Disclaimer: Lucky Star and its characters belong to Kagami Yoshimizu. GrimGrave owns nothing and makes no money out of writing fiction.

Kagami Hiiragi's Love Escapades

Chapter 3 – Troublesome Tuesday

Hiyori had gotten home safely after hanging out with her friends. After a hasty bath, she had been stuck to her desk, drawing like she was possessed; normally, she would be proud of her work and her own ideas, but this time, something was off.

´N-no way…´ Hiyori thought in shock. ´Why… Why did it turn out like this?!´ She stared down at her papers spread over the desk, and even on the floor around her. She lost count of the sheets of paper she had used for drawing after twenty-something-or-other.

´This just can't be… I had hoped it wouldn't be something serious, but… ALL MY DRAWINGS SO FAR HAVE BEEN OF KAGAMI-SENPAI! You're going too far, Hiyori! There are drawings of her in a kimono, western Victorian dresses, cosplay costumes..!´

The young artist panicked, until her wandering gaze stopped at one of the drawings to her right; she had depicted Kagami as a prince, wearing white clothes and gloves while smiling heart-warmingly. Grabbing the drawing and held it up close, the brunette couldn't help but smile back.

"Senpai sure is cute when she smiles like that…" She sighed to herself. Soon after, images began forming in her head, thought that were different than those she usually conjured. While imagining girls was common for her inspiration, this imagination featured herself as well, together with Kagami; they were in her room, together. Just the two of them.

Hiyori gasped quietly. She was surprised at what her brain was doing, but before she could stop it, the images took a turn that surprised her even more.

She imagined Kagami was inching closer, smiling as warmly as ever. The lilac-haired girl stretched out a hand and caressed Hiyori´s face gently, before slowly planting a soft kiss on her cheek. She kept it up as her other hand snaked down towards the small, soft chest and gently squeezed, making Hiyori gasp and moan.

In reality, Hiyori blushed furiously, but she was too caught up in her daydream to care. Her mind was betraying her, but she felt like she didn't want it to stop. She wasn't aware of what she was doing until she strayed past a small triangle of hair. She gasped and looked down, ashamed of what she was doing, but temptation urged her on – urging her to go that last mile.

With only a few seconds of hesitation, she continued and brushed against her sweet bundle of nerves. Hiyori had read about this on both the internet and the biology books, but she had never engaged in sexual activities until now.

Kagami, in her mind, was now kissing her openly while her hand roamed over the artist's chest and lower body. The feeling eventually became too much for the doujin artist; biting her lower lip to keep quiet, she quivered and silently rode out her orgasm. As she came down from her high, she glanced over at her drawing, and sighed contently.

´What… What was that…? It was so sudden, I don't even… Could it be that...?´ She sneered. ´My my, looks like my own work is rubbing off on me. Or something.´

Hiyori giggled as she wiped her fingers with a napkin.

´I'm still not a 100% sure, so it looks like I need some... Further investigation... Yes, some investigation sure is needed. ~ Who would've thought? I mean, it could work.´

"Fuh fuh fuh.. If it all ends up the way I think it will… Oh my… Fuh fuh, just you wait, my sweet Kagami-chan~"


"I'm home..." Minami said in her usual monotone as she stepped inside. Her dog – affectionately named Cherry – ran up to her, wagging its tail and nuzzled the girl's leg. She bent down slightly and gently patted him before heading for her room. The moment she closed the door and stumbled into bed, she smiled to herself.

"I guess I made a new friend today..."

Minami replayed the night's memories in her head over and over. She had enjoyed hanging out with her friends – as usual - but having Kagami join them had proven to be a great idea, and getting to know her had been just as pleasant. Naturally, her upperclassman's bust size, while normal, was still causing the mint-green haired youth to sulk over her own, but she got over it. Eventually. Possibly.

She kept thinking about the purplette's smile: Minami had kept stealing glances of it, even to the point that she missed out on the conversations.

Her heart began to beat faster. Her head felt like it was spinning, and her face became hot. Her face was still heating up, and her heart kept on beating at an accelerating rate.

"Am I... sick..?" She lay down on the bed and stared absentmindedly at the ceiling. "…Kagami-senpai…"

What was it about the older girl that had her occupy Minami's mind? She pondered for what felt like hours, but found no answer. She only remembered the kindness the purplette had showed, her beautiful smile that was so warm and inviting, and the feeling of safety Kagami had around her.

