Chapter 16

Darkness. That was all Hans could see and it was all he wanted for the world. He walked over the land of his former home: The Southern Isles, or at least what was left of it. The castle was empty and broken, much like his own soul. The corpses of his family littered the ground before him as he picked up his fathers crown. It was now his. He had taken it by force and was the only remaining heir to the throne. Nobody stood in his way and all who did not wish to die an agonizing death bowed before him. He was a prince no more. He was a king, but his kingdom was still too small. It didn't satisfy him one bit that he now held the power to a kingdom. After all, he was not the most powerful ruler in the world. He looked towards his clones of dark creatures that remained.

"How hard is it to find a slut and her pet? They should already be on their knees in front of me asking for mercy! Instead, they're nowhere to be found. I want you to search everywhere. I don't care what you do or how you do it. Just find them. Find the dragons! GO!" He shouted. They bowed and left Hans alone in the castle. He walked to his fathers study and began to think.

"They want me. Perhaps there's a way to get, at least, one of my creatures to wherever it is they're hiding to learn their location and secrets. But I need a dragon..." His eyes grew wide in realization. "Of course! A dragon clone could easily figure out where their hideout is. Then I'll be able to ambush them when it's least expected." He grinned wickedly as he gazed outside of the window. Outside he could see the citizens be rounded up harshly by his creatures. "One dragon. That's all I need to make this happen."

The news of the queens wanting a child spread through Argos like a wildfire. It was the talk of the kingdom. Elsa and Kara had only announced a few days ago to their family, closest friends, and advisors. A room had been prepared for the child since all knew that it would grow quickly. After quick planning and preparation, both queens had decided that tonight will be the night. In a few hours, they would both head down to the beach to create their beautiful mud baby, as Anna had put it.

It was still strange to Elsa and she couldn't help to feel worried about the entire process. Kara had reminded her time and time again that the baby would be just like any other child, regardless of how it came into the world, but she still had her doubts. Elsa even decided to search for Artemis, considering she had witnessed the creation of a child through this method in the past. Luckily, it wasn't hard to find Artemis, seeing that she was out in the barracks shooting arrows.

"Practicing, Artemis?" Elsa called while Artemis was loading another arrow. She turned around.

"It puts my mind at ease." She said as she aimed her bow. "Something tells me that you could use a distraction."

"I would like to speak with you, if you're not too busy." Artemis released the string and the arrow shot directly into its target. A perfect aim. She then set her bow down and motioned for Elsa to follow her. They walked to the gardens in comfortable silence before settling under the shade of a tree.

"This has to do with the child, right?" Artemis asked.

"Reading my thoughts or is it that obvious?" Elsa asked as she fell back to the grass.

"Elsa, you have nothing to worry about. I understand that this method is highly abnormal from what humans are use to, but believe me when I say that there is no major difference. It will have a heart, a brain, lungs, bones, blood... it will have all major organs and systems. It will be powerful and will act much like a dragon, at first." Elsa only starred up to the leaves of the tree, listening to every word that Artemis said. She then felt a warm hand grab hers. She looked at Artemis, who was smiling gently at her. "You need not worry, my sister. I swear on my life that this child will be absolutely perfect. Just wait till tonight."

"You seem so confident about everything, Artemis. Even before I met your sister, you had this impression that was unafraid of what the future held."

"Kara took care of me after our parents passed away. She always gave me the strength I needed. The gods know how many times I ran to her when I was sad or scared, both as a child and as an adult. I can only find true comfort in her arms." Elsa giggled.

"You remind me of Anna."

"I figured. The only difference is that I don't plan on marrying anybody." Artemis said as she stood up and dusted the bits of grass off her skirt. Elsa sat up.

"Any specific reason as to why you say that?"

"I prefer being single. Besides, if I ever want a child, I'll just do what you and Kara are doing. Simple as that." Artemis looked to the sun. "I have to run, Elsa. I will see you at the beach tonight. And please, cast all your worries aside."

"I will. Thank you." Artemis bowed and transformed into a dragon before sprinting away to the city. Elsa remained under the tree thinking about the child that she would have by tonight.

Anna and Kristoff waited patiently in the city. They had spent the morning exploring and enjoying the sights as the citizens decorated in preparation to welcome their new prince or princess. Everywhere they went, the people congratulated them on the news of their future niece or nephew. Anna was beyond excited. The last few days, she tried to get Kara to spill the beans as to what gender they were going to create, but each time she let down. Kara and Elsa had both said that they were unsure of the gender as well and that they would let their instincts decide during the creation process, much to Anna's disappointment. So here they were, waiting in the middle of the city at three in the afternoon.

"Did she say she was going to meet us?" Kristoff asked.

