, Def: 2000)." The mist solidified itself into the shape of a person with their face covered by a mostly white mask, standing straight with their hands hidden in the long sleeves of their battle kimono.
"Kiri? Man you are using a whole new deck," Jaden laughed "So what does this one do?"
"You're about to find out. Now Haku comes with a very special effect, allowing me to attack every monster on the field once. So Haku why don't you give them a taste of your Demonic Ice Mirrors!"
Ice began to form above the two monsters as Haku disappeared into a third mirror and appeared in the two over the monsters, sending senbon needles into the two, though Clayman absorbed them with ease.
"Too bad you activated my trap card!" Bastion declared "Last Magnet! This trap equips itself to your monster, lowering it's attack by 800 points!"
Naruto blinked at the trap and while he could take the potential damage easily enough for now, it now meant that Haku was going to be a bit of a liability until his next turn, especially if Jaden decided to go on the offensive with one of his stronger heroes.
"I'll just end my turn there," Naruto stated.
Jaden LP: 4000
Bastion LP: 4000
Naruto LP: 4000
"Then I draw!" Jaden grinned "And summon out Elemental Hero Sparkman(Atk: 1600, Def: 1400) in attack mode! I'll switch Clayman to attack mode as well and start this off with Clayman attacking you directly Bastion!" With a rush the bulkier hero rushed forward and slammed into Bastion with a powerful charge, taking a small chunk of lifepoints with him "And then Sparkman will destroy Haku! Go Shining Surge Flash!"
"Nice try Jaden. But since Haku is the only monster that I control he can't be destroyed in battle," Naruto stated. As Sparkman sent the blast of electricity towards the masked ninja he created an ice mirror and stepped into it, letting the lightning wash over it and take a small chunk of lifepoints from Naruto as well.
"Heh. Well then I'll end my turn there," Jaden chuckled.
Jaden LP: 4000
Bastion LP: 3200
Naruto LP: 3600
"I draw," Bastion said calmly "And start my turn by playing the Pot Of Greed spell card, letting me draw two more cards," he paused as he drew his new cards and nodded his head at his hand "I then summon out Oxygedon(Atk: 1800, Def: 800) in attack mode. Now Oxygedon attack and destroy Jaden's Elemental Hero Clayman!"
The dinosaur made of wind let out a screech as it struck, sending a blast of air into the hero, sending him straight to the grave.
"I'll end my turn there."
Jaden LP: 3000
Bastion LP: 3200
Naruto LP: 3600
"Well then I draw." Naruto said as he looked at his hand and grinned at the card he had just drew "Well boys it's time we kicked this game up a notch. I'll start this off by using the effect of one of this monster in my hand to special summon out said monster, Kiri Seven Swordsman: Zabuza Momochi(Atk: 2600, Def: 2000) and equipping him with the spell card Kubikirihocho, which adds another 700 points to his attack(Atk: 3300). Now I'll switch Haku into Defense and let Zabuza show you the meaning of pain. Zabuza, destroy Sparkman," Naruto said with a grin as the man with the giant sword flickered from sight and appeared behind Sparkman, swinging the massive sword and destroying the Elemental Hero "And by the way, every time a monster equippped with Kubikirihocho destroys a monster they gain an additional hundred attack points(Atk: 3400),"
"And you activated my trap card Hero Signal!" Jaden called out with a grin "This trap lets me special summon out another level 4 Elemental Hero when one gets destroyed in battle, so I summon out Elemental Hero Bubbleman(Atk: 800, Def: 1200) in defense mode, and since he's the only card on my side of the field I get to draw two more cards,"
"I see. Well I'll call it a turn then and hand if off to you Jaden," Naruto nodded.
Jaden LP: 1300
Bastion LP: 3200
Naruto LP: 3600
"Alright, I draw," Jaden said "And activate my spell card Monster Reborn, to bring back Elemental Hero Sparkman in attack mode. Then I activate my spell card Polymerization!"
"Not so fast Jaden!" Bastion called out with a grin as his last face down card activated "I activate my trap card, Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell! By sending one spell card from my hand to the graveyard I can destroy the spell card you activated and prevent you from using any other copies of it for the remainder of the duel!"