Her face was still warm. Minami fanned herself, but the heat wouldn't go away, nor would her heart cease its rapid beating. She was tired and wished to sleep, but with Kagami fresh on her mind…

"…Maybe I can think about her a little longer…"


Tuesday morning.

Nanako chuckled to herself. Today would be a good day; she was clean and dressed in fresh new clothes, she had had her morning coffee, and to top it all off, she had a new perfume. Bought yesterday, the flaxen-haired teacher had looked forward to use it the minute she bought it.

"It'll suit a sophisticated, sexy woman like me, if I do say so," she proudly stated. Her expression shifted however, as she looked back into her bathroom mirror. "My co-workers would have me fired if they knew… After all; no matter the circumstances, a teacher and a student shouldn't get involved like this."

Nanako sighed.

"Kagami Hiiragi… Please, forgive me."

She applied the perfume – a sweet, flowery and fruity scent with a hint of something she couldn't quite put her finger on – and headed out to the front door. Her portfolio was packed, she put on her wine-red jacket, and left.

´Kagami won't know what hit her when I'm done,´ she mused as she turned on the engine to her car.


"…So I rummaged through my room and I came across this un-opened Pocky box! I'm sure it would help Kagamin cheer up! She loves Pocky after all!" Konata exclaimed.

Miyuki, meanwhile, didn't know what to say. Granted, the idea was good, but giving someone something that just happened to be lying around was…well, anything but thoughtful. "Konata-san, if you're going to present sweets to Kagami-chan, you might want to not mention her weight, and perhaps buy something from the store, or even a bakery. A friendly tease is all fun until the other person starts take it personal."

"Of course I won't!" Konata responded loudly. "…But for the sake of my safety, maybe you should give them to her…"

Miyuki giggled softly. "We can present it as a gift from both of us. I'm afraid I don't have time to get one myself before classes today."

"Mhm, mhm! No problems, we can do that! I'll meet you at the lockers then, Yuki-chan~!"

"Oh w-wait ,Konata-san!" Miyuki interrupted. "I've got a favour to ask you, if you would be so kind and listen."

"Alright, do tell!" the bluette replied.

"With all due respect, don't call me so early again, unless it's urgent..." Miyuki let out a yawn as if to further her statement, making Konata laugh nervously in turn, scratching her cheek sheepishly.

Konata laughed nervously. "Y-yeah. Got it. See you later!"


"…so I was thinking of having the bento consist of pickled vegetables, and spiced meat with perfectly salted rice –"

"No!" Misao interrupted. "I-I kinda planned on making onigiri... So I contribute as well!"

Ayano laughed softly. "That's very sweet of you, Misa-chan, but I think I might as well make the rice in addition to –"

"But it won't be fair if you make everything, Aya-chan! It would look like I was just leeching off you..."

´So that's what you're worried about…´ Ayano thought. "Of course not, Misa-chan, you're being silly. But tell you what, you make the onigiri, I'll fix the vegetables and the meat, and we can present it as one when we meet up later," she suggested.

"Aya-chan, thank you thank you thank you!" Misao shouted with joy, and understandably so; she wasn't much of a cook.

"With that settled, I'm afraid we need to hang up now, or I won't be able to make it since I need to cook and all..."

"Oh, yes of course! Me too! I'll see you later then Aya-chan!"

"Yes, take care. And good luck!"

"You too!"



The purplette stirred as sunlight filtered through her window. She blinked as she adjusted to the morning light and groaned.

´Morning already, huh... I really, really don't feel like getting up for school today... But if I stay home, Inori will –´

Kagami tensed up; last night's memories came back to her and she buried her face in the pillow.

Her own sister loved her beyond measure, and teacher had the hots for her, and her friends were arguing with each other. But above all else, Inori had stolen her first kiss.

´It just… It just can't be real! It has to be a dream!

Kagami sighed. She cast a glance towards her mirror; looking back at her was a frustrated, hopeless young girl who was confused over her own sexuality at this point, and about her feelings. Nothing made sense anymore.

"Who am I..?" she queried.

Kagami slapped her cheeks. Awake, she headed for the bathroom as she practically dragged her feet after her, hoping that she wouldn't meet Inori on the way.

Upon reaching the bathroom, however, it turned out to be occupied.

