AN: Woot! My first actual long fic that I've posted! This's gonna be a big one guys, I've got 144 pages typed already and I don't think I'll be stopping soon. So important things: I'll try to be brief at my beginning of chapter ANs, and the ones that you actually need to read I'll bold so you don't have to read my crap. I'll update this at least once a week. Also, at the end of most (if not all) chapters I'll have a bit of trivia pertaining to this story, some of them are just things I find funny, but others will actually give you some insight into the character's motives and actions, and all will be pretty short so I suggest you read them!

Before anyone asks, I genderflipped the four people I genderflipped not simply because I'm a bigot who doesn't want romance between guys, but because I think it's a lot funnier this way. Also, when I say there's romance, I mean that I don't write romance so there will be mentions of maybe someone dating and two chapters later you'll be like "the heck? Why wasn't that a bigger plot point?" Now you know.

12/14/15-VERY IMPORTANT: It's been pointed out to me that this fic is suspiciously similar to another called "angel undercover". I'm sorry for the strange similarities, but until I was told I hadn't even heard about this other fanfiction, much less read it. But since it had been pointed out, I would like you all to know that I've had my beta (aka my sister) read this other story (I try not to read from a fandom I'm actively writing in) and I can tell you my story is going a completely different direction. Sorry for the weirdness, I didn't realize something so similar had already been posted...

This message is also posted on chapter 4, because it was between three and four that I was informed of these similarities.

And as a side note, I don't own and never will own any of the things I write fanfiction about because if I did I'd be riding around on my luxury yacht, not wasting my time embarrassing myself.

So, ladies and gentlemen, Undercover Chapter 1!

"Aha! I play my red eyes!" Joey yelled, slamming the card enthusiastically onto the table. She really thought she had Yugi this time; she had never been this close before. Her much smaller friend smiled at her.

"Nice move, Joey. I'll play my dark magician," immediately, Joey knew she was in for it. Whenever Yugi pulled out her dark magician, it spelled doom to whoever she was playing against. Not to mention that Yugi's ace monster wasn't even her most powerful and it still had 100 more attack points than Joey's ace monster which was her most powerful. So, in short, she knew she was screwed. Royally. "And attack your red eyes black dragon with dark magic attack, which brings your life points down to zero."

"Ah, not again!" Joey yelled, jumping to her feet, only to fall over anime-style in exasperation.

"Sorry Joey," Yugi said with an apologetic smile, but she knew Joey would have hated to win if she wasn't doing her best. "You're doing a lot better. Do you want to play again?" She asked, holding up her deck of cards. Joey jumped up immediately, her short blond hair bouncing as her whole face turned determined.

"You're on, Yuug!" She shouted, going to grab her deck. Right then, the little bell over the door rang as someone walked into the shop. Yugi jumped nervously as she immediately shoved their desks back behind the counter and Joey pushed the game board off the table, causing it to clatter to the floor. Then she and Yugi stood straight and looked innocently towards the door.

It wasn't exactly illegal, but it was kind of taboo and definitely frowned upon for Hikaris to play such an offensive game as duel monsters, seeing as they were stereotypically weak, prim, proper, and not even capable of thinking about injuring anything. It would make sense, as they were the light part of the soul.

There were two girls standing in the door, one laughing and the other only smiling slightly. The one laughing was obviously of Egyptian decent, with her darker skin and light blond hair. The other looked almost like an angel, pale skin and white hair, not to mention a face as innocent as Yugi's. Yugi sighed in relief, but Joey glared.

"Dang it, Malik! You scared the crap outta me!" She shouted, stomping back behind the counter to pick up the cards that had been scattered when she threw them back. "I thought you were a Yami or somethin'!" Everything that a Hikari was supposed to be, a Yami wasn't. Yamis were people with only the dark part of a soul and they were the more… manly, for lack of a better word, of the two. They were more rambunctious, angrier, less caring, etc. The girl with white hair immediately looked more worried than amused now.

"Maybe you two should be more careful about where you play; anyone could have seen you and the Yamis already don't like Joey," she said quietly. Joey scoffed. She was obviously talking about how Yamis had a hobby of trying to attack Joey, just because she acted more like one of them than a Hikari. It was true too: Ryo, Yugi, and Malik were all Hikaris and they were fairly popular because they fit their mold at least well enough. Ryo was the perfect Hikari, and Yugi's only downfall was liking duel monsters. Malik was a bit more like a normal (someone with both dark and light in their souls) than a Hikari, but that was tolerable.