"What?" Jaden asked in shock as his Polymerization card was destroyed "Well that's that. Guess I'll need to come up with a new plan. For now I'll summon out Elemental Hero Avian(Atk: 1000, Def: 1000) in attack mode and equip Sparkman with the Spark Blaster spell card!" In a flash of light the winged hero appeared next to the crouching Bubbleman as Sparkman received his blaster "With this I can switch the battle positions of any monster three times before sending this card to the graveyard so I'll switch the attack positions of both of your monsters!"
Firing three times Oxygeddon and Zabuza both switched into defense mode while Haku was switched into attack mode.
"Oh. Making the best of this are we?" Naruto asked with a smirk on his face.
"Only thing I can do." Jaden replied with a grin as well "After all a duel isn't over til the last card is played! I now switch Bubbleman into attack mode, then have Avian attack and destroy your Oxygeddon!" Leaping into the air Avian sent a barrage of feathers into Oxygeddon, sending it to the graveyard "Now Bubbleman, attack him dirrectly!" Aiming his weapons the blue clad hero fired at Bastion, dealing another small bit of damage to the young genius "Now Sparkman, take out Haku!" This time the electricity struck true and destroyed Haku, as well as the equipped trap "Alright, I'll throw down one face down card and end my turn."
Jaden LP: 1300
Bastion LP: 2400
Naruto LP: 3200
Bastion drew his card and only nodded at his hand "I'll start my turn by playing the equip spell card Living Fossil! This will let me bring back a monster from my graveyard, but it's attack will be dropped by 1000 points and it's effects will be negated. So I bring back Oxygeddon in attack mode!" With a flash of light the wind monster returned to the field, looking visibly weaker "Then I summon out Hydrogeddon(Atk: 1600, Def: 1000) in attack mode! Now Hydrogeddon, attack and destroy his Elemental Hero Bubbleman!"
"And right into my trap card Draining Shield! Now I gain lifepoints equal to your monsters attack points," Jaden grinned as the barrier appeared in front of his monsters "I'm not going to let you pull off that combo so easily."
"So it would seem." Bastion noted with a bit of a concerned look on his face as he glanced over at Naruto "I'll have to end my turn there."
Jaden LP: 2900
Bastion LP: 2400
Naruto LP: 3200
"Well since it seems you're trying to bring out the big guns Bastion I might as well do the same," Naruto remarked "So I'll send the equip spell card Kiba to the graveyard so I can special summon from my deck Kiri Seven Swordsman: Raiga Kurosuki(Atk: 2400, Def: 2100) in attack mode, then I use his effect to bring Kiba back from the graveyard and equip him with it, giving him an extra 600 attack points(Atk: 3000). Unfortunately I can't attack the turn that I use this effect so I'll switch Zabuza back to attak mode then end my turn there."
Jaden LP: 2900
Bastion LP: 2400
Naruto LP: 3200
"My turn," Jaden nodded "I'll switch all of my monsters into defense and then throw a card face down, ending my turn."
Jaden LP: 2900
Bastion LP: 2400
Naruto LP: 3200
"Not a good draw then Jaden?" Bastion asked as he drew, only getting a grin out of the Slifer student "Well it doesn't matter now, since this game is about to turn into my favor,"
"Oh really now?" Naruto grinned.
"Yes. Now observe! I start my turn by playing the spell card Mystical Space Typhoon! This allows me to destroy one spell or trap card on the field, and I destroy the Kubikirihocho spell card, weakening your monster!"
A storm rose up on the field as the giant sword was shattered in a flash of lightning.
"Well played, but is that going to be enough?" Naruto asked.
"It will be, especially once I summon out my second Hydrogeddon in attack mode, and then play the spell card Bonding H2O! So now by sending my two Hydrogeddons and my Oxygeddon to the graveyard I can special summon out my Water Dragon(Atk: 2800, Def: 2600) in attack mode!"
Naruto blinked at the giant beast that was now on the field and only chuckled.
"Not bad, but Raiga is still more then enough to bring that beast to it's knees."
