This is not a normal chapter but is extremely important. Review's will be addressed, then the important messages will be highlighted within the main passage.

The Truth Of Words - I wouldn't be sure of that. After all who knows but me what I have planned. Secrets will be revealed much farther along in this story, and I'd rather not spoil the surprise just yet.

Tomgirlbre - Yup, yup. Daddy Danny is a concept that I've always found interesting and I plan to capitalize on it here. Though as far as over-protectiveness goes... I'm not sure. After all, according to the Huntresses she was found wrestling a cyclops.

ShadowPillow - I know we had a whole PM conversation regarding this specific review... but I must've deleted it at some point so I'll just do a quickie here. Regarding Thalia, please keep in mind the reasons why she joined the Huntresses, to escape the prophecy and to get away from the guilt she felt regarding Luke. As far as Danny being too powerful... You're absolutely right. As a quick comparison, Danny has more than half of the powers of the Justice League combined, not to mention that he started off inexperienced. Once he really learns how to use his powers he could become a living god practically. Not that I want this to happen, this is all just based around observations of his strength and other such things.

Guest (Jan 29) - An interesting idea... I'll think about it.

Hakken-Senshi - Thank you for the correction, I hadn't noticed that I did that. I'll be sure to fix that in future writings.

As for all of you telling me to update the next chapter... Please note that I have a lot of ideas for different stories and I want to write what interests me at the time. I will not abandon this story but I have ideas for many different things. ALSO MY AUTHOR"S NOTES CONTAIN INFO THAT MIGHT ACTUALLY TELL YOU THINGS YOU ASK ME!

On to the important notices...

Important Author's Note

(No I'm not abandoning you)

So usually I don't like interrupting stories unless I have a chapter to include in it with my ranting as part of the author's note at the top of the chapter. But I feel the need to address the issues that I am currently experiencing (by that I mean how my writing is going to work from now on).

First thing to bring up is that I have repeatedly mentioned that I have a ton of story ideas that keep popping around in my brain, many of which just so happen to be related to Danny Phantom. Because let's face it, Danny Phantom can fit in practically any universe ever created. Including (but not limited to): Rosario Vampire, Teen Titans, Young Justice, Harry Potter, The Familiar Of Zero, etc. Because I have all of these ideas my brain tends to flip flop around with which one I should write at the moment. Personally I believe it has something to do with my Asperger's but it might just be my personality, I honestly don't know. So here is what I am proposing, I will post whatever I have written and if I have more than chapter ready for a story at a time then there will be a week's gap in-between postings. I will not intentionally abandon ANY of my stories. If my inspiration for a story is dwindling then I will post it in an author's note or something.

Currently I have more than twenty different stories swimming around in my head (the most prominent having to deal with Danny Phantom).

Recently one of my favorite FanFiction writers has decided to quit, saying that he has lost interest in writing FanFiction as it is no longer fun for him. Any of you who have enjoyed reading Dr. ForgottonFables's works before, I am happy to say that a good deal of his stories has inspired me with some of the stories that I have planned. He had a large number of Danny Phantom crossovers on his account that had brilliant ideas, yet he never really expanded on them, so I am happy to inform you all that in a way some of stories will be acting as spiritual successors. The Young Justice story I have planned was inspired by his short introduction so when it goes up you will see some similarities. Other ideas that he inspired me with were (keep in mind that these are all Danny Phantom crossovers): Rosario Vampire, Familiar Of Zero and Sky High. So I'll certainly miss his writing.

Next order of business is that I'd like to ask everyone's opinions as to the new sporadicness of every story that is jumping around my brain. As I said before I won't try to abandon any story that I start and so long as people find it interesting, I'd love to try to continue it.

When it comes to the reviews that all of you wonderful people leave on my chapters, I only ask that you tell me what you loved most about that chapter as it enables me to improve my writing, as that is one of the reasons that I'm writing FanFiction, to improve.