So umm no Gods and such. Also no camp, normal life setting, I thought there weren't enough Solangelo fics.

So enjoy!

I don't own Percy Jackson and also creds to the creator of the pic i used for this Fanfiction.


Bright lights, sirens and a flash of blonde hair were the last things I saw. Where am I? One minute I was riding on my motorcycle, now it's all black. I heard beeping noises, I slowly opened my eyes, it's so bright. I blinked, I looked around I was in the hospital. I tried to sit up.

"SHIT" I hissed, what the hell was that pain.

Suddenly the doors flew open, when I looked up I saw a boy black hair with sea green eyes, followed by a curly wavy blonde with grey eyes. They both had a relief look on their face, they were my friends, Percy and Annabeth. Percy is my cousin and Annabeth is his best friend. (So he says)

"Thank the gods." Annabeth said as she came closer to the bed. "Nico lie down."

"What happened?" I asked as I sink back down on the bed.

"You fell from your motorcycle." Percy said as he sat down at the nearest chair.

I was confused. Impossible. "How did that happened?"

Then there was a new voice. "Well you fainted and fell from your bike and well you bruised your ribs." It was a doctor, he had the blonde sun-kissed hair that looked familiar, his blue eyes glued to the clipboard he was holding. He looked 6' and had an athletic body. He looked up and immediately our eyes locked.

My face started to get hot, those blues eyes were searching for something in me.

"Hey, Will." Percy had a big smile as got up and went to hug the doctor.

"Hey, Percy." As he returned the hug.

"Will what do you mean fainted?" Annabeth asked.

Percy scoffed, Annabeth shot him a glare then Percy put up his hands and backed away. Annabeth is a sweet girl, but man is she scary when she wants to be.

"Nice to see you too, Annabeth." The doctor gave her a warm smile.

"Will?" her tone was serious.

"Well, let's just say he hasn't been eating well." The doctor said. "He fainted from malnourishment, he fell left ribs first." He added.

Annabeth turned around and she glared at me. Percy leaned in closer to me and whispered, "Good luck man." He patted me on the shoulders.

"Nico, you have to eat properly." She scolded me, Annabeth has been like a sister to me for a long time.

I looked the other way trying to ignore her gaze. "Sorry." I whispered. I heard her sigh.

"Come on Percy, let's get something to eat." She said. Percy nodded and got up.

"We haven't eaten anything when you were unconscious." He informed me. I didn't really bother. When they left the room, I turned my attention back to my body. My legs felt so heavy and I tried to sit up.

"FUCK" I hissed again, I guess the ribs took a big hit didn't it.

"Don't try to sit up."

My head shot up, the doctor was still there. He put down the clipboard in the slot at the end of the bed then looked up gave me a warm and attractive smile, which I didn't return. Though it made butterflies in my stomach. I've never really been good with people, I always had someone to do the introduction for me.

"So I heard your Percy's cousin." He said as he sat down at a chair beside the bed.

I didn't answer. His voice was really attractive too.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll be your doctor, I'm Will Solace." He said extending his hand, offering a handshake.

I hesitated and took his hand. "Nico di Angelo." I said. He was still smiling at me. It made me want to smile, but I felt too awkward to, so I didn't.

"So, umm how do you know Percy and Annabeth?" I asked.

"We went to the same high school together." Will said.

Percy and Annabeth have known each other ever since they were 12. They went to the same school up until collage. I was always homeschooled, well up until collage. So I never had a high school experience.

I looked at him. He was already looking at me, again our eyes meet. Those blue eyes seem to be looking for something, but they were beautiful. Then someone walked in the room. It was another blonde boy with blue eyes but he had glasses on, it was Jason my other cousin.

"Oh my gods, you're ok." He said as he hugged me tightly. I flinched as Jason hugged me around my bruised ribs.

"Whoa, Jason, not too tight his ribs are quite bruised up." Will said as Jason release me from his hug and smiled at Will and gave him a hug too.

"You know him too." I said. They both nodded.

"Well, yeah Percy and I exchanged schools for like 5 months so yeah." Jason said.

