I am so sorry this took me a while to write when the chapter is so short. Thank you so much for being patient with me and sticking with this story. I feel super bad that I haven't updated in such a long time but I've experienced a really bad writers block with this story. This chapter is more nalu-centric since I got a review asking for more nalu stuff so consider this an apology for a lack of updates.

"Great this bitch," I heard Gajeel mutter and I laughed while Wendy, Evelyn, Sting, and Rogue were fighting back their chuckles.

"We're just practicing our magic," Erza informed. She would try her best to make sure no one got into a fight. Even though Makarov had said that we were forbidden to go to any of her punishments after what happened to Lucy, which I was still angry about, Harry had told us how she now had control over punishments and detentions. "We have permission from our guild master to do so as needed. Seeing as we haven't trained in a while we figured a weekend would be better than a school day." Umbridge paused before talking.

"I disagree. There should be no violence in schools. Now as for punishment—"

"What the hell?" I yelled and everyone sighed. "So carving words into peoples' skin isn't considered violent? Lucy was bleeding when she came back from your 'detention' and if it weren't for Erza and our guild master I would have burnt you into ashes for even thinking of laying a finger on any of my friends!" I was pissed to say the least.

"Detention Mr. Dragneel," she sang and I scoffed.

"I'm not going to your detention," I retorted. "You can't make me."

"I can't? What if," she reached out and grabbed Evelyn's wrist, "your sister's safety was at risk?" My blood ran cold. My sister was shaking her head, mentally telling me not to play into her hands, but it was hard not to. So, so hard. Regardless, I set myself on fire and I saw the toad's grip tighten.

"You even think about hurting her, and I will burn you from the inside out," I growled. I felt the other dragon slayers tense and they got ready for a fight. Evelyn took matters into her own hands by lighting her wrist on fire. When Umbridge yelped in pain and released her, Evelyn sprinted back over to us and placed herself behind me. I sensed more Sting place a hand on her shoulder but I didn't pay attention to it. I knew Evelyn saw him as an older brother and he treated her like the little sister he didn't have.

"Natsu, Evie's fine. Just let it go for now," Erza advised and I reluctantly put out my flames.

"You come near her again and I will destroy you," I snarled. "I don't care if you are important to the Ministry or whatever. I could obliterate you, any of us could. So you better stay away from us!" I ended my rant only when I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder.

"Natsu," Lucy warned and I listened. Reluctantly but I listened. I shook off her hand and stormed off to the Forbidden Forest, the one place we hadn't explored yet. It was the one place where I could burn and fight without getting in too much trouble. Even in broad daylight the forest was dark but I just set my hand on fire. With a roar I slammed my fist into a tree, making it creak and groan as it fell over. Unfortunately the destruction of one tree wasn't enough to curb my anger and frustration. I needed to fight something, I didn't particularly care who. A twig snapped behind me but I didn't bother turning my head. I caught Lucy's scent as soon as she entered the forest.

"I've never wanted to kill anyone this much," I stated as I turned around to face her. "Except maybe Future Rogue or the hunters who took Evie, but they deserved it." She didn't say anything for a moment before she finally spoke.

"I can't imagine how difficult that must be," she murmured. "But you need to control yourself, she has a lot of authority and while I'm sure you could overpower her in a fight," I scoffed at that, "you can't. We need to play by the rules. I think you made your point though; she won't try anything again for a while." Just like that all of the tension melted out of body and my shoulders sagged. We stood there in silence but it wasn't awkward. It was more comforting than anything else. She sighed and took my hand. "C'mon, dinner's going to start soon and I don't want you eating the fire in the common room again." I grinned.

"But Luce, the fire tasted so good," I whined. Lucy cast me a withering look before we picked our way through the tangle of trees and gnarled roots back into daylight. When we emerged from the darkness, I noticed that the crowd of people that had been watching us had dispersed, most likely to go spread rumors and go to dinner. Absentmindedly I realized that Lucy and I were still holding hands so I just squeezed her hand. Lucy looked down and blushed but she didn't let go.