"My turn is far from finished Naruto," Bastion countered with a grin "Because now that there are ten cards atop of Carboneddon I can remove it from play to special summon from my deck Hyozanryu(Atk: 2100, Def: 2800) in attack mode as well. Now Water Dragon, destroy Zabuza!"
Rushing forward the watery beast slammed into Zabuza and Naruto couldn't help but note the irony of the situation that even the hologram of Zabuza still got trashed by a giant water dragon.
"And don't think I've forgotten about you Jaden! Hyozanryu, attack and destroy his Elemental Hero Bubbleman!"
The giant diamond dragon only aimed a prismatic beam at the hero, destroying it instantly.
"With that I play one card face down and end my turn."
Jaden LP: 2900
Bastion LP: 2400
Naruto LP: 3000
"Well you weren't kidding about turning things around." Naruto remarked as he drew his card "But I don't think you've quite grasped how powerful this deck of mine really is. So allow me to give you a demonstration,"
"Demonstration?" Bastion blinked.
"Yeah. I'll start things off by activating the spell card Raiga's Funeral, letting me destroy one card on the field and return one monster in my graveyard to my deck. So let's say goodbye to Hyozanryu!" Naruto called out. A giant coffin rose up underneath the gemstone dragon, dragging it inside before going underground again, burying the monster alive and destroying it.
"Whoa!" Jaden blinked in shock at the way the monster had been destroyed.
"And that's just the beginning," Naruto chuckled "I'll then summon out Kiri Follower: Ranmaru(Atk: 100, Def: 100) in attack mode." Appearing next to Raiga was the young boy, barely able to stand "Don't let his looks fool you, he is much more then you think. Now Ranmaru equip yourself to Raiga."
"What? A union monster?!" Bastion exclaimed in shock.
"Exactly." Naruto nodded as Ranmaru leapt onto Raiga's back and was then covered by the older man's cloak "Ranmaru can only be equipped to Raiga and he increases his attack and defense by 500 points(Atk: 3500, Def: 2600). Now I think you've had your fun Bastion, but why don't we put that beasty of yours down. Raiga, Thunder Fang!"
Raising the swords again Raiga sent lightning up into the clouds that had formed overhead before sending the lightning crashing down onto the Water Dragon.
"Not bad. But when my Water Dragon is destroyed I get to special summon from my graveyard the three monsters that were used to make it." Bastion declared as the two Hydrogeddons and Oxygeddon appeared on his field.
"Clever," Naruto admitted "Well I'll call it a turn there."
Jaden LP: 2900
Bastion LP: 1700
Naruto LP: 3000
"I draw," Jaden nodded as he looked at his hand "And activate the field spell Skyscraper! With this field spell if one of my heroes battles a monster stronger than them they gain an extra 1000 attack points! So now Avian attack and destroy one of the Hydrogeddons!"
"Not so fast!" Bastion declared "I activate my trap card Amorphous Barrier! If I have three monsters on my side of the field I can end the battle phase!"
"Heh, nice save Bastion." Jaden chuckled "I'll have to end my turn there."
Jaden LP: 2900
Bastion LP: 1700
Naruto LP: 3000
"I draw," Bastion said with a worried frown. So far all of his calculations had gone askew once Naruto had thrown the curve ball that was his Kiri deck. It was too powerful to face off against head on, and he didn't know nearly enough about it to try and lock it down like he had with Jaden's fusions. His latest draw couldn't help much, but it would help delay the worst for a bit longer.
"I summon the Mathematician(Atk: 1500, Def: 500) in defense mode and use his effect to send one card from my deck to the graveyard. Then I switch one of my Hydrogeddon's to defense mode while I have my remaining one attack your Elemental Hero Avian!" The muddy beast opened it's mouth and sent the blast of water into the winged hero, taking a small bit of lifepoints with it "Then I have Oxygeddon attack and destroy Sparkman!" The winged monster repeated it's previous battle with the electical hero and returned it to the graveyard "I'll end my turn there."
