So a bit late. I had a lot of trouble with this chapter. Just couldn't get to a place where I was able to connect the dots. Bit of a filler chapter, but we'll get back to more fluff and adorableness soon!

In other news, wow you guys are awesome. Almost 7k views and 130 followers. For my first fic I never thought I'd get this much positive reception but I'm so so happy you guys seem to like it. (:

Happy new year's eve/day and enjoy!

"Ruby! Hey, over here!" yelled Yang across the downstairs dorm lobby. Weiss shook her head at the shout, as the lobby was clearly empty. "Yoo-hoo!"

"Yaaang, please. We see you," Ruby called back, a bit embarrassed at her sister's display, although unsurprised.

"It would be hard to miss you, with as how loud you're being. Indoors," deadpanned Weiss.

Yang walked over to her sister and teammate and threw her arms around them. "Oh come on you guys, lighten up! Just look at the gorgeous day outside."

Yang motioned the two arrivals over to the window, where a fresh layer of snow lay on the grounds undisturbed. The sun peeked through, past the few clouds in the azure sky, creating a glare in the whiteness. Not enough to cause a snow blindness, but simply made a normally chilly winter day more inviting.

"Oh wow, it looks even better than yesterday!" said Ruby. Weiss nodded in agreement. Remembering why they had originally come down, Ruby looked back over her shoulder. "Hey, Weiss said JNPR was going into town with us. Where are they?"

"Ah right. Jaune forgot about a paper he needed to do for Port's class and Ren decided to stay in today." A buzzing sound came from behind Yang. She pulled out her scroll and chuckled, "And speak of the devil, Nora and Pyrrha will be down shortly."

"A girls' day out then?" said Blake, legs folded under her as she sat on one of the lobby's sofas. "I suppose that would be enjoyable."

The three moved away from the window toward the chairs where Blake sat, Yang taking the spot next to her partner leaving Weiss and Ruby to pair together on the other sofa. Yang shot Weiss a wink when Ruby looked out the window again, causing the heiress to cross her arms in a huff.

The group talked idly for the next couple of minutes as they waited on the rest of their party. After the tormented night Ruby endured, spending time with her team on a lazy Sunday was the best thing she could ask for.

Although the pancakes this morning were great too! She looked so proud of herself when she walked in. And to think, this is the same girl from the beginning of the year.

"Hey Rubes, Remnant to Rubes. What's with the giant smile?" asked Yang, poking her sister in the forehead. "Thinking about that cute guy from Oobleck's class?"

"I- uh- oh no. Heh. Just… nothing!" stammered Ruby, turning red at Yang's teasing. "Just happy to be with you guys is all!"

"Oh, hello there!" came a call from Pyrrha. The redhead waved at the group, while a bright orange haired girl stood behind. "Sorry we're a bit late, Nora started on a bit of a rant in the dorm."

"It wasn't a rant Pyrrha! I just don't understand why people don't think pancakes are suitable for every meal."

Ruby's eyes lit up at the mention of pancakes, once again drawn back to brunch. "I agree with Nora!" said Ruby, practically shouting as she jumped out of her chair pointing to the ceiling. "They are the food for every occasion!"

Everyone looked quizzically at Ruby's sudden outburst, having been mostly quiet up until that point.

"Uh guys? Why are you all staring at me?"

"I just didn't know you were so passionate about pancakes," said Blake quietly.

Yang chimed in, "I mean, I knew you liked them growing up, but damn."

Ruby giggled nervously. "So… about going into Vale? Let's go, okay, bye!" In a flash of falling petals, Ruby zipped out the door leaving the remaining five girls behind, standing bewildered.

Nora scratched her head. "What's up with her?"

Blake and Yang looked at each other, over to Weiss, back at each other and shared a quick laugh. "Oh we have an idea," smiled Yang. "Come on, ladies. Let's go catch up to Rubes."

Downtown Vale bustled with activity during the weeks leading up to the winter break. Students gathered down in the city proper, enjoying their leisure time at the various cafes and shops. The storefront window displays on main street always drew large numbers of people with their elaborate decorations.