Ok whatever, as always I've been left out again. I looked away, and focused on the machine beeping beside me. Then Percy and Annabeth came back, Percy had a burrito in his mouth and Annabeth was holding two cups.

"Jason you're here." Percy said with a full mouth.

"Percy you're eating." Annabeth scolded him, I let out a small smile. No matter how long I've known them, they were still the same.

"Here you go." Annabeth said as she set down one of the cups in front of me. "It's chicken soup."

"In a cup." Jason said.

"Well, I'm sorry there were no more bowls ok." She rolled her eyes, she only does that when asked stupid and/or useless questions. She's an architect at a big company, and is one of the companies top.

"Well, how was I supposed to know." Jason said.

"Here you go Will." She gave the other cup to Will. "Thanks Annabeth."

"So, doc how is he?" Percy asked, he finished his burrito.

"Well, he has to stay at the hospital for a while. I'm not sure how long though." Will said and took a sip from his cup.

I didn't touch my soup, little did I know Annabeth was looking at me. "Nico." She made me jump.

"What?" I said in annoyance.

"Would you please eat your soup, so you could go to sleep and rest." She said, I know she's concerned about me, but I just woke up not long ago.

Then doctor Will got up. "Annabeth is right. So Percy and Jason get out of the room."

"What!" Jason exclaimed. "Why?" Percy asked.

"Just go." Annabeth said. "Yes ma'am." They both said and left the room.

"Alright, Nico I'll come back to check up on you later, and Annabeth make sure he finishes his soup and let his rest." He gave me another one of his smiles, which made my face grow warmer. I looked down at the contents of the cup.

Fuck! Not now, out of all the times to find someone to like it has to be at my worst.


I just moved back to New York. I thought I wouldn't have a patient since I just got back, then suddenly someone was rushed in the hospital. He had black hair and pale skin, he looked like an angel. Peaceful, his eyes were closed then someone pulled me, which snapped me out of the gaze.

It was one of the nurses that were pushing the guy's bed. "Doctor, we need you."

I nodded and followed her, and then suddenly the guy's eyes opened a little. I saw a glimpse of his eyes, they were a comforting brown.

Later I found out his name was Nico di Angelo, his name was coincidentally Angelo and that I was just 1 year older then him. Then later I found out that he's related to Percy Jackson, a friend from high school. I smirked, well I guess getting to know him will be a lot easier.

Wait no Will. Stop. No fraternizing with patients.

He woke up, when I walked in the room. I tried so hard to not look at him right away, and when I did, there was the comforting brown. When I tried to talk to him he didn't even look at him. Well, he doesn't act like an angel, but what can you do. He didn't even return a smile. When we shook hands, his hands were cold but not in a bad way it was like the other side of the pillow when you're face get hot.

At one point he gave out a small smile, for a moment he glowed. It made me smile.

When I left the room with Jason and Percy, I've gather that he's quite stubborn, quiet and sort of shy. But it made me think he was cute.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Jason asked Percy. Percy shrugged.

"You want to wait for Annabeth, don't you?" Jason said, teasing Percy.

Percy blushed, it made me smirk. Annabeth and Percy have liked each other since forever but they keep denying it saying that their just friends. Everyone could see that they were meant to be together.

"C'mon Percy, you still haven't made a move." I added.

Jason and I chuckled. Percy didn't look amused, he was a dense person but he realized his feelings for Annabeth a long time ago.

"Guys, me and Annabeth are just friends, ok?" He said.

I rolled my eyes. "How about you, Will?" Jason asked.

"Umm my shift is not over yet. But let's catch up soon." I said.

"Alright." Jason said.

"I'll wait to see if Annabeth wants a ride home." Percy said.

"Really riding to where?" Jason joked, I laughed.

"Alright, boys. I'll see you guys soon, I still need to go check Nico's test results." I said, I smiled as he said his name. I said my farewells and gave them my number.

I walked down the hall to the break room, got myself a cup of coffee. I remember those brown gaze, it had a comfortable loneliness in it.

Nico di Angelo, why must you be my patient?

What do you think? This is for my own enjoyment so I continue this as long as I can.

Thank you for taking time to read this. :)