Just a short chapter. I apologise for the long hiatus with this story. I've been having a bit of writer's block with this one.


1999. A cafe on Princes Street, Edinburgh.

Lucy was sitting drinking coffee, reading through a pile of leaflets, trying to decide which show she wanted to see, when she suddenly heard a familiar voice, one that made her heart race. She felt nervous, worried that if it was Lee, and they saw each other, it would be awkward or painful. She turned around, wondering if she had imagined it.


Lucy's mouth fell open. It really was Lee. She couldn't help herself from grinning then, all of the nerves fading away when she saw he looked pleased to see her too. She'd fantasised about this, bumping into him by chance in some cafe or shop, but she didn't think it would actually happen. She stood up to greet him,

"Oh my god, Lee!"

They hugged, neither seeming to want to break their embrace. Feeling Lee's arms around her, her own holding him tight, Lucy was taken aback at just how happy and comfortable she felt.

They finally let go of each other.

"How are you? You look well".

Lee almost found himself saying 'you look lovely', but realised that would probably be inappropriate. She did though, look lovely. He still thought about Lucy, often, still missed her, even after all this time.

"I'm really well, you?".

"Yeah. It's good to see you".

"Why don't you come and sit down, have coffee with me, if you want. Unless you're too busy".

Lucy watched a red haired lady and a dark haired man approach Lee as she spoke. He was with friends.

"No, I'm not. I've got time for a coffee. Lucy, this is Catherine and Dan. Lucy's an old...friend of mine. We've just bumped into each other".

"Okay, shall we see you back at the theatre the Lee, let you two catch up".

"Okay, see you later".

Lee pulled up a chair and sat down next to Lucy.

"So, how have you been?"

"A lot's happened since I last saw you. I graduated, did a Masters degree. I'm working in recruitment now".

"Are you enjoying it?".

"Yeah, it's challenging sometimes, but I like it. I've seen you on TV a few times, I always knew you'd make it".

"Thanks. It's probably a bit soon to say I've made it though. I think I've got a long way to go yet"

"Don't be so modest".

"Are you here with friends?"

"Actually I came here on my own, it was a bit last minute".

The truth was Lucy had known Lee would be at the festival. She'd been thinking about him recently, and although she wasn't planning on seeking him out, perhaps this was what had made her decide on the spur of the moment to come.

"So that woman, the red haired woman you were with...Catherine, is she your...?".

Lee chuckled at the thought. Catherine would have thought the suggestion that they we together was hilarious. They were good friends, but that's all it was.

"Catherine not my girlfriend. We're doing a sketch show here together, with Dan. I don't have a girlfriend".

"Oh right". Lucy tried to hide how glad she felt about that.

"So, how about you? I expect some lucky bastard's snapped you up".

"No. I'm single".

"Good. Sorry, I didn't mean...well, I did, but..."

Did Lee really just say that? Lucy was pleased he had, but could see he felt awkward, so decided to make light of it.

"Good? I haven't had sex for two years. It's starting to drive me mad. Sorry, you really didn't need to know that".

"Maybe I didn't but I'm glad you told me. Since we're being honest with each other, if it makes you feel better I haven't had sex for a long time either".

"Really? I assumed there'd be girls throwing themselves at you, what with you having been on TV and everything".

"Not really, and I wouldn't be interested anyway. I'm not a one night stand sort of man".

'And I wouldnt find anyone that came close to to you', Lee added in his mind. He didn't dare say it though.



"I know this is selfish but I am pleased you're single. I can't lie, even after all this time the thought of you with someone else makes me jealous".


There was silence for a few moments then, as they looked at each other, their eyes trying to read each other's thoughts as they processed what had just been said.

"Why did you stop replying to my texts?"

Lucy knew she probably sounded like the clingy ex-girlfriend but she genuinely wanted, needed to know.

"I had my phone stolen and lost your number along with it. I didn't know how to contact you. I felt awful, I would have kept in touch".

"Oh. All this time, I thought you were ignoring me on purpose".

"Of course not. I know we weren't together by then, but I still wanted us to be friends".

"I've missed you".

Lee looked up from his coffee. Those words meant a lot to him.

"I've missed you too".