"She said she would be here at three. Just give her a minute. I'm sure she's running at full speed to get here." Anna said with chipper voice.

"What were you two planning to do anyway? Shouldn't you be helping Elsa get ready for tonight or something?"

"I need to get something for the baby, Kristoff. This is our first niece or nephew. Same goes for Artemis. She said that its a tradition that the aunts and uncles from both sides of the family give a gift to the newborn baby and I have no idea what a baby dragon would enjoy. Do they even play with toys or do they just bite and/or burn things. These are the questions I need answers to and Artemis is the only one I trust with this. Not to mention that nobody knows the gender of the baby. What if they create a boy? What will his name be? Or a girl? I really wish Kara and Elsa would just tell us already, that way-"

"Anna, you're doing it again." Kristoff said with a smirk.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous."

"Nervous? About what?"

"Elsa. The baby. This whole war." She looked at the stump where his hand use to be. "You." Kristoff followed her gaze and shook his head.

"Anna, everything will be alright. It may not be the same, but it will be alright." Using his remaining hand, he lifted her head so that they were facing each other. "This war will end. I have faith in Kara and Elsa. After getting me out of that jail cell, I don't think that there's anything that these dragons won't do to protect each other."

Anna took a deep breath. "You're right. I shouldn't feel nervous. Today is a happy day."

"Indeed it is." Kristoff and Anna turned to the voice. Artemis had arrived.

"Artemis!" Anna exclaimed. "I'm glad you're here. We have shopping to do!" Anna quickly snatched Kristoff's and Artemis' arms before scurrying into the nearest shop.

The hours passed and the night was quickly approaching. Kara had spent the majority of the day alone in the library and secluded from the world. Her thoughts ran wild as they changed subjects faster than lightning. She would think about Hans and ways to draw him out. Then she'd think about Elsa and this new child that she would meet tonight. She was beyond stressed, yet she was happy and she looked forward to the events to come. She glanced at the sky and saw that the sun was setting and the full moon was rising.

"Looks like it's almost time." She said to herself. "Time to get ready." She left the library and walked to the bedroom. As she walked in, she saw Elsa laying down on the bed and her eyes locked on to the dragon queen. Kara couldn't help but feel caught in a trance as she stared deeply into her beloved wife's red and blue eyes. Without breaking eye contact, Kara made her way to the bed next to Elsa. They laid there together in complete silence, until Elsa finally spoke.

"Are you ready?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

"I spent the majority of the day thinking. I even spoke to Artemis and she assured me that the baby will be fine. I just wanted to be absolutely sure that this will go smoothly." Kara wrapped her arm around Elsa's waist and kissed her temple.

"It's only natural to be worried. Mothers always want the best for their children."

"I'm not a mother yet, Kara."

"Yet here you are worrying about a child that we still don't have." Kara smiled. "You're just as ready for this child as I am, darling."

"I suppose you're right." Elsa stood up and instantly regretted leaving the warmth of her lover. "Lets get ready. It's almost time." Elsa began to strip down to her undergarments as Kara's eyes roamed her body. "You do realize that if you continue to stare at me that I'll be forced to take matters into my own hands. Then we'll really be late and I'm sure our sisters will not appreciate that." Kara rolled her eyes and huffed.

"I hate it when you're right." Elsa quickly turned around and her eyebrows shot to her hairline.

"What? The great dragon queen just admitted that I'm right?" She said sarcastically as she pretended to faint back down to the bed. "The world is going to end." Kara could only laugh at the display as she grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it onto Elsa's head. Elsa ended up laughing as well.

"Oh hush, darling." She sat up against the headboard of the bed. "Come here, Elsa." Without hesitation, Elsa began to crawl to her wife, still wearing nothing but here undergarments. She flung one leg over Kara and straddled her legs as her arms pinned themselves on either side of Kara's head. Wandering hands began to roam Elsa's backside. She whimpered with every touch as she herself wrapped her arms around Kara's neck. She was about to speak when she felt a pair of soft, warm lips latch onto her pulse and gently sucked. Her hands gripped Kara's shirt for dear life as she felt lips travel down to her covered breasts. It wasn't long until Kara's hands unhooked Elsa's bra and discarded it to the side, leaving her completely bare from the top. Kara stopped kissing the beautiful milky skin before her and took the time to admire her wife.

"Like what you see?" Elsa asked with a sly grin. She grabbed Kara's hands and forced them upon her breasts. Kara smiled and began to massage the mounds in her hands. Elsa's eyes closed as she moaned and began to rock her hips.

"I'll never know how I managed to marry a beautiful creature such as yourself, Elsa." She tweaked the hardened nipples in her fingers. "I love you, Elsa." She whispered. Elsa stopped moving and opened her eyes. She kissed Kara tenderly.