She sighed. Just her luck; this was to be expected when you lived in a family of six. Kagami was about to head back to her room when the door clicked open and the girl spun back around –

The young girl blanched. She found herself looking righto into dark violet eyes.

Inori, her hair wet from the shower and dressed in fresh clothes, managed a smile and waved a little.

"Good morning, sister… You look tired Kagami-chan..." Inori´s honeyed voice made her little sister's heart race; she could feel her own cheeks heat up by the second. "If only you'd shown up earlier, I would've gladly helped you start your day..."

The younger sibling averted her gaze. This was horrible, embarrassing even. Inori probably thought it was cute to see her like this.

"Did you sleep well?" Inori asked.

Kagami couldn't speak and opted to simply nod, though that was far from the truth.

Her sister cupped Kagami´s face and giggled at her blushed expression. She was close enough to steal a kiss if she so wanted. "Another time I suppose… There'll be a lot of opportunities for us to truly bond, my darling little sister~ But, I am a patient woman; I'll wait as long as I need to."

The older woman winked and left her sister flabbergasted in front of the bathroom. Her mind rendered blank, Kagami went inside and closed the door.

Her heart wouldn't stop racing.

"This… isn't right. Why didn't I resist when she grabbed me like that? She... touched me again. And I let her do it…"

Her eyes welled up. She slumped down on the floor and hugged her knees, confused and angry.

"Why didn't I do anything…?!"

Finding no satisfying answer, the purplette took a much needed shower. The warm stream cascading down her back was soothing in a way and, if anything, hid her tears.

She didn't like this. And yet, deep, deep in the back of her mind, a part of her actually enjoyed it –


Kagami quickly perished the thought. It had happened against her will, by her sister nonetheless! They were both girls – girls related by blood! How much more wrong could it get?!

Kagami shuddered, despite the hot water.

She needed to get Inori out of her head for now and think of what to do next; should she tell her family? It would be mortifying, and the police would get involved and be all over the media! Her family could potentially end up in a bad light, too!

Could she ask anonymously on the internet for help? That could work… but then again, who would take her seriously? Or rather, would anyone give her serious answers?

Kagami sighed and stepped out of the shower. She got dressed and left the room, duelling with these unpleasant thoughts. One day at a time, she thought. Inori couldn't harass her at school, and their parents would be home when she got back. If she just could figure out a way to lock her door at night –

An arm snaked around her waist from behind and pulled the younger girl close. Kagami yelped and tried to move away, but it was of no use.

A soft purr emitted behind her. "You smell like summer berries, my darling sister," Inori said, nuzzling Kagami's long, lilac hair. "I adore this scent…"

"S-sis..! W-why…!"

"Why?" The older woman sounded genuinely surprised. "I couldn't possibly ignore you, when you looked so terrible earlier. Didn't sleep well?" The dark purple-haired sibling stated casually, smiling sweetly as ever.

´Don't smile like that at me…!´ the younger girl thought. ´Not after everything you've done! Don't smile like you care…!´

This had to be a cruel joke. Why was she feeling warm and embarrassed like this?

"…. I need breakfast." Was all Kagami could say before dashing down the stairs, into the kitchen, leaving Inori on top of the stairs, giggling as if nothing had happened.

´You'll soon open up for me, Kagami…I'll wait for as long as I need for it to happen.´

"Good morning, sis!" Tsukasa, the younger twin greeted cheerfully as her older twin entered the kitchen. "Sis, are you feeling well? Your face looks red, did you catch a fever?" Tsukasa immediately got up from her seat and walked over to her sister, placing a palm on said sister's forehead.

Kagami lightly pushed it away. "N-no, I'm alright, Tsukasa... I guess I'm just stressed over homework and the like. Really, everything is fine."

Being the airhead Tsukasa was, she smiled and nodded. Her expression turned to horror, however, and she suddenly shrieked. "I forgot about my homework! Oh no oh no oh no!"

She continued almost shouting, resulting that she ran up to her room, leaving Kagami alone to eat breakfast. Their parents both had to leave early for their work and Matsuri, the middle child of the family, was still asleep.

Kagami sighed to herself as she ate her breakfast that Tsukasa had made, getting lost in thoughts.

´And here I thought I wouldn't let Inori-oneesan advance on me… I need to stay alert. I mean, she even managed to walk up behind me! I should've noticed her! Who knows how long she intends to keep this up... Until I give in..? NO! I won't! It's wrong, unacceptable! Despite how great it felt, I can't allow myself to –´

Kagami paled.

