Two Worlds Collide

Chapter 1

The skies are beginning to darken, forming a deep shade of dark blue, as people walk aimlessly in a quick speed, determined to get home before the night ends. Tall, glass buildings stood proudly, as the streets begin to fill with cars and buses, honking loudly, trying to get through.

The traffic lights change colors, as a crowd of people cross the street, each minding their own business, walking in a quick pace, in a hurry to get to their final destination. Golden leaves fall from trees that hover above, marking the end of summer, and the start of autumn.

Among the crowd, is a pink haired teenager, around the age of 15, wearing a plain black t-shirt, faded old blue jeans, and worn out brown sneakers, with it's shoelaces covered in bits of grey dust and a little of dirt. Around his neck he has a white scarf. He seems to blend in with the crowd of people, if it weren't for his salmon pink hair.

Walking along the grey, concrete streets, he looks around. Getting his pocket knife ready in his pocket, he walks inside a small grocery store, preparing to get some sandwiches for the night.

Police sirens echo in the dark night, as a blonde girl around the age of 15 sits alone on a bench, inside a park on the more 'shady' side of NYC. From what she has heard, this part of town was more shady and ghetto, compared to the Upper East Side, where she lived in. Looking at the dark sky, she feels the wind ruffle her hair, as she hugs her jacket closer.

It is the beginning of September, and the leaves are scattered on the floor, making a bright pattern of red, orange and yellow. Wearing a designer brown jacket, light blue jeans and cute brown Uggs boots, she sighs, taking in a breath of this Autumn vibe.

By now, the police sirens are starting to fade, as a silhouette of a teen boy starts to appear before her eyes, as she watch him run closer to her. Sitting there, she sees him pant, taking in deep breaths.

Curiosity hits her, as she gets up to see if he's okay. Walking closer, she can't help but notice his unnaturally bright pink hair, as the moonlight shines directly on his face, revealing a cut on the side of his left cheek.

"Umm, a-are you okay?" She asks, as the boy coughs.

"I'm fine," he says, coughing.

"But um your cheek. It's starting to bleed. Do you need a bandage? I think I have one in my purse somewhere," she says, as she opens her leather purse and digs through the items. Taking out a bandage, she hands it to him. "I always carry one just in case," she says, laughing.

The boy blinks, as he slowly takes the bandage from her hands. "Thanks, kind lady," he says, and the girl smiles.

"I'm Lucy, by the way," she says, taking out her hand.

The boy stares at her hand. "I'm Natsu Dragneel! But uhh why are you taking out your hand?" He asks, tilting his head.

The girl who's name is Lucy, sighs. "You're supposed to shake it. It's a form of politeness when you first meet someone," she explains, and he nods.

Grasping her hand, he shakes her harshly, as Lucy tries not to fall.

"Not like that, you idiot! Shake my hand gently!" She says, guiding him.

"Well that's a weird way to be polite," Natsu says, crossing his arms.

Lucy laughs. "I guess."

The two of them walk through the now deserted park, and take a seat in a wooden, brown bench. The skies are dark now, and the wind feels colder than ever, as the two sit next to each other, a few inches apart.

"So why were you running before?" Lucy asks, thinking back to when she first saw him.

"I was avoiding... certain people," Natsu says, looking away, refusing to meet her eyes.

"Really? Who? But then why are you bleeding?" She asks.

Natsu shrugs, not knowing how to respond. "It's nothing important. Just a small scratch."

Crossing her legs, Lucy looks up at the sky, and sighs.

"Hey Luigi, what are you doing out here so late at night?" Natsu asks.

"It's LUCY! Jeez, what kind of memory do you have? And besides, can't a girl get some fresh air?" She says, with an awkward chuckle in the end.

"Lucy, Luigi. Same thing!" Natsu says, huffing. "Aren't you supposed to be home? Won't your parents get worried?"

Lucy shrugs. "Yeah, I guess. It was nice to meet you, Natsu. Farewell," she says, standing up. And with a wave, she takes out her cellphone, ready to call her driver to pick her up.

But for some strange reason, she didn't want to leave. Something about this strange and mysterious boy attracted her attention, even though they had just met. Watching her go, Natsu feels a strange feeling in his heart, as if he didn't want to see her say goodbye.

People come and go in his life, so why is this girl any different?

