Elesis Unexpectedly Gains a Harem

A story full of nonsensical situations around our red haired heroine going through college life with her friends and family. There's gonna be hearts, kissing, explosions ERRYWHERE! (not really). Just forewarning, this is inspired a bit from another fanfiction by Xetton involving our red haired knight murdering the cast for the sake of her incestuous yandere desires... insane stuff there but not bad at all for that type of thing. I'm more of a comedy lover myself so I suppose this might be the polar opposite of that. This might get weird at points but you all are weird I'm sure and I love it! Hehe without further ado lets start it up! (Also most if not all the characters here are in their first classes, which is important for visualization and traits in their personality)


This particular story is set in a modernish time. Elesis (19) and her two best friends, Ara (20) and Rena (21) are attending college together. Elesis is rather stressed with her college assignments and planning a joint birthday party for her brother Elsword (15) and his friend Aisha (17). Rena and Ara are concerned for her overworking herself and keeling over. The three all do their best to support each other as all friends do right?

Things might change within this time though, one suggestion may set in motion a series of events that will change things for our red haired heroine. But is it for the better? Or is it going to stress her more?

Chapter 1

Changes Ensue

I begin to grit my teeth and lightly tap my pencil on my portion of the desk as my mind races with thoughts of my plans within the week... while trying to get my notes complete so I can complete my assignment for my class... Elsword's birthday... and Aisha's... gah! What do I prepare?! What presents should I get them?! Why the hell am I covering geometry when I'm just looking into simple accounting?! You confuse me Professor Raven... "Elesis?" the voice to my left calls to me and makes my head jump up. I look and see the concerned face of my long time friend Ara. "Huh?" I ask to her quietly. "Are you feeling well? You seem to be tapping your pencil rather loudly." I immediately look to my pencil and then around me to see a few onlookers towards my stress. "Heh... right... sorry." I lean back in my seat and give a deep sigh, hearing the professor lecture away.

I feel a light poke to my cheek mere seconds after I close my eyes to relax a bit. "You're really tense Ele, You need to take a breather for a full day to get yourself back in order it seems." I turn my head a bit to my right towards my other friend Rena. "I can't afford to relax with the assignment we got." "And the birthday party right? You're really going all out with this huh?" I sit straight once more and sigh, looking to the clock to see that we're out within five minutes. "Yeah, I wanted to have those two get along better and they happen to share the same birthday. I didn't really have room to celebrate on my 16th birthday so... figured I'd give him a good one." I hear Ara giggle, shifting my attention to her. "You are quite the sister, I only had time to get Brother a present last year given the deadline for the tests." I sigh and smile a bit. "It's still nice he got something I'm sure he appreciated it." She nods happily as we all start to pack up our books and papers.

As I get the last of my stuff put into my bag I feel a squishy sensation on my face as Rena wraps her arms around my head and hugs me into her breasts. "You're like a super sister Ele! But even you need a break from the stress you know!" This is a regular thing when she's happy or concerned about me. "I get you... but what can I really do? I have a lot to do! And how many times do I need to tell you not to hug me into your boobs like this?" Ara just awkwardly laughs at the moment as she hugs me in more. "You need fluffy thoughts! Positive thoughts! Don't resist the help Ele~." I just sigh and take a deep breath and exhale, letting my stress vent out some. She lets me go and gently pets my head. "Good girl. You're looking better already." She cheerfully speaks with a radiant smile. I stand up and stretch myself out, feeling my bones pop a bit before I get my bag and we head off. Things are stressful but our dysfunctional group always supports and helps each other.

"Say, you need to get shopping done right? Why not go with Ara and visit her place for awhile! You need some of her tea!" Rena suggests to us. "Eh? What makes you suggest that? I'm sure she and her brother are busy at home." I question her, she always seems to tease us both like we should get together. "And please do not make decisions for us Rena? Though truth be told, we would not mind." Ara adds on. "You've never been there before right? Her tea is heavenly! It'll loosen up those nerves for ya!" I briefly glance over to the shops in the distance and then to Ara. "I wouldn't want to impose..." Ara seems to think to herself for a minute while the cold breeze flutters our hair and skirts a bit. The two exchange a look over me that makes me raise my brow a little bit. "Well... if it would help you, I would not mind you visiting for tea." I sigh and smile a bit. "If you both are gonna insist I guess I don't have a right to refuse huh?" "Finally visiting the mysterious Ara's place! You're lucky Ele, I have to go for groceries for myself so you two enjoy your alone time~!" Before I can protest her leaving she runs off across the street. "I'll come by for tea with you all next time~!" She cheerfully bleats out before taking off out of sight. I sigh and scratch the back of my head in confusion. "I don't understand her sometimes... but I guess just you and me huh Ara?" I look back and see her blushing a bit and nods a bit with a smile. "Yes."