Joey was a different story entirely. She got in fights, took down almost all the Yamis in the town at least once, and almost never held her tongue. She was outspoken and wouldn't hesitate to insult. This made her hated by Yamis, as no Yami wanted to admit to being defeated by a Hikari, and Hikaris alike because she was giving Hikaris a bad name. Most normals also didn't like her because she could (and used to) beat them up too. No one likes a Hikari with attitude.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me, Yuug, did gramps talk to you about duelin' yet?" She asked with a grin. Yugi, for her part, didn't look half as excited. Rather nervous, and very shifty.

"Um, yes…" She muttered, not seeming too keen to talk about it as her eyes darted around from under her blond bangs to make sure no one was there. Her hands were busy twisting the purple tips of her long black hair. Malik and Ryo looked at them in interest.

"And?" Joey prompted with a huge grin, the opposite of Yugi at the moment.

"W-well, I'm not sure…" Yugi muttered. "I mean… How would we cover our marks?" Yugi glanced at Joey's long sleeves, which were covering most of the green tattoo-like designs that she had on both forearms. They had been there since she was born, just as Yugi and Malik's purple ones, and Ryo's blue ones. The colors of the tattoos had told their parents that they were Hikaris and would instantly give them away as such if they tried to duel. Every Hikari and Yami had tattoos on either one or both forearms, Hikaris were calming colors while Yamis were the colors of fire, like red and orange.

"What are you two talking about?" Malik asked finally, tired of not knowing what was going on.

"Um, you see-" Yugi started, but Joey cut her off.

"Yuug and I are gonna go to one a' them duelin' schools. You wanna come? I bet gramps can get you in…" She said, grinning. All she would have to do was get Malik to say yes, because then Ryo would follow her friends into anything.

"You're kidding, right?" Malik asked flatly, obviously not impressed with the tallest of their group. "Yugi has a point; no dueling school would accept a Hikari, much less four."

"I don't think this is a good idea… What if you get caught? Kaibacorp could just… take you away." Ryo whispered, wide-eyed. All four girls sobered up at that. They knew that Ryo's dad had been part of the resistance, a major leader in fact. But that was before he was caught. And when he was, he was taken away and never returned. Joey opened her mouth, perhaps about to impart one of her rare moments of Hikari wisdom, but was interrupted by Yugi's grandfather running into the room.

"Joey, the letters arrived!" He grinned, running over to the tall girl and giving her four letters.

"Thanks, gramps!" She laughed, grabbing the letters and trying to shove them into her denim jacket before any of the others saw the well-known seal. Sadly, Yugi caught a glimpse and recognized it almost instantly. She had dreamed of going there for years.

"Joey, those letters were from the Dueling Academy! They only accept male Yami!" Yugi gasped, causing Joey to laugh nervously while running a hand through her hair.

"What? Yuug, why would I have letters from there? Much less four!" Malik's eyes widened in realization before narrowing in anger.

"JOSEPHINE KATSUMI WHEELER, YOU ADMITTED US ALL TO THE DUELING ACADEMY!" Malik roared, realizing what had happened before the other two. Joey jumped back, torn between yelling back for the use of her real name or hiding behind Yugi because no one would dare hurt her (either for her innocence or the simple fact Joey wouldn't hesitate to murder whoever did it). So she settled on flinching and letting out a few nervous giggles.

"Joey, did you think this through at all?" Yugi sighed. She really did appreciate all that Joey had done just because Yugi loved dueling, and she had no doubt that was why Joey had done it, but sometimes she really didn't think things through.

"Actually, I did." Joey grinned, quite pleased that she had done something right. "Gramps pulled some strings and we all got accepted," she said, pulling out the four letters with a smug grin, "and Ishizu's gonna come over and work some magic-"

"You told my sister about this?!" Malik snarled. This time, Joey did duck slightly behind Yugi, even though she was eight inches taller than her smaller friend's 5 foot frame. It wasn't often that Malik got angry enough to yell at anyone, especially her friends, but when she did she was absolutely terrifying.

"Heh heh, calm down Malik, I got us into the top academy anywhere didn't I? We just need ta see when we start…" She said, grinning to try and calm her down. "It's not like your sister can actually turn us inta boys, she'll just make it look like it…" Despite what Ishizu and Malik said, Joey didn't believe that Ishizu could really do magic.

"You never know…" Malik muttered, sighing in defeat. But she didn't press the issue; when Joey set her mind to something no one could stop her.

Like it or not, they were all going to the academy.

Interesting factoid 1: The denim jacket Joey always wears is important (and she does wear it almost always, if she's not in the uniform you can assume she has her denim jacket on unless I specify otherwise). She wore a leather one when she was in the gang and the denim was a kind of symbolic graduation from the life she had.