"I love you too, Kara. I always will." They looked into each others eyes, not fully aware of the position they were still in. Kara smiled and looked down to her hands that were still latched onto Elsa's breasts and slowly removed them. She looked to the window and noticed that the sun was already gone.

"I'd love to continue this, Elsa, but we must go. It's time." Elsa looked to the window and nodded. She hopped off of Kara's lap and began dressing herself in a snow white skirt and shirt. Kara did the same. When they were both ready, they left the castle and headed to the beach.

"Where are they?" Anna asked for the fifth time. Anna, Kristoff, Artemis, Elsa's advisors, the elders, and Kara's generals had been waiting at the beach for a little over half an hour already. There was still no sight of the queens.

"Patience, Anna. Perhaps they needed a little alone time before they headed over." Artemis said with a sly grin. Kristoff raised an eyebrow.

"Alone time?" He questioned as Artemis turned to him and stared directly into his eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, how do children normally get conceived? Even though Kara and Elsa are going to create this child from mud doesn't mean that they won't feel some sort of... excitement beforehand." They continued to stare at each other. Anna's cheeks flushed as she realized what her sister and sister-in-law were probably doing while Kristoff continued to put the pieces together. Artemis shook her head and walked away from Kristoff. "Good luck getting him into bed, Anna." She said. It was then that Kristoff realized what she was talking about. His face reddened. He was about to speak when a laugh was heard in the distance.

"There you two are!" Anna exclaimed happily.

"Sorry if we took so long." Elsa said as her face flushed. "We were distracted." Artemis walked back over to Kristoff and nudged him with her elbow.

"You see? I told you." She said and Kristoff, once again, flushed.

"Artemis, leave Kristoff alone." Kara playfully warned. "Is everything ready?" Atlas stepped forward.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Everything is set."

"Thank you, my brother." Kara said. All eyes were on her and Elsa. She could hear the heartbeat of her beloved increasing in speed and she noticed that her own heart was not far behind. "Well, shall we, Elsa?" she said as she looked towards the beach.

Elsa took deep breath and exhaled. "We shall." She said as she and Kara laced their fingers together and began to walk down the sandy beach.

The full moon was high in the sky. The only sounds that were heard were that of the waves crashing and the cool gentle breeze of the wind. Elsa didn't know what to do or what to expect. She tried to read Kara's thoughts, but she couldn't. Kara was in deep thought as they walked along the shore. For ten minutes, they were both silent. Elsa was about to speak, when she noticed a figure of a female standing about thirty feet in front of them. No details could be seen, even if the light of the moon was bright. Elsa froze in her tracks, as did Kara. It was then that Kara spoke.

"Our daughter." She said.

"Daughter?" Elsa questioned. Her eyes never left the sight of the figure.

"Yes. We are to have a daughter and she's ready to come. What you are seeing is her spirit waiting patiently to be placed in a physical body." Kara turned to Elsa, who also turned to face her lover. "Are you ready?" Kara asked.

She looked back at the female figure, but it was no longer there. Just then, a feeling of euphoria came over Elsa. She couldn't have been more ready to create this child with Kara. She already knew what her daughter would look like both as a human and dragon. She dropped to her knees and dug her hands into the dirt and sand. Kara immediately joined her. She had no idea what she was doing, but she couldn't control herself. It was as if something had taken over her body.

They continued to dig into the dirt. Slowly, Elsa noticed that a perfect human head had been formed, along with a torso. Kara worked on the details of the body, such as the eyes, ears, nose and other characteristics that she wished to give the child. Elsa saw that the baby began to look like a perfect mashup of both queens.

The minutes passed. It wasn't long before the child was complete. There in the ground laid the "sleeping" outline of their daughter. The queens looked to each other. With a smile on their faces, they each cut their own palm down the middle with their claws. Together, they allowed their blood to drip freely onto the mold of their daughter. Elsa watched as the blood was absorbed into the crown of the infant. It was then that Kara lifted the child from the ground and raised it above her head. She began to chant her spell.

Suddenly, the wind began to howl, storm clouds began to form and lightning flashed before the queens. Elsa stood strong next to Kara as the storm blew on. Then, from above, lightning struck the mud child perfectly in the heart. Kara brought down the baby into her arms as the rain began to pour. With each drop of water, the mud began to wash off.

Elsa's heart was beating hard. She kept her eyes focused on the muddy form in her wife's arms. Just when she was about to lose faith, she heard the faint sound of a cry. She looked closer and was at a loss of words. There in her beloveds arms was her child taking her first breaths. Both Kara and Elsa began to wipe the face of the infant, whos cries grew louder. The rain quickly washed away the mud from the infant. Kara placed her in Elsa's arms while she created a ball of fire from her hand to have a better look at the baby.

