I do not nor have I ever had anything to do with AtLA or Nickelodeon.

This little story is written for my best friend MS. K216

I'll Take Care of You

"It's time to wake up." Zuko softly said to his wife, she moved a bit and moaned softly. "Come on sleepy head." He told her than kissed her forehead. "Oh my spirits, you're burning up!"

"I… don't… feel… good." Taryn said in between coughs.

"Poor Ryn!" Zuko said as he kissed her forehead again. "I'll take care of you."

"You have a nation to run, one of the nurses here can take care of me." Taryn told him.

"No, I won't have it! You are more important to me than the nation." Zuko said as he got out of bed and dressed himself. "I'll get Ursa up and dressed and have her set up with her breakfast, I'll be right back."

"You really don't have to." Taryn told him as she tried to sit herself up, she could barely lift herself and weekly fell back.

"I'll be right back, I promise." Zuko told her. "I love you."

"I love you too." The sick young woman told him. As soon as he left the room Taryn drifted back off to sleep.

"Time to get up Princess." Zuko told his daughter.

"Where's Mommy? She always helps me pick out a pretty dress." Ursa told him as he rummaged through her closet.

"Mommy is sick, and I'm going to take care of her." He told his daughter.

"Can I help? Oh please Daddy I want to help make her all better too, please." Ursa pleaded.

"You know what? I think Mommy will be very happy to have you as a nurse." Zuko told her. "I found you a cute dress, you go get dressed while I get us some nursing supplies."

"Okay Daddy!" Ursa took her dress from him, then left the room. "I need you to get the Palace physician!" Zuko told one of the servants that stood just outside the family's suite, while he was standing in the doorway he could see the family's breakfast being delivered. Zuko set Ursa up with her breakfast on the suite's dining table then went to check on his wife.

"My poor Ryn!" He said sadly as he stroked her soft cheek, her fever was so high that her face glowed red. Zuko heard a knock on the door, "That must be the physician, I'll be right back." He rushed to the door and pulled it open. "Thank you for coming so fast! Taryn had a high fever and I don't know what to do!" The doctor followed Zuko back into his bedroom where his wife was sleeping. Zuko paced impatiently as the doctor went over Ryn's symptoms. Unable to stand the quietness he left the room to check on Ursa.

"How's your breakfast?" He asked the little girl at the table.

"It's yummy… Is Mommy okay?" Ursa asked her daddy.

"The doctor hasn't said anything yet." Zuko told his daughter. "I'm going to go check on Mommy." Zuko rushed back into the bedroom. When he walked in he found the doctor going through his

"I have some medicine that will bring down her fever, she needs lots of fluids, and plenty of rest. Only give her one of these every few hours" The doctor told him as he handed him half a dozen corked glass vials with a clear liquid inside. "They don't taste very good so I suggest mixing them into some hot tea, the tea will help her feel better too."

"Thank you." Zuko said as he showed the doctor back out.

"Is Mommy going to be okay?" Ursa asked him.

"Yes, Baby girl." Zuko told her as he collected the tea stuff from their breakfast cart. "Come on, let's go make Mommy all better."