Holding his black, plastic bag, he makes his way to the other side of the park, before looking around. Scanning the place for cops, he climbs the silver fence, leading him to an abandoned junkyard, filled with vandalized old buses and cars.

Setting his brown, dirty backpack on the floor, he puts the black, plastic bag aside, before digging through his backpack for a bottle of spray paint. Looking at the once yellow school bus, he sees that Blondie has started a new masterpiece.

It was a silhouette of a girl with her signature blonde hair and light pink dress, standing in a dark blue background, her back facing the audience. In her hand she's holding a silhouette of a bucket, and a paintbrush in the other, painting a white star.

Blondie's work always seems to be a silhouette of a girl, with her back facing the audience, with blonde hair and a unique shade of light pink dress. Taking out his spray paint, Natsu then proceeds to tag her work, by spray painting flames around the feet of the girl.

He was a street artist, and his street name was Salamander. In the world of street art, his closest friend/partner would probably be Blondie, considering the fact that he's always tagging her work, and they're always working together, anonymously, of course. After all, he admired her strange ways of art.

Finishing the flames around the girl's feet, he puts his paint away, and leaves the park.

Even though it is almost midnight, the streets are still filled with people. But since this is a shady part of New York, it's not exactly the place you'd want to be.

Walking through a bunch of gang street fights, Natsu manages to avoid these people. Normally, he loves to fight others, but only for fun. In this situation, however, people are throwing fists at one another, with some passed out drunk on the floor.

"Where the hell you been?" A gruff voice asks, grabbing Natsu by the collar of his shirt.

"I ain't tellin ya!" He says, punching the guy in the face.

The teen stands in front of Natsu, and the moonlight shines on his face, revealing his thousand piercings, all around his face. His black hair sticks out in all directions, as the two of them fist-bump and walk together.

"Well, salamander, I'm starvin'! Ya got any grub?"

"Don't fucking call me by my street name, Gajeel! I almost got arrested today!"

"For street art?"

"Stealing, but that's not the point."

Gajeel raises an eyebrow. "Seriously? Well let's go. Don't wanna get caught up in these fights. Seems pretty serious here. I heard they're fighting about some kinda girl."

Natsu laughs, as they walk side by side. Yellow street lights illuminate their faces, as they cross the street, and climb a wooden fence, leading them to a green trailer, as they kick open the door. "WE'RE BACK!"

"Where were you guys?" A scarlet haired teen asks, crossing her arms. Her name is Erza.

"I went out there looking for salamander. Dunno what he's been up to!" Gajeel says.

Natsu nervously laughs. "Well on the bright side... I got sandwiches for us... hehe?"

The girl sighs, as Natsu opens his bag, revealing a bunch of sandwiches, as he hands them out to everyone in the trailer.

"Thanks bro!" A naked teen named Gray says, taking a bite out of his food.

"Yeah, no problem," he says, sitting on the brown, worn-out couch the group had stole from a junkyard.

The trailer was small, but enough to fit them all. Living there was Natsu, Gajeel, Gray, Erza and Juvia, all teens with no place to go. There was a few beds, all worn out, but still able to be used. There was a small kitchen, that consisted of nothing but a stove and a few plates and cups, as well as an oven, that they barely use. A single lightbulb lights the room, as it hangs loosely on the ceiling.

But nevertheless, the walls were in all sorts of different colors and patterns, considering the fact that they were all street artists, except Juvia. Using their spray paint, there is an extravagant amount of artwork, decorating the inside of the trailer nicely, taking the attention away from the dirty and worn-out furniture.

"So where did Natsu go? Juvia is very curious," a blue haired teen asks, sitting on the floor.

"Tagged Blondie's art. And I almost got caught by the police for getting these sandwiches," he says, with a shrug. He didn't want to drag Lucy into this.

"Damn, that's boring. And here I was hoping he banged a girl," Gray says, leaning on the wall with his arms crossed.

"Gray, where is your shirt?" Erza asks, as Juvia blushes a deep shade of bright pink, sitting next to her crush.

"AH shit! How does this keep happening?!" He shouts, with a panic.

Natsu scoffs. "Loser."

Within seconds, a fight quickly escalated between the two boys, before Erza steps in with a glare. "Stop."

"A-aye ma'am!"

As the five of them eat their stolen goods, Natsu looks around, and wonders about the girl he met today.

Her name was Lucy. But why should he care? It's not like he'll ever see her again...