She had strawberry blond hair, which looked almost identical to Anna's. Her skin was as white as snow. Her ears were pointed her cry was the most beautiful thing that either queen had ever heard.

"She's beautiful." Elsa said as she held the baby closer to her body.

"She looks like you, darling." Kara said, still keeping her eyes on the child. Elsa laughed.

"She looks like the both of us." Elsa said. She grew curious about one detail that she had yet to see. "I wonder what her eyes look like."

"Let's have a closer look." Kara said as she used her free, non-burning hand to stroke the baby's face. "Shh, little one." She said softly. "No need to cry. Open your eyes, my child."

Slowly, the infants cry began to cease with the gentle touch of her mother. She opened her eyes and the queens were awed with the sight. The child had stunning purple eyes that glowed. It even seemed as if electrical currents were running through them.

"They're beautiful." Elsa said. Her voice trembled with delight. "Oh Kara, she's absolutely perfect."

"Yes, she truly is. What shall we call her?"

"I'm not sure." Elsa thought for a while before looking up to the sky. The rain continued to fall on them as the light of the moon peeked through the clouds. "How about we name her after the moon?"

"The moon?" Kara asked as she looked up. "You do realize that by doing that, Artemis is going to die of happiness. She was named after the moon as well."

"I fee that we have to name her after the moon."

"Very well. Now what is a name that means 'moon'." They both looked to the baby, who was peacefully sleeping despite the rain and mud on her body. Then, they both looked to each other and smiled.

"Are you thinking the same name I'm thinking?" Elsa asked, unable to erase the smile from her face.

"I believe so." Kara said as she leaned in for a kiss. "Beautiful choice." She whispered. "Come, lets introduce everyone to our daughter."

The advisors, elders, generals, and the royal family had taken shelter just before the storm blew through. Anna and Artemis paced around as they waited for news about their new niece or nephew.

"How much longer is it going to be?!" Anna exclaimed. "Maybe we should go look for them."

"No, we must leave them be." Artemis said. It was obvious that she was just as nervous as Anna. "They need time on their own to get this right."

"Princess, why are you anxious?" General Atlas questioned. "You've seen this before. What's the difference between your first time seeing this and now?"

"You idiot." Calypso said as she smacked the back of his head. "This isn't just another baby. This is her niece or nephew. As an aunt, she can't help but to be anxious. Neither one of them can."

"Luckily, you two don't have to wait any longer." Kristoff said. "Look." He pointed out to the beach.

All eyes turned to the shore. Elsa and Kara could be seen walking together. Kara had a protective arm wrapped around Elsa's midsection while Elsa held on closely to a small figure in her arms. Artemis and Anna could not wait any longer. They sprinted into the rain until they reached their sisters.

"Is it a boy or girl?!" Anna quickly asked. Elsa laughed and revealed the baby in her arms.

"It's a girl." She said as the baby opened its eyes once again to look at her two aunts. Anna's eyes immediately began to tear up while Artemis gently stroked the baby's head.

"She's beautiful!" They said in unison.

"What's her name?" Artemis asked. By then, Kristoff, the elders, and Kara's generals arrived to see the new infant.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet our daughter." Kara said. She looked to Elsa and the baby before speaking again. "This is Princess Selene of Argos."

"Selene." Anna said. "That's a perfect name."

"It is." Artemis said. "We have a gift for Selene."

"Oh! That's right!" Anna said as Kristoff pulled out a small box from his pocket. She grabbed it and handed it to Artemis, who then opened the box. Inside was a necklace with a red diamond pendant.

"Its tradition that the aunts and uncles give a gift to the newborn of the family. We went ahead and combined our ideas into one. What we have here is a magical pendant that contains a protection spell. As long as she wears it, she cannot be harmed. And only the one who places it on her neck can be the one to take it off, so it cannot be lost. We, Anna, Kristoff, and myself, present this to Selene, our first born niece."

"That's a wonderful gift." Elsa said with a smile. "Thank you."

"Yes, thank you all. It's perfect." Kara said as she took the necklace and pendant. She then placed the necklace around Selene's neck. "Perfect fit. Come, let's head back to the castle before some of us end up sick."

They nodded in agreement and together they walked back to the castle the happiest they had been in months.

Hey everyone! Hope you all enjoy this chapter. No, I have not abandoned this story. I will finish this one! Hopefully I can update again soon since the holidays are just around the corner. Stay tuned!


I do not own frozen. The idea of the baby being born of mud was borrowed from Wonder Woman. I own nothing!