Jaden LP: 2100
Bastion LP: 1700
Naruto LP: 3000
"My turn then," Naruto nodded. He was tempted to take the bait that Jaden had left him. He had no monsters and all that was left was a single facedown card and his field spell. It was tempting, but much like how Bastion hadn't pushed his advantage he knew that Jaden had some kind of trick up his sleeve and he didn't want to be the one who triggered it. At the same time Bastion had a strong defense going though nothing that Raiga wasn't strong enough to handle at the moment. A moment of thought later and he had his answer on what he was going to do.
"It's been fun Jaden, but I'm taking you out. Raiga, attack Jaden directly!" Naruto ordered.
"I won't go down that easily! I activate my trap card A Hero Emerges!" Jade laughed as his last face down card triggered "Now go ahead and pick a card. If it's a monster card I get to special summon it to the field."
Naruto stared at the two cards for a moment before pointing "The one one my left."
"You picked Elemental Hero Necroshade(Atk: 1600, Def: 1800) in defense mode!" Jaden laughed as the dark hero appeared protecting him from the electrical attack.
Naruto only nodded at the combo "Well looks like you're safe for another turn Jaden. Don't waste it."
Jaden LP: 2100
Bastion LP: 1700
Naruto LP: 3000
"I don't intend to!" Jaden laughed as he drew his card "Cause now I summon out Elemental Hero Burstinatrix(Atk: 1200, Def: 800) and then activate my spell card Burst Impact!"
"Oh no." Naruto groaned, already guessing what was about to happen.
"Oh yeah! With this spell all monsters on the field that aren't Burstinatrix get destroyed and their owners take 300 points of damage for each monster that they lost!" Jaden grinned "So let 'em have it Burstinatrix!"
With a fiery blast a wave of fire washed over the field, taking out every monster in it's wake.
"Well thank your for that Jaden. Because with Mathematician destroyed I get to add a card from my deck to my hand." Bastion remarked.
"And my turn isn't finished yet, now Burstinatrix attack Naruto directly!"
Naruto only sighed as the fireball slammed into him, taking a large chunk of lifepoints with it.
"I'll end my turn there."
Jaden LP: 2100
Bastion LP: 500
Naruto LP: 1500
Bastion was silent as he drew his card, before sighing "I'll play a card face down and end my turn."
Jaden LP: 2100
Bastion LP: 500
Naruto LP: 1500
"My turn." Naruto nodded "And I'll start it off by playing the same card that started this whole thing off. Village of the Bloody Mist!" The mist returned again, covering the entire field before it solidified into a very different shape from last time. This one was shorter and had a weapon of some kind on their back.
"Allow me to introduce Kiri Yondaime Mizukage: Yagura(Atk: 3000, Def: 2500). Now Yagura, why don't we repay Jaden's kindness and take out his Elemental Hero Burstinatrix. Go!" Leaping forward the small Kage leapt in front of Burstinatrix where he struck with his club and used one of the hooks to cut the woman in two before swinging the weapon around to send a blast of wind into Jaden, knocking him back a step in surprise "And with that I'll call it a turn."
Jaden LP: 300
Bastion LP: 500
Naruto LP: 1500
"Man. You just keep busting out these awesome cards!" Jaden laughed as he drew his card.
"You're no slouch yourself. Despire the handicap on you you've managed to keep us on our toes. You are no one trick pony," Naruto complimented.
"Indeed. You have exceeded even my calculations," Bastion admitted freely.
"Aw, thanks guys," Jaden laughed "It's been fun but I don't plan on losing now. So I'll play my spell card Miracle Fusion!"
"Ha!" Naruto laughed as Bastion's eyes widened.
"With this card I can remove from play monsters in my graveyard or field that can be used for a fusion summon, so I remove Elemental Heroes Avian, Bubbleman and Sparkman in order to bring out Elemental Hero Tempest(Atk: 2800, Def: 2800)!" Jaden grinned as the powerful fusion appeared in front of him "Now let's go Tempest! Destroy Yugura!"
"Nice try Jaden, but I activate Yugura's effect. This lets me negate one attack and destroy all monsters my opponent controls! Granted I can't have him attack or use this effect again for two turns but since this is the endgame I don't think it's too high a price. Now make those mirrors Yugura!"
