A.N.: Well, writing an epilogue to this story turned out waaaay harder than I was expecting it to be. Apparently I'm a lot better at the pre-romance stuff. Anyway. This is soort of the epilogue to Unforeseen Consequences, but it's also kind of a bridge to the sequel (which in hindsight was always going to happen). I'm not sure when I'll start posting that yet - I don't have it all that fleshed out in my head at the moment, so it could be a bit of a wait. So far I only really have the two earlier tries I made at writing this epilogue, which fit much better as parts of a chapter than a "round things off" section. The result is that the epilogue is indeed pretty short, but it does actually do what I wanted it to. Even if it does also lead into a sequel I hadn't expected!

Still, here we are, at the end of the first fic I've actually completed! Who would have thought I could do it? The irony that the first thing I complete is in the genre I find hardest to write is not lost on me. Oh well. Now that Christmas is out of the way, hopefully I will find it easier to settle back into writing again.

And of course, I hope you have enjoyed this story! Please let me know what you've thought - honestly, I've been kind of blown away by some of the reviews people have left, so thank you all!

24 Missed Calls.

16 New Messages.

From: Sora: 12.05pm
::Taichi, you can't keep dodging my calls forever. Just pick up the phone and let's talk, okay?::

From: Sora: 12.29pm
::Please, just answer the phone. We're all worried about you.::

From: Sora: 12.47pm
::Seriously Taichi, this is getting ridiculous. Where are you?::

From: Sora: 1.16pm
::Taichi will you just answer the phone? Or call me. This isn't healthy::

From: Yamato: 1.24pm
::Taichi, seriously. Just answer the phone already will you?::

From: Sora: 1.49pm
::I really don't think it's healthy to hide from your problems like this Taichi. We just want to help. Just let us know you're okay?::

From: Yamato: 2.21pm
::Sora's getting worried, and frankly, so am I. Answer your damn phone!::

From: Yamato: 2.38pm

From: Sora: 3.07pm
::You had better have a really good excuse on hand next time I see you Taichi. Stop being such an idiot and CALL ME::

From: Yamato: 3.36pm
::If you've done something stupid, I will absolutely kill you. Hell. I'm gonna kill you anyway. Quit screwing around and call someone already::

From: Sora: 3.58pm
::Taichi, you are the single most annoying person I have ever met. Stop scaring us like this and let us know where you are!::

From: Sora: 4.13pm
::This is what we get for trying to be supportive? Taichi, we are your FRIENDS. Will you just answer our calls?::

From: Hikari:4.23pm
::Hey Taichi, where are you? Mum says Sora and Yamato were here earlier and you ran off. What's going on?::

From: Yamato: 4.27pm
::If you don't call someone soon Taichi, you are a dead man when I get my hands on you.::

From: Hikari: 4.46pm
::Taichi? Why didn't you answer your phone? You're not in trouble, are you?::

From: Sora: 5.03pm
::Okay, I'm giving you another half an hour and then I am calling everyone to see if they know where you are. I don't want to make a big deal out of this, but you are worrying me.::

Taichi checked the time after reading that last message.

"Oh, shit."