Soon I determine all that I need for the party and we shop. Budget is a bit tight for two people... but it'll be worth it for those two to have a nice birthday! I wonder who all he'll invite... I need to make enough for the usual group but never hurts to prepare for more. "It sucks you two can't join the party with me. Those sick days got you both behind huh?" I start conversing with Ara on our way to her house. "Yeah... It is the time of year for people to become sick, yet you seem to have an immune system equivalent to that of a fortress of battle hardened warriors, fighting off disease with no mercy!" Her comparisons always go over the top like that but it's still nice to see her face glowing with excitement when she does that, it makes me smile a bit. "Thanks for helping me with my shopping, it helps me out a bunch." I say with a smile. "Mm! It is a pleasure to help my friend!" Maybe it's the fact that we get along so well is why Rena ships us. But I really doubt she's interested in me, I'm not really even looking for love right now.

We reach her home soon and the place really is like an oriental shrine or mansion. I guess moving here felt naked without something to remind her of Fahrmann. Her family must be rich to afford a place like this. Soon we enter in and discard our shoes to the side before stepping on the mats. "Brother! I am home! I have my friend here as well!" She calls out. As we approach her room I feel the need to ask. "You said your brother's name is Aren right? And he was a novelist?" She happily nods as we come to her room and enter in. Besides the walls, her room looks like a normal girls... I guess you can't judge a book by her mannerisms. "What kind of novels does he make?" She prepares soft mats for us to sit on by the the table she has in her room. "He covers all sorts of types. Romance, Drama, Action, Comedy, and even horror. You can be surprised by his novelistic flexibility! I will get that tea, make yourself at home Elesis." She politely bows before stumbling a bit into the door and rubbing her head, before I can ask if she's alright she steps out. I forget sometimes that she's somewhat of a klutz... but she's at least durable it seems.

I look around at her room and notice the varied accessories on her shelves. Driven by my secret interest in accessories I approach and inspect them. Hairpins, bracelets, earrings, and necklaces! The only thing I notice her wear though is the hairpins... does she collect these? Or are they heirlooms? I wanna look them up and appraise them! I wanna know more about these wonderful trinkets! Ah. That fox head one... that's the one I got her huh? It's the only one on a little mini pillow? I guess she really liked that one huh? For some reason a fox seemed like her spirit animal. I hear her enter back and turn to her with the clip in hand. "Ah! E-E-Elesis?" I see her about to wobble and fall and instinctively go and help her straighten out. "Whoa Ara! Careful! You might spill the tea on yourself!" her face goes completely red and she's about to keel over! I grab her hands with the cups of tea and turn around so she leans on my back while I hold the tea up from spilling. "Ara?! What's wrong?!" I set her down with her supported on my back and take the tea out of her hands. I gently set down the tea and feel her wrap her arms around me. I feel the heat from her forehead on the back of my neck as she seems to hold me.

"E-... Elesis... is it weird? That I treasure something like that...?" I'm very confused... "Why would it be weird? Treasuring something you hold dear isn't wrong you know." I say with a light and reassuring tone. "Is... it really not wrong? Thank goodness..." I hold her hand and turn myself around so I can help her stabilize. I smile to her and looks into my eyes... with a different look than before... is she about to cry? "No need to worry about a thing. I don't judge on a simple thing like that." She suddenly hugs me and... she's kissing me?! My eyes widen to this sudden action why is she kissing me?! She pulls from my lips and gazes into my eyes... that look... she... "I am glad... Thank you Elesis... I love you." She... She... loves me?! I... I didn't think much of this but... was all those times she acted shy around me... our lips lock once more and I feel my head about to burst on fire! When?! What about me did she see that made her fall in love with me?!

Her warmth is nice though... her soft touch feeling up my side... wait what?! I need to stop her! As I'm about to grab her shoulders she leans into me and my back hits the floor and my hand brushes on the hair clip... on the back... it reads. "A precious treasure from the heart of my destined one." was it then? And is she... serious about that? She reaches up inside my sweater and feels up my side, making me shiver a bit. What do I do?! I mean... It's not like I don't like her... but I didn't think she loved me or anything! She's looking into my eyes... waiting for my response. She's a precious friend for sure... I... dammit... I don't want to hurt her after she poured her heart out to me just now... I swallow down my nervousness and confusion and smile to her. "I... love you too Ara, I'm glad you think of me like this." In truth I don't mind it... but I'm not so sure I was prepared for this shock to my psyche... but I'm her friend and I can't hurt her.

"Elesis!" She clings to my chest and hugs me tight. I just lightly pet her head try to think of a way to go before anything further happens... I suddenly feel her lips on my neck and her pulling up my sweater. I moan to the feeling... this weird tingling feeling... feels good. Before I know it she's taken off my sweater and bra. That look in her eye... went from love to lust like that... I didn't know she had this side to her! Soon we're naked and kissing wildly... I'm getting into it... letting myself feel and admire her body... her breasts... her butt... such a nice body compared to mine... before I know it we're making love in her bed. My mind numbing to the pleasure... is this really how I have my first? It's better than getting forced in some alley by a creepy guy but... unexpectedly... I have a lover. Not that it's a bad thing or anything. I'll need to let Elsword know I might be late...