AN: This is an Anastasia movie inspired fanfiction. I saw someone requested this in Tumblr and I was like " Why not? I love Clintasha and the movie! Plus it would be so cute! First and foremost I dont speak Russia,n I'll probably go to google translate all the time. Im not a pro writer or anything. So comment and review! Enjoy!

1916 Petesburg, Russia

"Grandmama! Don't let go!" Ten year old Anastasia pleaded as she held tightly on her Grandmother's hand. Her eyes filled with tears, her heart was beating furiously with fear and her whole body shivered as she tried to trudge on snow.

"Anastasia!"Her poor grandmother pleaded as tried her best to not let go of her granddaughter's hand but because of the heavy snow and the train was getting faster and faster. And because of her old age, she was weak and wasn't able to pull Anastasia to the train causing her to let go of Anastasia's hand.

The Russian princess fell to the cold ground and hit her head, her grandmother's voice calling out her name with anguish started to fade and her grandmother's figure got further away.

And everything went black.

1926 (Present day)

Clint Francis Barton, alias Clinton Dimitri Bessanov was becoming more impatient as each seconds pass by and he was known to be patient all his life. His older brother seem to be noticing too, that Clint was getting frustrated. He would be too, all in honesty. This was the 200th audition that they've had the whole day in the old abandoned theater and the 900th in all three days and they still could not find the perfect Russian Princess to present to the Duchess.

"Damn this, Barney! Let's just go home!" Clint hissed at Barney quietly enough so that the Russians could not hear them. If they find out that they're not Russians, they might go to prison or worse be sentenced to death.

"Patience, little hawk. We'll find our princess." Barney calmly said and Clint rolled his eyes at the nickname which was given to him by his mother. It used to be Barney's way of annoying Clint but now its just an endearment he uses ever since their mother passed away.

"Grandma, it's me! Anastasia!" a middle aged man who was covered in cheap face make up and was dressed in a thick fur coat, stripped infront of them leaving him in a lingerie leaving the coat on the floor. Clint inwardly groaned at the painful sight and wanted to bang his head on this table."

"Da! Spasibo. sleduyushchiy, pozhaluysta (Yes, thank you! Next please!)"Clint said in his perfect Russian. Even a Russian born person wont be able to detect any accent from Clint's part. He learnt the language by heart and by reading books and of course listening to Russians. And he loves to quietly observes his surroundings, he wasn't called "Hawkeye" for no reason. During their 3 month stay in Russia, he was able to pick up the way the Russians talk with their intonations and even mannerisms and culture.

The two brothers decided to call it a night and headed back to their rusty old hostel room. Clint immediately took out a bucket of hot water and placed his feet into the water and he relaxed once his cold feet felt the heat from the water. Since it was Winter, it was another cold night in Russia and Clint cannot stand that cold weather. How Russians were able to handle the cold, he would never know. Clint was used to the summer heat in Iowa in a farm where he grew up. He'd lay down in a hammock by the barn and he'd just lay there and watch the chickens or dogs run around the field. Though, there were painful memories, there were certainly good ones. Weather being one of them.

"Remind me, why are we doing this again?" Clint asked as he enjoyed the heat from the hot water.

"Because we are in dire need of money and the old duchess will give us a whole lot for her granddaughter." His brother said nonchalantly and laid down on the bed.

"But Barney, we're not even sure if the girl we're looking for is in Russia or worst be alive. We have zero to one chance of finding her." Clint reasoned out.

It was all Barney's idea to travel to Russia to find the lost Russian princess and to give her back to the duchess who is more than willing to give a whole sum of money for her. The two brothers needed an escape from their abusive father and left to join the circus much to Clint's protests. But nevertheless he enjoyed it, he found his love for archery during his time in the circus. He began to love it but unfortunately Barney felt as if it wasn't enough so once he found out about the Russian princess, he jumped at the opportunity, took all their savings to find the princess. Barney is the only family he has, so he had no choice but to follow and dare he'd tell his brother that he loves him. They're family, they're supposed to look after one another.

"We don't need to look for the actual princess, Clint. We're just going to find someone who is going to pretend to be her. We'll split the money with the con and we haul our asses back to America and be rich men who drowns in money and gold!" Barney grinned, obviously proud of himself and his cunning idea "You're not even worried that we might get caught? We're not exactly in a country where we're welcomed.

"Don't fret, my dear brother. We are not going to get caught, trust me on this one."Barney rolled his eyes. Sometimes he wonders if Clint was a coward.

"Now when you're done. Throw the water. Get to bed because we've got more fake Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanova to meet tomorrow."

"Whatever, Barney." He muttered.

please review! :)