´W-wait..! ´despite how great it felt´..? Did I just think that?!´

Troubled, the older twin absentmindedly ate her breakfast. Not that it tasted any good, though. She soon lost her appetite from worrying about her sister, and Kagami got up and made herself ready for school.

´I just don't fricking get it!´

"Hey,Tsukasa! Hurry up, we need to get going or else we'll miss the train!" Kagami shouted.

"H-hang on, I just-! Eeeek! Where's my math papers?!" Tsukasa shouted back from her room.

´And this is why you start on your homework right away,´ the older twin remarked as she waited by the door, annoyed. She wanted to leave as soon as possible.

She opened the front door and stepped outside to get some air while she waited. The sky was rather clear with few clouds scattered. Car noises could be heard in the distance and the cicadas' cries was ever present. She took a deep breath of the fresh outdoors, and she could've sworn she was already feeling better. That is, until she felt a presence behind her that she assumed was Tsukasa.

"Finally found your papers, Tsukas –"

Someone tightly embraced her from behind.

"Aww, leaving already, Kagami-chan? I'll miss you..." Inori whispered as she hugged the younger girl from behind the second time today, but unlike last time, her other hand had found its way south, currently squeezing Kagami´s butt gently yet firmly.

Kagami could do nothing but stand there, getting groped by her older sister, her eyes widened, her body tense. She wanted to shout, scream for help, but no sound came.

As Inori hugged her tightly, groping her butt lovingly, Kagami wanted to struggle a lot more, but she remained motionless, only able to let out one quiet moan, which Inori undoubtedly heard.

Then finally, her sister smiled at her and stopped, but not before pecking Kagami on the cheek. Then she stepped back.

"Call it a one-time favour… for today. I'm so sorry Kagami-chan, but you're just so cute..."

Kagami slowly turned around, staring at her sister. Her cheeks were tomato-red, just like Inori's. She said nothing – only stared with mild contempt and insecurity – until Tsukasa arrived, in which both of the twins began to be on their way. With one last glance at her elder sibling who was still staring at her lovingly and sweetly, Kagami managed to get three words past her lips.

"…See you later."

She didn't get it – she didn't get this at all.


"This better not happen again, Tsukasa…" the older twin stated, exhausted from their sprint to the train. "Please, make sure you at least have your papers and other school material ready in the future!"

Tsukasa winced. "Eeheheh... I guess I completely forgot about it yesterday, sorry..."

With a small smile, Kagami patted her sister on the shoulder. "Good."

Her smile disappeared shortly after though, as she thought back on just a few minutes earlier. It was all surreal to her, and the mere thought of how Inori's touch had affected her… in the wrong way.

It had been rough, yet oddly warm. Possessive, in an adult kind of way, as if her sister had marked her to show everyone whom she belonged to.

She shivered. The train began moving. It was only a few minutes later a small dot of blue began to rush through the small crowd of people on-board, until it almost jumped right on top of the purplette.

"Kagamiiiiiinn~! I was so worried; I thought you were going to miss the train!" Konata exclaimed, to the point of annoying of some of the passengers. Kagami tried to shake and push her otaku-friend off her while Tsukasa only stared at them, giggling.

"G-get off..! And yes, we almost missed the train b-but that's another story… Get off! Why are you so clingy?!" Kagami chastised.

Konata simply grinned sheepishly. "Because you're just too adorable~"

The older twin tensed. "…What did you say..?"

"Hm? I said I'm clingy because you're too adorable ~"

But you're just so cute…

You're just too adorable..



´She sound like big sister! No, it can't be that –´ Kagami ceased thinking any further on that. It was just a coincident, after all. Konata always says embarrassing things like that!

The purplette kept to herself for the remainder of the trip. Konata eventually stopped hugging Kagami, who remained silent for the rest of the way, unaware of her friend's hungry looks she sent her every now and then when not talking to Tsukasa.

Arriving at the schoolyard with few minutes to spare, Kagami and co. met up with Miyuki, chatting as usual with the exception of the pigtailed purplette, who remained less talkative. When they got to the lockers, Konata and Miyuki said they needed some private talk, and eventually Tsukasa and Kagami went separate ways as well.