Yugura only lifted the club up as a water mirror appeared in front of the attack and redirected it right back at Tempest.
"Heh, then I'll just use Tempest's effect to keep him from being destroyed by giving up Skyscraper." Jaden countered as the field spell was destroyed, but his hero remained "Guess I have to end my turn there."
Jaden LP: 300
Bastion LP: 500
Naruto LP: 1500
"Heh. I guess it was a good thing you both decided to ignore me this past turn." Bastion chuckled as he drew his card "You've given me time to prepare."
"Oh crud." Naruto groaned.
"Indeed. I activate the spell card Pot of Greed to add two more cards to my hand again." Bastion began as he drew his two more cards and his grin appeared again in full force "And now I have everything that I need. I activate the ritual spell card Litmus Doom Ritual, and send the Water Dragon from my hand to the graveyard to ritual summon Litmus Doom Swordsman(Atk: 0, Def: 0) in attack mode!"
The alter rose up behind Bastion and as the second Water Dragon was sacrificed the Litmus Doom Swordsman appeared though his stats gave Naruto pause as he raised an eyebrow at the 0 he saw.
"This now let's me activate my face down card Spirit Barrier!" Bastion declared "Now as long as I have a monster on the field I won't take any battle damage and Litmus cannot be destroyed in battle! And as long as a trap card is active on the field Litmus Doom Swordsman's attack increases to 3000!"
"Well good to see you haven't given up," Naruto noted with a raised eyebrow "But you've only got one shot at this."
"Maybe. But from what I have seen of your deck it won't take more then this to remove your last and best defense! Go Litmus Doom Swordsman, destroy Yugura!"
Naruto frowned as the monster swung it's twin blades into Yugura who struck back as he was destroyed but it was to no avail as the young kage was destroyed.
"With that I end my turn."
Jaden LP: 300
Bastion LP: 500
Naruto LP: 1500
"Then let's see if you picked right." Naruto remarked as he drew and a grin split his face "Game over boys. I'll start off by summoning out Kiri Chunin: Gōzu(Atk: 1500, Def: 1000) and when he's summoned I get to special summon out Kiri Chunin: Meizu(Atk: 1500, Def: 1000) and when these two are on the field together they both get a 500 atk point boost(Atk: 2000)."
"Those two are hardly strong enough to finish off either of our monsters," Bastion scoffed.
"Who said I was finished?" Naruto countered "Because it's time for me to introduce you to the bringer of your destruction. Since Yugura is in the graveyard I can now special summon out his successor, so let me introduce you to Kiri Godaime Mizukage: Mei Terumi(Atk: 2800, Def: 2300)." In a flash standing in between the two Oni Brothers was the red headed Kage, a confident smirk on her face "Now don't go thinking that she's all beauty and no brawn, because she comes with a powerful effect. Once per turn I can have her destroy every monster my opponent controls, at the cost of her not being able to attack. So Mei, why don't you give them a taste of your Skilled Mist Technique." Naruto ordered as Mei stepped ahead of the two other monsters and released a stream of mist from her mouth that encompassed Litmus Doom Swordsman and Elemental Hero Tempest and began melting them before they were destroyed.
"And now that the way is clear, Gōzu attack Jaden directly while Meizu attacks Bastion!" Naruto declared as the two brothers shot off to their respective targets and wiped out the last of their lifepoints "Game, Set, Match."
"And the winner of the three way duel is Naruto Uzumaki!" Crowler declared. As the older professor continued to ramble for a bit Naruto walked towards the other two with a grin as he shook their hands.
"Great duel," he said.
"Heh yeah. Man that Kiri deck is something else," Jaden laughed.
"Indeed. It seems to rely on special summoning powerful monsters and destroying your opponent's monsters outside of the battle phase." Bastion noted.
"Pretty spot on." Naruto admitted "But you didn't see every trick that this deck has."
"So what are the odds of us dueling again so we can see them?" Jaden asked.
"At the moment, not too good. I'm starving." Naruto replied as he started off.
"I could use something to eat as well," Bastion noted.
"Yeah." Jaden agreed as the three walked off, chuckling and comparing notes about the combos that they had each used in that duel.