My eye hurts... my eye hurts bad. Oh, mother, I am so fucked up.

Kaneki Ken awoke, unable to move. He could hear whispers coming from a room beside him. "He seems fine, but I can't feel his heart..."

Kaneki sat up and looked down at his chest. There was huge scar across his it and blood all over his clothes. He put his hand to the scar. A strange sort of murmuring filled the room. Kaneki jumped and took his hand off the scar. He got up and looked around the room. Resting up against a wooden table was a sword, a bow and a quiver, and a staff. Kaneki picked up the sword and walked into the room with the whispers coming from it.

"He's breathing, but his heart, it does sound..." whispered a women with long brown hair.

"Are you sure of this? Ill magic, that is..." said an elderly man to whom she was speaking too.

The man then left the room and the woman turned toward Kaneki.

"Cus! You're awake!" said the woman. "Are you all right!"

"I'm fine... Who are you?" Kaneki replied, feeling very confused.

"Why it's me!" said the woman, sounding aggravated. "Your best friend Quina!"

"Oh...Umm..." said Kaneki awkwardly. "I'll go take a walk, that will clear my mind a bit..."

"Alright.." said Quina. "But only for a little while... I don't want you out too long..."

Kaneki walked out the door and began to think about what possibly could be happening to him.


After about twenty minutes, Kaneki came to a gate. Suddenly there was a noise overhead, kind of a whooshing sound. A man dropped from the sky and showed Kaneki a glowing scar on his hand and then Kaneki's scar began to glow.

"Huh.." said the elderly man from before. "That's a pawn, that is. They are servants to me..."

Weird thought Kaneki. What's a pawn?

"They have no emotions..." continued the man. "I don't enjoy being near them... There's an Encampment west of the village. I'm sure that there will be a fair number of them there."

"I would like to go there..." Kaneki said.

"Then you should take him with you." the man responded.

Kaneki looked pasted the gate and thought about it. I might as well... he thought.