´I wish this was just a bad dream,´ the young girl thought bitterly. ´I'm safe here for now, but the second school is over, I have to meet Inori…´

Then it hit her.

´…What subject do I have on Tuesday mornings?´ Kagami pulled out her schedule from her schoolbag, slowly unfolding it. She dared not look at it, but slowly she lifted the paper up for her to see. She blanched.

World History.

"Kuroi-sensei... Crud. N-no, wait! She can't possibly do anything in class! Y-yeah! I'll be fine, as long as –" She paused. "As long as I don't get in some sort of trouble to get a detention again..." She pinched the bridge of her nose, sighing.

"I should've stayed at home; then I could figure out how to lock my door."

Having almost reached her homeroom, Kagami noticed Misao and Ayano further down the hall, and she beamed.

´Oh thank god! Someone I can talk to!´

"Good morning, Hiiragi-chan!" Ayano greeted, smiling as brightly as ever.

"Yo! Morning Hiiragi!" Misao added shortly after. Odd as the two could be sometimes, thepurplette knew that they had her back, and she was fortunate to have them as friends. However –

"Good morning, you two! Look, I'm sorry about yesterday –"

"Don't worry about it!" Misao and Ayano said simultaneously, followed by Ayano alone who moved towards Kagami, grasping her hands gently. "Really, no need to worry about it! Regardless of what happened, if you felt you needed some time alone, then naturally we've to respect that! However, you left me and Misa-chan worried, so we decided to cheer you up! Right, Misa-chan?" The apricot-haired girl turned to Misao who smiled widely and showed a large furoshiki cloth she held in front of her.

"That," Ayano pointed at it. "Is a special bento we made just to cheer you up. We're here for you if you wish to talk about what's been troubling you too." The orange haired girl spoke softly as she still caressed her classmate's hands, staring intently, but lovingly into the lavender eyes.

Misao appeared next to her, hugging her from the side, her arms gently wrapped around Kagami´s waist. "We're here for you, Hiiragi!" they said simultaneously once more.

The pigtailed girl finally smiled genuinely. God bless these oddballs of hers.

"Thank you... Really, you've no idea of just what's been going on… I can't tell you, but thanks for the offer nonetheless."

´I can't possibly tell them… can I?´

"Why are you girls standing out here?" someone said, and the trio quickly turned to see their teacher, Nanako, behind them.

Kagami shivered. Her poor heart wouldn't stop racing.

The blonde eyed her and flashed a grin – a predatory grin that served as a reminder of what she could do, should the two of them end up alone again.

"Class is about to start, you know."

"S-sorry, Kuroi-sensei!" Misao blurted out. She grabbed her friends by their wrists and hurried into the classroom, their teacher calmly walking right behind them.

´So close, yet far away huh? Endure it just a little more, Nanako. Upon lunch break, the first step will be easy. And then, after class… oh, Kagami-chan…´ the blonde mused, her gaze continuously straying back over to the pigtailed student.

There it was again: that possessiveness, just like with Inori. The look in Kuroi-sensei's eyes, however brief, was that of wanton, and a tingling sensation ran up the purplette's spine.

Try as she might to stare down into her books, Kagami could still feel her teacher's gaze upon her.

´I just KNOW she's up to something! Damn it..! I don't even know how I will react if she actually does pull something! No! Stop it, Kagami. Pull yourself together – Focus on the task at hand, and everything will be fine. Just. Don't. Panic.´

With a deep sigh, Kagami grabbed her pen and started taking notes. She wouldn't throw in the towel so easily; she had to show that she wasn't going to be intimidated by the older woman. She scribbled down as much as possible –

"Oh? Working hard as usual, huh, Hiiragi?"

Startled and embarrassed, Kagami tensed as she jerked her head up to face her teacher. "Y-Yeah I g-guess!" she replied, her voice faltering and earning her a few snickers from across the room.

Nanako smirked. "That's good. Keep it up, hard work always rewards you!" While Nanako turned back to the board, Kagami was baffled.

Was she seriously the only one who had heard how Kuroi-sensei had said "rewards" so erotically? It had practically rolled off her honeyed tongue! That seemed to be the case because no one else looked like anything had happened. Or was she starting to imagine things?

With little choice, her confidence was lost as she simply wrote down less than usual. She didn't want to get any more attention. This Tuesday was already as surreal and troublesome as it could be.