Ruby had briefly seen them on the way back yesterday after her excursion with Weiss and thought they were quite pretty in the moonlight. However, with the sun lighting up every bit of Vale, everything was even more beautiful. From the bows tied to garland and pine trees with every sort of ornament imaginable, everything felt more alive. The colors were brighter with the dreariness of the previous day gone.

A smile formed on her lips as she sighed, breath visible in the frigid air. Ruby couldn't think of a better way to spend her day than in the comfort of her friends. Lifting her hot cocoa to her mouth, Nora's voice snapped her back to the conversation.

"So how was your date yesterday?!" exclaimed Nora, bouncing at each word.

Ruby spit the warm beverage out of her mouth, covering the snowy sidewalk in chocolate. She coughed, trying not to choke on her cocoa. Looking over she saw Weiss had stopped walking entirely, a mild look of confusion, shock, and…

Is she embarrassed? She turned so red! It's cute.

The rest of the group was mixed in reactions. Pyrrha shook her head at her teammate while Yang was laughing so hard Ruby swore she saw tears. Blake remained as stoic as ever.

Pyrrha was the first to speak up. "Nora, you can't just go and ask things like that."

"Why not? You guys thought Ren and I were together-together. Those two spent the whole day together, alone! Is that not a date or what?" said Nora.

"It was not a date," huffed Weiss. Ruby thought she heard a bit of disappointment in the heiress's voice. "I was simply teaching Ruby. That is all."

Able to breath again, Ruby turned to Nora. "Mhmm. She's teaching me to ice skate! Not a date at all."

"Totally a date. That's what all the cute couples do this time of year!"

"We're cute?" asked Ruby, matching Weiss's blush.

"You guys would be the cutest!" said Nora.

"Alright guys, enough teasing Ice Queen and my sister," said Yang. She was still a bit winded from her laughing spurt, but recovered enough to join the discussion. Everyone but Nora nodded in agreement.

"Aww you guys are no fun!"

"Speaking of which," Pyrrha added, "What are you guys doing for the holiday break? It'll be nice to get home."

"Well Yang and I are heading back home to Patch," said Ruby. "I can't wait to see Dad and Zwei again. Oh! And Blake's coming too, right?"

"I am. I don't have much reason to stay and I've got nowhere else to go. Thank you again for letting me stay."

"No problem, Blakey," chirped Yang, grinning at the faunus. "Can't leave my partner all by herself after all, can I?"

"Aww. Well, Ren and I are heading back to our village," said Nora. "Since we couldn't visit last time. Ya know, Grimm invasion and all."

Ruby noticed Weiss shying around from the group, almost uncomfortable at the talk of break. "Weiss?"

"Hmm, yes?"

"Are you going home for break?" asked Ruby.

Once again, Weiss shifted in place, unnerved by the question. "Well… I… Yes," mumbled Weiss. "But Father and Mother have business elsewhere, and with Winter being with Ironwood, I'll be spending the break by myself."

"Nope!" said Ruby.

"Excuse me?" Weiss looked more confused than when Nora implied a date between the two.

"Nope! You're coming back with us!" beamed Ruby. Realizing she wasn't solely in charge of the decision, Ruby turned to Yang. "That ok?"

"Hmm, more time with Princess? If I said no, that would be turning the cold shoulder." Blake tapped her in the arm while the rest of group groaned at her pun. "Guys! It wasn't that bad. And yes, that's alright by me Rubes."

"I don't want to cause any unnecessary trouble. I-" started Weiss, but Ruby cut her off.

"Nope, as team leader I say we vote! All in favor, say aye," called Ruby. Her hand shot up in the air. "Aye."


"I just said it's fine by me," said Yang.

"Then it's settled. Weiss Schnee, you be coming home with us!"

"Why do I even bother," asked Weiss, shaking her head hiding the smile on her face. "You'd drag me kicking and screaming anyway."

"Yay! Group hug!" came suddenly from Nora, corralling everyone into a tight squeeze. At the center of it all were Ruby and Weiss, smothered by their teammates.

"Hey Ruby," whispered Weiss. "Thank you."

"Anything for you, partner."


And there we go! Some fun time at home for the ladies! Fav/Follow if you want to keep up with the story! If you enjoyed/hated what you read, please leave me a review. I love hearing from you guys and it helps me immensely in providing the best story I can. Cheers (: